Breakfast and Presents

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You head to the living room and sit on the couch while Mark heads to the kitchen and makes you both pancakes. Once they're done you sit down at the table and talk while you eat. After you eat you clean up and head to the living room.
"Ok who's going first?" You say.
"Ladies first open these together." Mark says with a smile handing you two gifts.
You open the first one and squeal throwing your arms around him.
"Thank you so much! How did you know I wanted the new switch?" You say grinning.
"I didn't your other one is old and you play it a lot so I thought you'd want the new one." Mark says.
"I love you." You say smiling lovingly at him.
"I love you too." Mark says giving you a kiss.
You open the second one to find 3 games for the switch you have been wanting.
"Thank you baby!" You say grinning.
"Of course." He says and gives you a kiss.
"A couple of your gifts are together also so open them together." You say handing him the gifts.
"Open the big one first." You say smiling. He opens it to find a guitar case.
"Awww thanks babe I needed a new guitar case." Mark says.
You giggle.
"Open it silly."
He does and his jaw drops to the floor.
"No fucking way you did not!" He says puts the guitar down and throws his arms around you kissing you passionately.
"That's my dream guitar babe you didn't have to spend that much I know how expensive it is." Mark says holding you.
"I know it is you won't shut up about it and I wanted to." You say.
"I don't deserve you." He says smiling stroking your cheek.
"Of course you do you're an amazing person." You say.
Mark smiles and opens the other gifts that go with the guitar to find new strings, a guitar cleaning kit, and some picks.
"Thank you again babe you really didn't have to." Mark says.
"Stop saying that!" You giggle.
Mark hands you the next gift.
It's new guitar strings also.
"Thank you I needed more I'm due to change mine I can help you change yours too if you don't know how." You say smiling.
"That would be nice thank you I need to learn I usually just go to the guitar store to get them changed." Mark says sheepishly.
You giggle.
You hand Mark his next gifts.
It's a cape that says 'I'm the king of FNAF!' Along with a crown. He chuckles when he sees them and you giggle.
"I love these thank you I'm going to be wearing them when I play FNAF games." Mark says grinning.
"You should that way everyone knows who's the king." You say and you both giggle.
"That's all I got for you." You say smiling.
"What do you mean that's all? You got me amazing gifts!" Mark says smiling. You give him a hug and kiss.
"I'm glad you liked them." You say.
"I loved them!" Mark says.
"I still have one more gift for you." He says and hands you a big gift.
"Oh gosh Mark what did you buy?" You say giggling as you open it.
"You'll see." Mark says.
When you open it your jaw drops to the floor. It's a microphone and amp.
"You're so talented and I think you should start doing open mic nights so I got you these so you can." Mark smiles.
"Oh my god Mark you really didn't have to do that." You say and throw your arms around him.
"Now look who's saying that." Mark says and you both giggle as he holds you.
"I love you so much baby." You say.
"I love you so much too." He says and kisses your forehead.
You both clean up the wrapping paper and put away your gifts. You also put the beef stew you're making for dinner in the crockpot.
You put your switch on charge then you both decide to lay on the couch and watch Christmas movies all day until dinner time checking your stew in between and stirring it. You serve the stew and you and Mark sit down at the table. You watch Mark as he takes a bite.
"Ohmygod!" Mark moans out his eyes rolling back in pleasure.
"I'm assuming it's good then?" You giggle.
"Babe you've outdone yourself you're such a good cook." He says still stuffing his face.
"Thank you baby I'm glad you like it." You say.
"I love it you need to make this again." Mark says and you giggle.
"Well you're in luck I make a lot of crockpot meals in the winter." You say.
"Yay!" Mark says and you giggle.
Once you're done eating you clean up and head back to the living room. You watch some more movies and Mark makes hot cocoa. As you sit there laying on the couch with him watching The Grinch and sipping hot cocoa you can't help but smile and think that you want to spend the rest of your life with this man. You snuggle into his shoulder as you watch the movie and sigh with content. You can't even remember how your life was without him in it and you don't want to remember. You're happier then you've ever been and it's all because of Mark. Once you're both ready to go to bed you get up and wash your cups out then get ready for bed. You let Chica out to use the bathroom  then get under the covers and snuggle into Mark.
"Thank you so much for the gifts babe I loved them." You say.
"You're very welcome I'm glad you loved them I loved mine too princess." Mark says.
"Good I'm glad I had so much fun with you today Merry Christmas." You say.
"Merry Christmas my love." Mark says.
"I love you baby goodnight." You say.
"I love you too baby goodnight." Mark says and kisses you. You snuggle into him and you both quickly fall asleep in each others arms.

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