Peaches ⚠️ Sexual References ⚠️

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A/N: Peaches by Jack Black plays 🤣

It's the next day in the afternoon and you're sitting in Marks recording room watching him Skype the boys because you're curious.
"Hey man what's up and why the fuck did I have to get peaches?" Sean says.
"Yeah I was wondering that too." Wade says.
"Me too." Bob says.
"Yeah what the hell man?" Felix says.
"Well my friends today I'm going to teach you how to become a master of cunnilingus." Mark says smirking. You giggle.
"Ok I'm down." Sean says.
"Same that sounds interesting." Bob says.
"Eh what the hell why not I'll give it a shot." Felix says.
"Yeah I'll try it too." Wade says.
Mark nods.
"Good so did you prepare your peaches the way I told you to?" Mark asks and the guys nod and show him their peaches.
"Good so first you make your tongue rigid and flat and lick up the folds." Mark demonstrates and the guys try it cracking up laughing as they do. Mark bangs his fist on his desk and the guys jump.
"Be serious!" Mark says. They do it again more seriously this time.
"Good now you want to find the clit which is the little nub I had you cut out and lick it the same way and suck on it like a grape. Also flick your tongue against it like a snake moves their tongue." Mark says and demonstrates. The guys try it.
"Good but less rigid." Mark says and they try again.
"There you go." Mark says.
"Now this is the power move ok. This is why I had you carve a hole in it. You want to flick your tongue into the entrance and thrust it into it like you're fucking it with your tongue." Mark says and demonstrates. The guys try it.
"Very good now put all of that together." Mark says and demonstrates. They do it.
"Good and when you're not flicking your tongue into the entrance you want to finger it with two fingers while you do everything else. You want to go in with your fingers curved and while you thrust in make a come here motion to hit their g-spot." Mark says and demonstrates. The guys try it.
"Good and as you get more confident in the motion you can go faster." Mark says and demonstrates again. The guys do it again.
"Now put all that together." Mark says and demonstrates. The guys do it.
"You're ready boys go get that pussy." Mark says and winks.
"Thanks man." Felix says.
"Thank you!" Sean says.
"Thanks." Wade says.
"Thanks I'm going to try this right now." Bob says.
The other guys agree and they end the call.
"Now we wait." Mark says with a devilish look.
You giggle. You stay in there and watch as Mark records. He then sends the videos off to his editor.
Its been about an hour since the lesson and your phone suddenly gets blown up.

Sean's GF: Holy shit. I didn't think Sean could get any better but damn. I assume Mark gave the guys a lesson I love you girl.
Marzia: Omg I came so hard my vision went black. I have to give Mark props he must be a damn good teacher thank him for me.
Mandy: Seriously girl you weren't kidding when you said he was talented.
Molly: I can't even form words right now I'm still drunk off that orgasm.
You: 🤣🤣🤣 He did and I told you guys he was amazing.
Sean's GF: You weren't kidding.
Marzia: Seriously now I'm the one who's legs aren't working.
Molly: Thank you. Just thank you.
You: 🤣🤣🤣

Marks phone starts blowing up too. He laughs and shows you the texts.

Sean: Holy shit man that made me find out my girl is a squirter. Thanks!
Felix: Damn man I owe you one.
Wade: Thanks man worked like a charm 😉
Bob: Thanks for the tips man worked great!

You giggle and Mark responds to the texts.

You get up and check on the dinner while Mark records a little bit more. Once dinner is ready you go into the recording room to see Mark sending off a video to be edited.
"Hey babe dinners ready." You say.
"Oh awesome thanks be right out." Mark says. You serve the food and put it on the table and Mark comes out.
"Aww babe you made chicken and dumplings?" Mark says. You nod and smile at him.
"Now let's see if they're better than Cracker Barrel's and I want you to be honest you won't hurt my feelings." You say.
"Ok I'm sure they'll be amazing baby thank you." Mark says.
"I hope so and you're welcome." You say and give Mark a kiss.
You both sit down and you watch anxiously as Mark takes his first bite.
"Ohmygod." He moans as his eyes roll back in his head while he chews. You bite your lip.
"Baby don't do that or I won't be liable for my actions." You say your eyes darkening.
"Sorry it's just it's so good. Better than Cracker Barrel." Mark says.
"Really? I can make it all the time for you then it's super easy." You say blushing.
"Please do I would love that." Mark says.
You chat while you eat and once you're done you clean up and put away the leftovers.
You and Mark sit on the couch and cuddle while watching movies until you get tired. Then you go for a shower and wash each other then dry off and get ready for bed. You let Chica out then head back to the bedroom and give Mark a kiss then get under the covers snuggling into him.
"I love you so much baby." You say.
"I love you so much too princess." Mark says.
"Goodnight Markimoo." You say.
"Goodnight gorgeous." He says.
You soon fall asleep in each others arms smiling at the thought of the new friends you have made and the prospect of the amazing future you will have with Mark.

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