Fantasies Come to Life ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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Your POV:

You wake up after one of the best sleeps you've had in a while to the smell of pancakes. Immediately you remember Mark is staying with you so you burst out into a huge grin quickly use the bathroom and run out to the kitchen. But what you see stops you in your tracks. Mark shirtless and wearing just boxers. You bite your lip and can feel an ache start to form between your legs. Fuck he's hot. You stare at his ass and realize damn it's even better in person. After staring for a minute Mark must sense you because he turns around and smirks at your reaction. But when he turns you can't help but drop your eyes down and see an unmistakable big bulge in his boxers. Damn if that's how big it is soft I wonder how big it is when it's hard. You bite your lip even harder.
"Eyes up here sweetheart." Mark says snapping you out of your trance. You look up at him and he's smirking at you. You blush furiously.
"You like what you see?" Mark says with a wink. You nod making him chuckle.
"I thought I'd bring your little fantasy you told me yesterday to life." He says looking at you with a devilish grin.
"You're playing with fire Fischbach." You say your eyes darkening with lust as you survey his body.
"Maybe I want to get burned baby." He says and winks at you. You gasp. Fuck. You shake your head and take a deep breath to keep from doing something you might regret. That's when Mark does something that pushes you over the edge. He had gotten a little bit of pancake batter on his finger so he looks at you and seductively sucks it off slowly. You growl and quickly close the distance between the two of you. You pin him to the counter and crash your lips to his threading your fingers through his hair as you kiss him passionately. Mark gasps into the kiss then starts kissing you back putting the spatula down so he can put both hands on your waist. You pull apart panting for breath. You suddenly have a devilish idea and you grin.
"Uh oh." Mark says.
"Uh oh is right don't you move a muscle Fischbach." You say in his ear. You're so close you can hear his breath hitch.
You turn the stove off so the place doesn't burn down. (Safety first 😉) Then you grab the bottle of syrup. Marks eyes widen and you grin a wolfish grin at him.
You push him back against the counter and start kissing his neck. You then pour a little of the syrup over his pecs and slowly lick it off. Mark moans causing you to grin. You then pour some over his abs and you lick that up too stopping right above his happy trail. You smirk when you see his bulge has gotten much bigger.
"Enjoying this?" You say.
"Uh huh." Mark says lustfully.
You then get down on your knees and take Marks boxers in your teeth and slowly pull them down with your teeth causing Mark to gasp. His erection springs to life and you can't help but gasp at the size. You knew he was big but you didn't think he was that big. He has to be at least 9 inches. You bite your lip and pull his boxers the rest of the way down and help him step out of them.
"You don't have to do this." He says panting with need.
"I know but I want to." You say and start stroking him slowly teasing him. He groans. You then slowly take his tip in your mouth while stroking his base with your hand. This causes Mark to groan even louder. You then decide enough playing games and take him as a far as you can stroking in a twisting motion at the base and as you're sucking you slide your tongue up and down his shaft. You also play with his balls with your other hand. All of this causes Mark to throw his head back in pleasure and become a moaning mess.
"A-Ah fuck Y/N that feels so good." Mark manages to get out in between moans. It doesn't take long until you feel his balls start to tighten and his breathing start to become quicker telling you he's going to come soon.
"F-fuck I-I'm gonna cum." Mark groans out. You start to suck faster and harder and not long after you feel him pulsing in your mouth as he releases into your throat.
"Y/N!" Mark moans out loudly as his cum continues to spurt in your mouth. Once he's done you look up at him and open your mouth showing him his cum and making sure he sees. You then look him in the eyes as you swallow it and lick your lips afterwards.
"Fuck that's hot." Mark says lustfully. You lick off whatever remains on his cock and lick your lips while Mark steadies himself against the kitchen counter panting.
"Wow you're really good at that." Mark says with a chuckle once he's caught his breath.
You giggle and stand up taking a piece of strawberry from a bowl on the counter and eating it when Mark takes you by surprise and lifts you onto the kitchen counter and starts kissing you passionately. You moan as your tongues explore each others mouths.
