Birthday Party

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I've had the best day so far. Mark has treated me like a princess and I'm feeling super cute with my hair and nails done and an adorable new outfit to match. I don't think anything of it when Mark tells me to close my eyes. Soon I feel the car stop and hear Mark open my door. He grabs my hand and helps me out of the car. I hear the car lock and not long after he comes back and leads me somewhere else. He helps me step up onto a small step and walks me forward a bit.
"Ok you can open them." I hear Mark say.
I open my eyes and gasp with my hand over my mouth when I see we're at the house and all my friends and family are there and the whole house is filled with decorations.
"Surprise!" Everyone screams at once Sean of course being the loudest.
"Oh my god!" I yell in surprise. I quickly hug and kiss Mark.
"You did all this?" I say in awe looking at him.
"Well I planned it but everyone else helped decorate while I was distracting you." Mark says with a grin.
I rush to my parents.
"You tricked me!" I say to my mom and pull her into a hug.
"Happy birthday sweetheart I'd never miss your birthday." She says.
I then hug my dad.
"Happy birthday pumpkin." He says and kisses my forehead.
I then rush to everyone else and hug them.  Lastly I give Ethan a big hug.
"Thank you so much for doing this for me Eth." I say.
"Of course Y/N." Ethan says.
"Ok who's ready to party? I guess we're ordering pizza and hanging out?" I say grinning. Mark chuckles.
"Yep that's the plan." Mark says.
"I already ordered pizza it should be here soon Mark told me what pizza you like." Ethan says.
"Aww you're awesome Eth." I say.
I see Ethan blush.
"It's nothing really." He says.
I introduce B/F/N to the girls and talk with them all for a while until the pizza comes. I didn't even realize Mark left the room until I see him come back into the room with my parents to answer the door and pay for the pizzas. You don't think anything of it though so you head into the kitchen with everyone else and you all get your pizza.

Marks POV:

10 minutes earlier

I go up to Y/N's parents while she's distracted talking to the girls.
"Hi can I talk to you both real quick?" I ask.
"Sure." M/N says.
"Of course." D/N says.
I lead them to the kitchen so we can talk with Y/N overhearing us.
"So first of all I want to say thank you for coming." I say.
"You paid for our flights we should be thanking you." M/N says laughing.
D/N agrees.
"It was no trouble I'd do anything to make Y/N happy. Which brings me to why I asked to speak to you." I say and take a deep breath.
"I have a feeling I know what you're going to say but go ahead." M/N says smiling.
I nod.
"I would like to ask for your blessing for Y/N's hand in marriage. I love your daughter with all my heart and soul and I can't imagine living life with anyone else and I want to spend the rest of my days loving her and spoiling her. She is truly an amazing woman and the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't thank you enough for raising her to be such an amazing woman." I say tearing up.
M/N is tearing up too.
"I would be honored to have you as a son in law of course you have my blessing." M/N says and pulls me into a hug.
"Thank you." I say and look at D/N.
"Well son I can tell you truly love our daughter and I've never seen her happier and you treat her like the princess she is. I give you my blessing as well. Just don't hurt her or I'll kill you." He says narrowing his eyes at me. He then cracks a smile and pulls me into a hug.
"Thank you sir." I say.
"You're a good guy Mark I trust you'll take care of my baby girl." He says.
"I will sir I promise." I say.
He pats me on the back.
"I designed a ring it's currently being made here is what it will look like." I say and show them a picture of the ring.
A/N: I'm not showing you until the proposal you'll just have to wait hehe I know I'm evil.
M/N puts a hand over her mouth and gasps.
"Oh Mark it's gorgeous." She says.
"And I bet it's damn expensive." D/N mutters.
"Well I'm not sparing any expense I want it to be perfect." I say. They nod.
Suddenly the doorbell rings.
"Ok let's head back before she notices we left." I say.
We head out to the living room and I open the door and pay the pizza guy and Ethan helps me carry the pizzas to the table. Everyone grabs a paper plate and some pizza.

Your POV:

You all chat while you eat then when you're all done Mark cleans up the leftovers.
"Ok now let's open your presents." Mark says.
Everyone agrees so everyone helps grab the presents and you all sit in the living room.
Your mom and dad go first. They gave you an Amazon gift card. Which is awesome because you can get anything on Amazon. You hug them and say thank you. Then all your friends give you their presents. You got some jewelry, gift cards, and other awesome gifts. Then it's Marks turn. You open the first gift. It's a couple new Nintendo switch games you've been wanting.
"Awww thanks babe I've been wanting these." You say.
You open the second gift. It's a gorgeous charm bracelet with a heart clasp. It has a guitar charm, dog charm, a birthday cake charm that has happy birthday engraved on it, an angel charm, and a heart charm that says forever and always on it.
"Awww baby." You say tearing up. You throw your arms around Mark and give him a huge hug.
"Do you want me to put it on?" He asks you.
You nod through your tears.
"Thank god I only put on mascara and eyeliner and it's waterproof." You say laughing and wiping your tears as Mark puts your bracelet on you. Everyone laughs. You show everyone the bracelet once it's on and everyone loves it.
"Thank you baby." You say.
"Of course babe there's one more gift." Mark says and hands you an envelope. You raise an eyebrow at him but open the envelope.
You open the envelope and see a folded piece of paper. You look at him curiously and he motions for you to read it. You unfold it read and it takes you a couple seconds to process what you just read.
Once you do your jaw drops to the floor and you're in shock. You can't even speak you're so shocked. Everyone laughs.
"Wow Mark I've never seen her speechless before what did you get her?" B/F/N says laughing.
This snaps you out of your trance and you hand her the paper and start squealing and jumping up and down then run up to Mark and hold him while kissing him on the face.
Everyone starts cracking up at this. You're still freaking out you've never been this excited.
"For everyone wondering why Y/N's having a mental breakdown he got her front row seats to see Ed Sheeran at his concert." B/F/N says.
This sets you off in another bout of squealing.
Mark is laughing his ass off at your reaction.
B/F/N comes to the rescue and puts her hand on your shoulder.
"Ok breathe in and out deep breaths slowly." She says. You do as she says and finally manage to calm down. You then go back up to Mark and hug and kiss him again.
"You're the best boyfriend ever I love you so much thank you so much!" You say excitedly. Mark chuckles and kisses your forehead.
"You're welcome sweetheart I love you so much too." Mark says.
Everyone tells Mark how good he did with your gifts. Then the lights turn out and you see Ethan coming out of the kitchen holding your birthday cake with the candles lit. Everyone sings happy birthday then you cut the cake serve it and you all eat it. Everyone chats while they eat then throws their paper plates away when they're done. Mark puts the cake back in the fridge. Everyone hangs out and chats for a while until it starts to get late. Then everyone wishes you a happy birthday and heads out except your parents who are staying in the guest room.
"We're going to bed sweetheart happy birthday." Your mom says giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
"Happy birthday pumpkin." Your dad says giving you a hug.
"Thank you goodnight guys." You say. Your parents head up to get ready for bed. You and Mark also get ready for bed since Mark already tidied up throughout the night. You brush your teeth but Mark doesn't brush his because he has other plans for his mouth.

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