Christmas Wakeup Call ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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It finally Christmas! You can't wait to give Mark his gifts. You had mailed them over because you knew they wouldn't be here in time if you put them on the moving truck. The moving truck will be at Marks house in 3 days since it was delayed and all your stuff was kept in it because of Christmas being so soon. That's fine though you have everything you need. You wake up and grin quickly letting Chica outside to use the bathroom before shaking Mark awake roughly. He groans.
"Come on baby wake up it's Christmas!" You say.
Mark turns over and looks at the time then looks at you.
"Babe it's 7:00 am go back to bed." Mark says turning over again.
"The sky's awake so I'm awake." You say hovering over him.
He turns back over and looks at you narrowing his eyes.
"I swear to all that is holy Y/N if you start singing 'Do you Wanna Build a Snowman' I will make you cum until you pass out." Mark says his eyes dark.
"That's not a punishment is it now daddy." You say running your hand over his abs while biting your lip. Mark groans.
"Call me that again and you'll have to wait until I'm done with you to open your gifts." Mark says.
"Then get up." You say bouncing up and down on your knees on the bed.
"Y/N I mean it if you keep pressuring me to get up you'll be bouncing on something else in a minute." Mark says looking at you with lust.
You gasp.
"Maybe I want that daddy. I want my first Christmas present to be your big cock in my pussy." You say seductively while trailing your hand down to Marks now prominent erection. Mark groans and you giggle and move down so your mouth is level with his erection. You pull his boxers down with your teeth and toss them to the side. As you put the tip in your mouth Mark groans. You take him all the way and take a breath before he's in your throat and bob up and down breathing in between. You cup his balls with one hand and trail your hands on his chest with the other.
"Oh Jesus Y/N just like that." Mark moans.
It doesn't take long for Marks cock to start throbbing and his balls to tighten.
"Oh god Y/N I'm gonna cum." Mark moans.
You pull off his cock but keep playing with his balls long enough to say.
"Cum for me daddy." Then keep going. You take him deep in your throat and bob up and down quickly. Not long after Marks cock throbs in your mouth and he releases into your throat. You swallow rhythmically and massage his abdomen to make his orgasm last longer and be more intense.
"Ohhh goooddd Y/N!" Mark moans. You keep sucking slowly until his orgasm goes away leaving him panting. You look at him and swallow the rest of the cum that didn't go down your throat.
"Jesus Y/N that was incredible that was the best blowjob I've ever had." Mark says still trying to catch his breath. You giggle.
"Merry Christmas daddy." You say seductively and kiss his tip then crawl up and kiss his mouth.
"Fuck it's so hot when you taste like me." Mark moans into the kiss. You giggle.
"Now I want to taste like you." Mark says his eyes darkening. You gasp and Mark flips you over so you're on your back. He kisses you for a while then trails the kisses to your neck sucking your sweet spot for a moment then takes your pajama shirt off and throws it on the floor. He then sucks and flicks both of your nipples.
"Ooohhh Mark stop teasing me!" You moan.
Mark grins devilishly.
"That's your punishment for waking daddy up so early." Mark growls and you moan.
Mark slowly trails his kisses down to your stomach then pulls your pajama pants off. He teases you by planting soft kisses on your clit over your underwear before he takes your underwear off. He throws your pants and underwear on the floor then hovers over your center. You moan with anticipation.
"Do you want daddy to devour this pussy?" Mark growls.
"Oh god yes please daddy!" You moan. Then he does just that. Sucking and licking your folds and clit like you're a full course meal and thrusting his tongue in and out of your entrance. He's driving you wild with pleasure. He then makes it even better by shoving two fingers in your pussy while he licks and sucks.
"Oh god daddy don't stop I'm gonna cum!" You moan out. Mark starts sucking and licking even faster then surprises you when you feel a finger of the hand that was resting on your thigh slide through your wetness then push against your asshole.
"Oh yes daddy finger my ass!" You moan.
Mark chuckles against you still licking and sucking and slowly shoves a finger in your asshole. Once you get used to one he slowly puts another one in.
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" You say over and over again as your orgasm explodes and your vision goes black. The combination of him licking and sucking your pussy and finger fucking your pussy and asshole sending you soaring into one of the most intense orgasms you've ever had. Then when you start to come to and think it's over Mark shoves his cock in your pussy thrusting hard and fast while still fingering your ass and rubbing your clit and you explode all over again 10 times more intensely.
"Oh god daddy yes fuck me!" You moan.
Then he hits your g - spot and you collapse on the bed. But Mark doesn't stop showing no mercy. He's still pounding your pussy fast and hard and fingering your ass and rubbing your clit grunting.
"Oh god Y/N I'm gonna cum." Mark groans.
"Yes daddy come inside me." You moan weakly.
Not long after he does and that sends you spiraling into another orgasm this one the most intense you've ever had. You moan and writhe under him pushing back against him as his cum spurts into you and your pussy contracts hard milking his cum out of him.
"Jesus." Mark says panting.
"Merry Christmas daddy are you still mad I woke you up early?" You ask with a smirk.
"Fuck no it was well worth it. I came so damn hard." Mark shakes his head still panting. You giggle
"That was the hardest I've ever cum." You say giggling.
"Yeah I know it was hot as fuck and your pussy was contracting so damn hard I thought it would cut my dick off." Mark says and you both laugh.
After you both catch your breath you and Mark take a shower together. Having sex one more time and then you wash each other then dry each other and get dressed in Christmas pajamas.
"Isn't it funny we never wore them last night?" You say.
"Yeah I knew this would happen so I figured why bother." Mark says laughing and you laugh too.
"Ready to open presents now baby?" You say.
"Yep I'm ready." Mark says.
You can't wait to give him his presents.

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