Mark pulls away.
"Fuck you taste like me and strawberries." He growls his eyes dark with lust.
You giggle.
"I wonder if you taste that sweet somewhere else." He says with a sexy grin making you gasp.
He starts kissing your neck finding your sweet spot quickly causing you to moan. He grabs your tang top and looks at you for permission. You nod.
"You sure?" He asks.
"Yes." You say.
He then slowly takes your tang top off revealing your bare breasts.
"Just as perfect as I thought." Mark says in awe making you blush.
He takes one of your breasts in one hand while he starts sucking the other one and flicking his tongue on your nipple. As he is sucking one he is kneading your other breast and as he is flicking one with his tongue he is flicking the other one with his finger. Damn this man is talented.
"M-Marrrrkkk!" You moan. Once he decides he's had enough of your breasts he slowly trails kisses down your stomach stopping right above your shorts. He looks at you.
"Is this ok?" Mark asks.
"Please Mark." You moan.
He pulls your shorts down and you step out of them leaving you in just your underwear. He then kisses from your ankles up your legs and right up to your center. You groan as you feel his breath over your center. The only thing between it and his mouth being your underwear. He uses this to his advantage. He starts licking up and down your folds over your underwear causing you to gasp and moan.
"I can't wait anymore I need to taste you." He growls finally after he has decided to stop torturing you. You gasp as he quickly takes his glasses off and puts them to the side then pulls your underwear down with his teeth. He pulls them off and throws them on the floor. He hovers his mouth over your clit and looks up at you. You stare into his eyes as he slowly sucks your clit into his mouth.
"Mmmmm M-Marrrrkkk!" You cry out as you throw your head back in pleasure. You moan and writhe under his talented tongue as he licks and sucks your clit and licks up and down your folds. Mark then grabs your arms and holds them down so you can't move. He resumes his torture made even more intense by the fact you can't move. He then pulls you closer and puts your legs over his shoulders so he is closer to your pussy. This makes it even more intense and then he sticks his tongue into your entrance and flicks it in and out like he's fucking you with his tongue making you cry out. After doing that for a while he goes back to licking and sucking your clit the pleasure so intense you close your eyes and moan. Your head resting on top of the counter. You open your eyes and gasp as you feel one of Marks fingers enter you while he's still licking and sucking your clit.
"Oh fuck Mark that feels so good!" You cry in between moans. The pleasure is so intense you don't think it could get any better. Then he puts another finger in. It doesn't take long before you can feel your orgasm about to begin.
"Oh god M-Mark I-I'm gonna cum!" You moan loudly. Mark lifts his face slightly and stops sucking but keeps fingering you.
"Cum for me baby." He says then goes back to licking and sucking your clit while fingering you. This sets you off and seconds later your orgasm barrels through you like a freight train.
"Oh Oh God Mark yes!" You cry as your pussy squirts on his fingers and all over his face. Mark keeps going until your orgasm fades then licks the remaining juices from your pussy and pulls his fingers out. You didn't think he could get any sexier then he looks you in the eyes and sucks your juices off his fingers then licks his lips.
"Mmm so fucking sweet." Mark says. You moan at his words and actions.
"Fuck you're amazing at that." You say still panting.
"It helps you taste amazing and it's so fucking hot that you're a squirter." Mark says lustfully.
"I'm not usually I guess you're just that good." You giggle causing Mark to chuckle.
Mark grabs a paper towel and wipes your juices off his face puts his boxers back on then washes his hands puts his glasses back on and continues making the pancakes. You put your pajamas back on then take a seat at the dining room table. You and Mark talk while he makes the food then when it's ready you both sit at the dining room table. Mark watches you as you take your first bite.
"Oh my god this is so good!" You moan out.
Marks eyes darken.
"Moan like that again and I'll give you a reason to moan my name again." He says seductively. You gasp at his words then you and Mark talk as you eat.
"No but seriously these are the best pancakes I've ever had." You say.
"Thank you." Mark says.
This is an amazing start to the day!

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