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You wake up smiling happy to be on vacation. You decide to be productive so you clean your apartment, shower, do your hair and makeup, and put on a cute outfit. You head to the grocery store and get some things for dinner for the week. When you get home you put the groceries away then flop on the couch and sigh. You FaceTime Mark. He answers and he's in a car.
"Oh sorry did I catch you while you were driving? I can call back later." You say.
"Oh no I'm good I'm in an Uber I didn't feel like driving." Mark chuckles.
You chuckle.
"What's up?" Mark says.
"Not much just wish you were here." You sigh.
"I know. I'm trying to figure out a good time." He says. You nod.
You and Mark talk for a couple minutes before he gets to where he's going.
"Alright I've got to go beautiful sorry I'll talk to you later." Mark says.
"Ok bye Mark." You say.
"Bye." He says.
The call ends and you sigh. You have no idea how it's possible to miss him this much when you've only been with him in person for one day. About an hour later you are scrolling through your phone when you get a text from Mark.
M - Open your door your surprise is there.
You giddily jump up and run to the door. When you open it your heart stops and your mouth opens wide. Mark is standing there holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers and chocolates.
"Well are you going to give me a hug or are you just going to stare at me?" He laughs.
You snap out of your trance and give Mark a huge hug. When you pull away your eyes meet his gorgeous chocolate brown ones and your breath catches in your throat.
"Fuck I forgot how gorgeous those Y/E/C eyes are in person." Mark says softly. You blush.
You both stare into each others eyes for another few moments before you pull away. You both clear your throats and you gesture Mark into your apartment.
"This was such a nice surprise Mark I'm so happy you're here and I'm so happy I decided to clean the whole apartment today." You giggle as you lead him to the couch.
"I couldn't wait any longer I had to see you." He says.
"I missed you." You say honestly as you both sit down.
"I missed you too which is crazy since we only met in person for one day." He says.
"So how did you pull this off?" You say.
"Well I knew I wanted to come see you so I convinced you to take vacation time so you wouldn't have to work and then I asked for your address and the dates you're taking your vacation and then booked the flight. I also prepped videos for the whole trip so you would have my undivided attention. That's why I didn't call you as much because I was busy prepping videos." He says. You shake your head.
"You're good." You say. Mark chuckles.
"How long are you staying for?" You ask Mark.
"Until the last day of your vacation." Mark says.
"Awesome! So do you want a tour?" You say.
"Sure!" Mark says.
You give Mark a tour of the house dropping his bags in the extra bedroom you use as storage space. then you both sit back down on the couch.
"I assume you're staying with me right?" You ask him.
"Yeah I figured you wouldn't mind." He says sheepishly.
"I don't mind at all." You say.
You can't help but picture Mark in the kitchen shirtless in just boxers making pancakes (like a certain video on his channel lol) and bite your lip.
"Y/N?" Mark says snapping you out of your trance.
You shake your head and clear your throat.
"Sorry what were you saying?" You say. Mark chuckles.
"I was asking where I'm going to sleep." Mark says.
"Umm well the only bed is in my room." You say.
"I guess we'll have to share then." Mark smirks and winks at you. You feel your panties start to get wet. Fuck, what this man does to you.
Before you get a chance to respond Mark says.
"I'm kidding I'll take the couch." Mark says chuckling.
Part of you feels relieved and part of you feels disappointed.
You nod unable to speak not trusting your voice right now.
"What was on your mind when you spaced out?" Mark asks.
"Oh um nothing." You say blushing.
"Tell me." Mark says.
"Noooo." You say.
"Then I'll make you." Mark says.
Before you register what's happening Mark is on top of you and starts tickling you. You start laughing as he tickles you mercilessly.
It doesn't take long before you can't take it anymore.
"O-Ok ok I'll tell you just s-stop please." You say through fits of giggles. Mark stops and raises his brow as if to say go on then. You take a few deep breaths to calm your breathing from laughing then look down.
"I was thinking about the #SexyMark video and you making pancakes in just your boxers and then pouring syrup all over yourself." You say your voice getting softer as you speak.
Mark puts his two fingers under your chin making you look him in the eye.
Your breath hitches as you realize how close you both are. Mark strokes your cheek.
"You were really thinking that?" Mark says.
"Among other things." You mutter.
Marks eyes darken as you stare into his eyes.
"Fuck it." Mark growls and crashes his lips to yours.
You gasp in surprise giving Mark an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You kiss back your tongues fighting for dominance. It feels like fireworks are going off in your body. You moan into the kiss as you run your fingers through his hair. Mark groans at that and his hands drop to your ass and he squeezes it while you kiss each other passionately. After a while you have to stop to catch your breath and you rest your foreheads against each other panting still holding each other.
"Damn so that's what I was missing out on." Mark says. You giggle and run your hands through his hair again. You've always wanted to run your hands through his hair since you first had a crush on him. Mark groans. You chuckle.
"You like that huh." You say teasingly doing it again.
Mark growls and kisses you again grabbing your wrists pinning you to the couch with your hands above your head. You moan and kiss him back. Mark trails his kisses down to your neck. You gasp.
"M-Mark." You moan out as he finds your sensitive spot on your neck. He looks up at you and grins a wolfish grin his eyes filled with lust.
"Right there huh?" He grins and you nod.
Mark goes back to licking and sucking that spot until you're a moaning mess under him.
"M-Marrrrkkk." You moan breathless.
"Yes?" Mark says stopping his delicious torture of your neck which no doubt has left a hickey.
"If you don't stop right now I won't be held accountable for my actions and I want to take it slow." You say breathing heavily.
Mark nods and gives you a peck on your lips then pulls away.
"You're right I got ahead of myself. Your body just feels so damn good under mine and with you moaning my name like that I couldn't help myself." Mark says looking at you. Lust still very clear in his eyes. You let out a little groan at his words.
"I wouldn't have been able to help myself either that's why I had to tell you to stop because I wouldn't have been able to." You say looking at him lustfully.
"Trust me it took every ounce of self control for me to listen to you. But I'm a gentleman and I won't force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with and like you said I want to take it slow." He says and puts your hair behind your ear.
"So what do you want to do now?" You say.
"Well we could play some video games." Mark says pointing at your Xbox.
"I have I am bread." You say grinning devilishly.
Mark looks at you with an annoyed look which makes you burst out laughing.
"I'm just kidding Mark we'll play Rocket League or Call of Duty." You say causing Mark to smirk.
"Good." Mark says.
You grab your controllers turn on your Xbox and load up Rocket League.

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