50 Shades of Fischbach ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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You quietly open the door and look at the screen to make sure he's not live. Once you're sure he's not live you get on your hands and knees and crawl to him. He doesn't notice because he's so enthralled by the game. Perfect that's what you want. You somehow manage to squeeze under his desk and smirk when you see he's not wearing pants as usual. Perfect that makes your idea easier. You wait until he's at a gripping moment in the game then slowly pull down his boxers. You hear him gasp and you stifle a chuckle. You're almost positive he felt it so you think he's just playing it cool. Then you slowly start stroking him. Mark continues to play the game but you see he tenses up and sucks in a deep breath. He gets to what you assume is the next save point and starts to say his outro.
"That was *random game* thank you everybody so much for watching if you liked it click the link in the description to -."
Then before he has the chance to finish you suck down on his cock as far as you can go stopping him mid sentence.
"Oh Jesus!" Mark moans out then you hear him end the recording.
You pull off and giggle then start sucking again.
"Fucking hell Y/N you little minx I'm going to have to re record my outro now." Mark moans out.
You giggle on his cock as you suck it and the vibrations cause Mark to moan out even more.
"Fuck baby stop I want to cum in that pussy." Mark moans.
You suck up slowly and release with a pop then kiss the tip of his cock.
Mark growls then pulls you out from under the desk.
He then bends you over his desk and speaks right in your ear.
"Do you know how fucking hard it was to focus on the game while you were stroking my cock?" Mark growls.
"As hard as your cock is right now." You manage to get out.
Mark growls again and lands a hard spank on your ass. You yelp in shock.
"You're going to learn some respect little girl." Mark growls out.
You gasp.
"Yes daddy." You say.
"I'm going to spank you 10 times then fuck your ass as punishment for your little stunt." Mark growls.
You moan out at that.
"Yes daddy." You say.
"I want you to count each one out loud and if it becomes too much you can just say the safe word what would you like the safe word to be?" Mark asks in a deep lustful voice.
"Ummm grey." You say after you think for a minute and giggle because of why you chose that.
"Why are you laughing?" Mark growls.
"Ummm no reason." You giggle and Mark spanks you hard again.
You yelp.
"That's for lying to me. Now tell me." Mark says in a no nonsense voice.
"Well this is kind of reminding me of 50 Shades of Grey with the safe word so that's why I chose grey." You gasp out your ass throbbing.
"Fuck." Mark growls.
He pulls your pants and underwear down so your ass is bare now.
"Now remember to use your safe word if you have to. I won't be upset I'll be more upset if you don't use it. Are you ready?" Mark asks.
"First I have a confession to make." You say.
"What's that princess?" Mark asks.
"I've fantasized about being bent over your desk before I even met you." You say seductively.
"Fucking hell I need to be inside you let's get this punishment over with are you ready baby?" Mark asks.
You nod.
"Words little girl." Mark growls.
"Yes daddy." You moan.
"Good girl." Mark says.
You brace yourself and when the first spank hits you cry out.
"One." You say.
Mark lifts his hand up and a moment later it comes down again hard. You cry out again.
"Two." You say.
Mark lifts his hand up and when the third spank comes down you gasp at the feeling. It hurts yes but now your pussy is starting to ache with need and you can feel yourself starting to get wet.
"Three." You say.
When the fourth spank hits you can't help but let out a little moan.
"Four." You moan out.
Mark chuckles.
"Does my little girl like when daddy spanks her?" Mark growls then spanks you again.
"Five yes daddy it hurts but it's turning me on." You moan out. Mark chuckles again.
You make it all the way to ten and by that point you're soaked and you're throbbing with need for him.
"10 daddy." You moan out.
"Good girl." Mark says and you hear him walk out of the room. You twitch in anticipation and he finally comes back in the room. You let out a whimper when you hear him squeeze the lube bottle. You gasp when he presses his lubed fingers to your asshole and pushes them in thrusting them in and out to prepare you for his cock. Once he's satisfied you're ready he pulls his fingers out and quickly replaces them with his hard cock.
He groans as he pushes into your tight hole then starts thrusting in and out hard and fast.
"Oooohhh." You moan.
"Be quiet you're not meant to enjoy this this is your punishment." Mark says and slaps your ass hard while he fucks you.
You yelp the slap sending a lightning bolt of pleasure straight to your clit.
"Oh daddy!" You moan.
Mark keeps pounding you hard and fast and soon he starts grunting and his thrusts start to grow sloppy. You know he's about to cum so you thrust your ass back against him so there's more friction.
"Oh yes daddy cum in my ass." You moan.
"I plan on it." Mark grunts out and not long after he follows through on his word and his cum is spurting deep inside your ass. This causes your climax to come and you explode around him milking all the cum from his cock.
"Oooohhhh." You moan.
Mark moans and you stay like that for a minute until your climaxes fade. He cleans you both up then quickly throws his shirt and glasses on and finishes his outro and sends it to his editor. He then picks you up and carries you to the bathroom. You wash each other then dry off and get ready for bed. You grab your clothes from his recording room and put them in the laundry basket. You then go back upstairs and give Mark a kiss before getting under the covers and snuggling him.
"Goodnight daddy." You say and yawn.
"Goodnight little girl." Mark says.
"I love you." You say.
"I love you too princess." Mark says. Then you both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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