Valentines Day Presents ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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Once you get back to the house Mark gets out and opens the door for you. He then locks the car and you head to the front door. Mark unlocks it and opens it for you then when you get inside he shuts and locks it. You let Chica outside then you hang out for a little bit then Mark goes upstairs. You figure he's just using the bathroom so you sit on the couch and take a picture of your ring and post it on Instagram while waiting for him. You keep scrolling through random posts on Instagram until you hear him shout down from upstairs.
"Babe come up here I forgot one present!" Mark yells. You giggle at him and head upstairs.
You go into the bedroom and gasp when you see the sight in front of you. Mark is lying on the bed on his side with his hand on his head in a model pose wearing nothing with a box with hearts over his dick.
You bite your lip but can't manage to say anything and just stare at him lustfully.
"So I guess you like the present?" Mark says chuckling.
"God yes you're so fucking hot babe." You say stalking towards him like a lion. Mark chuckles.
"Come unwrap me then baby." Mark says with a smirk.
"Gladly." You growl and quickly take the steps to cross the room to get to him. You crash your lips to his and kiss him passionately.
You groan into the kiss running your fingers through his hair. After a while you start kissing his neck finding his sweet spot earning a moan from Mark.
You then trail your kisses down his chest sucking his nipples briefly then trail them down to his abs making sure to kiss every inch of him. Once you get to the box you slowly take it off and toss it to the side. You then look up at him and see he is panting.
"Fuck Y/N please I need you." He moans.
You chuckle and slowly suck his tip into your mouth.
Mark groans.
You then surprise him by taking him as far down as you can sucking hard.
"Oooohhhh fuck!" Mark moans.
You push your tongue past your lips and go down all the way so he's in your throat. You moan as you suck up and down so your vocal cords vibrate over his cock.
"Oh god princess you're so fucking good at this." Mark moans his eyes closed and his face twisted in pleasure.
You then start massaging his balls with one hand and his abs with another.
"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum baby." Mark groans.
You pull off just to say.
"I'm going to do something new do you trust me?" You ask.
"Yes go for it." Mark pants. You grin and grab the bottle of lube in the dresser. Marks eyes widen.
"You sure you trust me?" You ask your eyebrows raised.
Mark takes a deep breath but nods.
"I'll try it." Mark says.
"Good if you don't like it I can always stop." You say and kiss him.
"Ok." Mark says.
You start sucking his cock again and massage his balls. You then squeeze a little bit of lube onto two of your fingers. You then rub some lube on his asshole with your fingers and Mark gasps and arches his back.
You start sucking deeper to make him relax and once he's relaxed you slowly push a finger into his asshole. Mark gasps. You give him a second to adjust then start thrusting your finger in and out. He lets out a soft moan. After a while you put a second finger in and go in at an angle to reach his prostate.
"Oh fuck Y/N right there." Mark moans loudly.
You chuckle and keep fingering that spot while you suck his cock and massage his balls and abs with one hand. You start fingering him faster and harder and not long after you feel his balls tighten and his cock start to throb.
"Oh Jesus Y/N I'm gonna cum fuck that feels so good." Mark moans.
You speed up your sucking to match your fingering and you feel Marks prostate clenching onto your finger and his cum spurts into your mouth.
"Oh my god fuck!" Mark moans loudly.
You keep going until his orgasm is over. Mark collapses back onto the bed. You pull off and swallow then kiss the tip.
"Oh my god I've never cum so fucking hard. That was incredible." Mark says panting. You giggle.
"Happy Valentines Day Markimoo." You say and stand up.
"Get on my face now so I can return the favor. I would come to you but I can't move my legs I came so damn hard." Mark says still panting. You giggle again and pull your pants and shirt off. Marks eyes darken with lust.
"Like what you see?" You ask with a smirk.
"God yes it's a good thing I didn't know you were wearing that because we wouldn't have left the house today." Mark growls. You gasp and take your lingerie off. You climb onto the bed and position yourself over his face. Mark groans.
"So fucking wet for me already so perfect." He says and teases your pussy with his tongue. You moan.
He then starts licking sucking and flicking your clit and licking up and down your folds.
"Oh Mark!" You moan.
He then thrusts his tongue in and out of your entrance and moans into your pussy.
You moan and rock against his mouth. He then speeds up his licking and starts licking and sucking all over.
"Oh fuck Mark I'm gonna cum." You moan.
He then sucks your clit into his mouth and lightly bites it and tweaks your nipples at the same time. You gasp and explode all over his mouth.
"Oh fuck Mark yes!" You moan riding his face.
Mark moans as he continues to lick and suck you until your orgasm is over. You start to collapse but Mark picks you up and puts you on his cock which is surprisingly already hard again.
"Oh fuck babe." You moan as he thrusts in and out of you hard and fast.
"Fuck you feel so good." Mark grunts.
You moan and once you get your strength back you start to bounce to meet his thrusts. Not long after you're both ready to cum again.
"Oh god babe I'm gonna cum again." You moan.
"Me too princess." Mark groans.
Mark speeds up his thrusts and thrusts harder.
Not long after your orgasm barrels through you and the feeling of your pussy pulsing around his cock sets Mark off too. He grunts and continues thrusting deep into you while his cum spurts deep into your pussy.
"Oh fuck Mark." You moan.
"Fuck is right." Mark pants finally stopping when both of your orgasms are over.
You keep panting and your stomach growls. Then Marks stomach growls too. There's a pause then you both start cracking up laughing. You laugh until you both have tears in your eyes. Once you both calm down you get out of bed and go to the bathroom to use the bathroom and wipe the tears from your eyes. Mark comes in and uses the bathroom after you.
"So what do you want for dinner?" Mark asks.
"I want chicken parm from that pizza place." You say.
"Sure I can get a cheesesteak or a pizza or something." Mark says.
"Yay and can we DoorDash ice cream from that ice cream place we went to the other day?" You ask giving him puppy eyes. Mark chuckles.
"Of course baby anything you want." He says and kisses you.
"I love you so much you know that?" You say looking in his eyes.
"I love you so much too princess." Mark says. Mark orders the food and you both head downstairs and watch tv until the food gets there. Once it's there you eat while watching tv and then Mark orders the ice cream once you're done eating dinner. You eat your ice cream still watching tv and once you start to get tired you clean everything up then you both get ready for bed after letting Chica outside for the last time that night. You then kiss Mark then get under the covers.
"Goodnight baby I hope you had a good Valentines Day." Mark says.
"Goodnight baby I did thank you did you?" You ask.
"I did it was amazing I love you." Mark says.
"Good I'm glad I love you too." You say and soon you both fall asleep peacefully in each other's arms.

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