Paperwork and New Friends

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You head inside the building and go up to the front desk.
"Hi my name is Y/F/N Y/L/N I have an appointment with Rachel for paperwork and orientation training." You say to the lady.
"Oh sure let me page her and see where she wants you to go." She says with a smile.
"Thank you." You say.
"No problem I'm Ava by the way." She says with a smile.
"Nice to meet you I'm sure I'll be seeing you a lot." You say and you both giggle.
Ava pages Rachel and tells you where to go.
"Good luck." Ava says.
"Thank you." You say.
You head to where Rachel told you and knock.
"Come in." You hear from behind the door.
You open the door and head in and see Rachel and another girl.
"Take a seat Y/N." Rachel says and motions to the chair next to the other girl. You take a seat.
"Y/N this is Elizabeth she will be training you today we just have to sign some paperwork first." Rachel says.
"Hi Elizabeth I'm Y/N nice to meet you." You say sticking your hand out to her.
"Hi nice to meet you too you can call me Liz everyone does." She giggles and you giggle too.
"Ok sounds good." You say.
"Ok Y/N let's go over this one first it's your employment contract." Rachel says.
You go over that and sign it and sign a couple more things.
"Ok that's it I'm going to give you a company provided laptop that is strictly for company projects." Rachel says.
You nod and Rachel hands you the laptop.
She also hands you a contract about the laptop and you go over it and sign it.
"Ok Liz she's all yours now." Rachel says. You and Liz both get up.
"I'll show you to your desk. You won't be here often I heard since you work from home but when you're here this is where you'll work and I'll also show you the meeting room where you'll meet with clients." "Thank you." You say to her. You head out of the office and Liz shows you the meeting room then shows you to your desk. She then shows you the break room then shows you where the time clock is.
"Rachel already clocked you in but when you come in here you clock in here and your clock in number is in your paperwork. When you work from home you clock in on the app." Liz says.
"Ok awesome thank you." You say.
"You're welcome. Once we're done your training I'll help you set your app up." Liz says.
"Thank you so much." You say gratefully.
"You don't have to keep saying thank you." Liz says and giggles. You giggle too.
"Sorry." You say and you both giggle.
Liz shows you how to use the program on your laptop and it's pretty easy.
"Great job! You're a natural!" She says grinning.
"Awww thank you I worked with a program almost exactly like this when I went to college for this." You say.
"Oh that definitely will help." She says and you both giggle.
Liz goes over some more of the basics like how to get into your email and sets up your app for you and shows you how to use it. She then shows you where your assigned projects would be and tells you what your project is that's due next and what's expected as well as the due date.
"Awesome should I get started on that now?" You ask.
"Wow someone's an eager beaver let me ask Rachel but I'm assuming she'll be fine with it." She says giggling. You giggle.
You wait at your desk and not long after Liz comes back.
"She said that's fine did you want my help getting started or do you think you're good?" Liz asks.
"I just have a couple questions about the program then I should be good." You say.
"Awesome oh also you don't have to do it here you can go home and do it if you want or even start tomorrow." She says.
"I think I'll start here work for a bit then keep going tomorrow because the start is always the hardest and there are less distractions here." You say. Liz nods.
You ask her your questions and she answers them.
"Ok if that's all I'll leave you to it oh let me give you my number in case you have any questions or if you just want to chat." Liz says. You exchange numbers.
"Awesome. Well welcome to the team, I'm looking forward to working with you. You seem awesome." Liz says and giggles. You giggle too.
"Thanks, you seem awesome too Liz." You say. Liz waves then walks over to her desk. You open the program and start sketching out ideas for your project. Once you find one you're satisfied with you do a rough sketch of it then admire your work so far.
"That's really good!" You hear Liz say from behind you and jump putting your hand over your heart.
"Jesus Christ you scared the crap out of me." You say panting. Liz cracks up.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry but that was hilarious!" Liz says still laughing. You start laughing with her.
"No but seriously that is really good." Liz says.
"Thanks it's still a rough sketch though." You say.
"I can't wait to see the final product." Liz says.
"Thank you." You say blushing.
"Of course. You heading home now?" Liz says.
"Yeah I think I got a lot done today so I'll work on it more tomorrow." You say.
"You definitely did I'm impressed you got so much done in such a short time." Liz says.
"Thank you. I'll see you around I'm sure." You say packing your stuff up and getting up.
"You sure will I'll see you when the project is almost due and we have the discussion meeting before we meet with the client." Liz says.
"Awesome." You say.
"Have a good night Y/N." Liz says.
"You too Liz thanks for all your help." You say.
"No problem." Liz says.
You text Mark and wait for him outside. Not long after he pulls up and rolls down his window.
"Hey baby you come here often?" He says.
You giggle and get in the passenger side.
You can't wait to tell him about your day.

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