Zoos and Ice Cream ⚠️ Sexual References ⚠️

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You'd be a liar if you said you did anything productive with Mark the next day. Unless you count having sex on every possible surface and learning every sweet spot on each others bodies as productive. You sure as hell do. The amount of orgasms this man gave you is unbelievable. You didn't think it was possible to cum that much. So the day after when you wake up and realize it's 11:00 you groan and want to go back to sleep. But you don't because you hear Mark say.
"Come on sleepyhead wake up I have plans for us today."
You groan and stretch then get up and go to the bathroom. You use the bathroom, shower, and get dressed in casual clothes. When you come out you smell something amazing coming from the kitchen. You go in to see Mark making french toast and bacon.
"Hey I had already showered before you got up so I figured I'd make us some breakfast before we head out."
"Aww thanks baby where are we going?" You ask.
"I was thinking we could go to the zoo." He says.
You clap excitedly.
"Yay! I haven't been to the zoo in forever!" You say as you grin. Mark chuckles at your giddiness.
"I'm glad you're excited baby." Mark says.
You both talk as Mark finishes up the french toast and bacon. Once it's done he plates it and you both sit down. You take a bite and moan as your eyes roll to the back of your head. You open your eyes to see Mark staring at you lustfully.
"What did I tell you about moaning baby. Do you want to go to the zoo or would you rather spend the day doing what we did all day yesterday? Because if you keep moaning that's what will happen." Mark says lustfully almost causing you to moan again just from his words. But you really want to go to the zoo. So you just take a breath and say.
"I'm sorry baby it's just soooo good."
Mark chuckles and you both continue eating and talking. Once you're both done you clean up then you grab your purse and everything you'll need then head out. You shut and lock the door and head to the car. Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then goes to the drivers side gets in and shuts his door. Once you're both buckled Mark starts driving to the zoo with the help of the GPS on his phone. Once you get there Mark gets out and opens the passenger door for you then shuts and locks it once you get out. You then both head to the ticket window. Mark purchases the tickets and you both get paper wristbands with the name of the zoo and an elephant on them.

(A/N: Idk if any zoos do this none of the ones I've been to have but some might so I'm just going with it lol.)

You head inside the zoo and start looking at all the animals. You manage to see about half of them before your stomach growls. You find a food stand and get corn dogs. You walk as you eat and manage to see the rest of the animals and go to the gift shop before the zoo closes. You get a pretty Y/F/C bracelet with a Y/F/A and matching earrings and a matching necklace. You also get a Y/F/A plush because it's adorable. You clutch your plush to your chest with one hand and hold Marks hand with the other grinning like an idiot as you walk to your car. Mark looks at you and when he sees your smile he can't help but grin too.
"Your smile is so damn adorable." He says grinning.
"So is yours. The way your eyes crinkle up makes me melt." You sigh and squeeze his hand.
"I love you so much." He says.
"I love you so much too." You say back.
Once you get to your car Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it and gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled he starts heading back to your apartment. Once you get there Mark gets out and opens the passenger door for you then shuts and locks it once you get out. You then both go to the front door where you unlock it. You go inside and you shut and lock the door. You put your stuff down and you both collapse on the couch. You snuggle into Mark.
"I had a lot of fun today thank you baby." You say.
"Me too and of course." Mark says kissing your forehead.
You snuggle for a while then you end up falling asleep in Marks arms. You wake up to an amazing smell. You groan and stretch and open your eyes. You lay there for a minute before you see Mark come up to you.
"Hi sleepyhead I made us dinner." He says with a cute smile.
You smile and sit up rubbing your eyes.
"Thank you baby." You say.
"Of course." Mark says.
You get up and start walking to the dining area and you gasp and put your hand over your mouth when you see the dining area.
Mark has replaced your dead flowers with more gorgeous roses in the vase put a nice tablecloth on the table and scattered rose petals on it and lit tea candles and put them around the table.
"Awwww baby you're so sweet." You say with tears in your eyes from how sweet and romantic he is.
You turn to him.
"Awww baby don't cry." Mark says laughing as he wipes your tears away with his thumbs then pulling you to him and holding you close. You stay like that for a minute then Mark kisses your forehead and pulls away.
"They're happy tears." You say.
"Good." Mark says. He plates your food and puts it on the table and what it is makes you start crying again. It's Y/F/F.
"You remembered." You say crying lightly.
"Aww of course I did baby I remember everything about you like you remember everything about me." Mark says coming up to you and hugging you again he wipes your tears away and kisses you.
"Now stop crying you're too pretty to cry and plus your food will get cold if I keep having to comfort you." Mark says with a smirk. This makes you giggle and stop crying. Mark smiles.
"There's that smile." He says giving you one more kiss before pulling your chair out. You sit down and he pushes you in. He sits down and you both start eating.
"Ooooohhhh Mark this is soooo goood! It's the best Y/F/F I've ever had!" You moan. Once you finish the first bite you stop and realize what you did. You look up to Mark and his eyes are almost black with lust. You gasp at the way he's looking at you. He doesn't say anything when you notice you both just go back to eating but his eyes stay dark. Once you're done eating you clean up and as soon as you're done you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around you and lift you up and carry you. You squeal as Mark carries you to the bedroom.
"You've been a bad girl I've told you several times about the moaning and you didn't listen. So now you're going to pay the consequences." Mark growls. You gasp in anticipation and Mark puts you down on the bed and stares at you with an almost feral look on his face. God it's hot.
He quickly takes his shirt off and you admire his body and bite your lip. This is going to be a good night.

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