Back to Work ⚠️ Sexual References ⚠️

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You wake up to your alarm and groan as you remember you have to go back to work today. You get up and use the bathroom and gasp at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes are red and puffy. You sigh and eat breakfast and get ready for work. You don't bother with makeup and just brush your hair because you have no energy to do it. You check your phone and see a text from Mark from last night and one from this morning.

M: I'm home baby I hope you liked my little present and that you slept well.
M: Good morning baby, it wasn't the same last night sleeping without you I hope you have a good first day back at work. I love you so much!
Y: Morning baby good and I loved your present I slept with it and your pillow last night it wasn't the same sleeping without you either baby. Thank you I don't want to go but I have to.
M: I know text me when you're done for the day and I'll call you.
Y: Ok I love you so much!
M: I love you so much too!

You sigh and head out the door and get in your car and head to work. You wish you had one more day to wallow in your feelings but you have to go back to work if you want to save enough money to move to L.A.  Once you get to work you head inside and immediately head to find your best friend B/F/N. You find her and when she sees you she gasps.
"Oh honey what happened vacation is supposed to refresh you not make you more exhausted. Come here." She says and pulls you to her. You can't help but sob into her chest. She knows you and Mark were talking but she didn't know he came to visit you. Once you stop crying she pulls you up and wipes your tears with a tissue.
"Tell me what's wrong honey." She says.
"Well you know how Mark and I were talking?" You say. She nods.
"Well he came to visit me during my vacation for 2 weeks." You say. She squeals and pulls out a chair.
"Omg omg spill all the tea girl!" She says. You laugh. This is why you decided to come to work early to tell her.
"We went out on a couple dates and about a week in he asked me to be his girlfriend and told me he loves me. I obviously said I love him back." You say pausing for the inevitable squeal you know is coming from your best friend. She squeals like you predicted.
"Omg did y'all you know." She whispers the last part and raises her eyebrows at you. You laugh because you knew this was coming and nod.
"Was he good?" She whispers.
"God yes." You say blushing.
"Is he big?" She asks and you nod with your eyes wide.
"Very. At least 9." You say. She gasps and pushes your arm.
"Lucky bitch! Has he gone down on you yet?" She asks. You laugh.
"Yes it was incredible the man is talented in every department in the bedroom let me just say that." You giggle. She shakes her head and giggles with you.
"So it's serious then?" She asks.
"Yes I'm completely in love with him. I'm planning on surprising him and moving to L.A. at the end of the year instead of waiting another year like I'd planned. It kind of worked out well that I was already planning on moving there." You say.
"Wow yeah it did work out." She says.
"I'm sorry I didn't text you I was a little busy." You say blushing.
"Oh don't worry girl I'd be all over him too if he was my type!" She giggles and you giggle too. She's not a fan of him but she's seen pictures of him so she knows how hot he is. She's into girls but she can still admit he's attractive.
"We need to go out for drinks so you can tell me everything! Also let me know if you need help with the moving process or if you just need a shoulder to cry on while you watch Netflix and eat Ben and Jerry's. I'm here for you remember that." She says. You give her a hug.
"We can go on Saturday if you want and thank you you!" You say.
"Sounds like a date love you girl!" She says.
"Love you too!" You say and you go clock in and start your day. Once you're finished work you clock out say bye to B/F/N and head home. Once you get home you text Mark.

Y: Hey babe just got home
M: Perfect timing I just finished filming my videos for the day

Mark calls you and you answer.
"Hey babe how are you?" Mark asks.
"I'm ok I guess I looked like I'd been stung by bees in my face with how red and puffy my eyes were this morning though." You say smiling sadly.
"Awww babe honestly me too I had to wait for it to go down to film that's why I only just finished." Mark says.
"I miss you." You say.
"I miss you too princess." He says.
You change the subject and talk about random things for a while until it's time for dinner.
"I'm going to go eat dinner babe I love you!" You say.
"Ok me too I love you too!" Mark says.
You hang up and go into the kitchen. You don't feel like making anything so you heat up some leftovers. You eat them in front of the tv while watching Netflix. Once you're done you clean up and watch more Netflix until you get tired. You then get ready for bed text Mark goodnight then get in bed get under the covers and hold Marks shirt to your chest while sleeping on his pillow. You cry a little less than the night before and fall asleep soon after.

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