Meeting the Parents ⚠️ Sexual References ⚠️

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As you can imagine after 2 months of not seeing each other you and Mark don't do anything the next day other than make up for lost time. You cum 12 times and Mark 4. The day after you go out to eat and watch some movies. You also prep the Thanksgiving dish you're bringing to your parents house. Your famous pineapple stuffing. (Sorry if you guys don't like that)
Finally it's Thanksgiving, and you wake up with a smile on your face because today is the day you tell Mark you're moving to L.A. at the end of the year.
You snuggle into him and he groans.
"Wake up baby it's Thanksgiving we need to get ready to go to my parents house to help cook." You say giving him a kiss.
"Five more minutes." He says groggily wrapping his arms tighter around you.
"Ok fine 5 minutes." You say.
Five minutes later:
"Ok babe it's been 5 minutes." You say. Mark groans and stretches making a silly sound like a dinosaur. You laugh.
"You're so cute." You say to him.
"I'm not cute I'm sexy." He says pouting.
"You're cute. Sexy. Handsome. Gorgeous. Incredible." You say punctuating each word with a kiss on his face. Mark blushes and looks at you lovingly.
"I love you so damn much you know that?" Mark says stroking your cheek.
"I love you so much too my love now come on!" You say pulling his arm. Mark laughs but gets up. You both get in the shower (of course having sex) then wash each other and dry each other. You get dressed and decide to get McDonald's for breakfast on the road. You brush your teeth then head out grabbing your purse and the food.
Mark opens the passenger side door for you then shuts it and gets in on his side. Once you're buckled he heads to McDonald's. Once you get to McDonald's you both order what you want and pay and pick it up at the windows. You eat on the way to your parents house and by the time you get there you're both finished. On the way there Mark stops at a grocery store. You're not sure why until he comes out with a bouquet of gorgeous flowers that you had told him were your moms favorite and the alcohol you had mentioned one time was your dads favorite. Your heart melts at this gesture. He puts the flowers and alcohol in the back and gets in smiling at you.
"Awww babe you're so sweet getting those things for my parents." You say.
"Well I want to make a good first impression." Mark says.
"That's true I'm sure they'll love you my mom already likes you she was saying how kind you are."
You say. Mark blushes.
"I try and be the best person I can be." Mark says.
"I know and you're amazing." You say stroking his cheek. You give him a kiss and he starts driving to your parents house. Once you get there he gets out and opens your door for you then shuts it and opens the back door. You grab the food and he grabs the flowers and alcohol. He shuts the door and locks the car then you head up to the front door and ring the bell. Your mom answers and gives you a big hug. You hug her as well as you can with the casserole dish in your hands and she chuckles. You both head inside and Mark helps you put the casserole dish in the fridge. You then go and hug your mom again.
"There we go that's better." She says and you both laugh.
"Mom this is my boyfriend Mark who I told you about." You say.
"Hi Mrs. Y/L/N it's lovely to meet you you've raised a wonderful daughter." Mark says reaching his hand out for a handshake.
"It's lovely to meet you too I really appreciate that and wow you're even more handsome in person. Also please call me M/N Mrs. Y/L/N makes me feel old." She laughs and pushes his hand away going in for a hug instead surprising Mark.
"Oh yeah sorry babe I should have warned you she's a hugger." You laugh.
"It's alright I am too." Mark says smiling.
"Oh I got these for you." Mark says remembering the flowers.
"Oh they're beautiful thank you Mark did Y/N tell you these are my favorite flowers?" She asks taking them.
"She did so I knew I had to get you some." Mark says smiling.
Your dad comes in the room.
"Hi pumpkin how are you?" He says giving you a hug.
"I'm good thanks dad I brought Mark with me." You say.
"Hi sir it's very nice to meet you." Mark says holding out his hand to shake your dads hand.
"Hello Mark I've heard a lot about you." Your dad says shaking his hand in a way that looks to be awfully hard. But Mark doesn't waver. Finally your dad lets go of his hand.
"I got this for you sir Y/N said it's your favorite." Mark says handing him the alcohol.
"That's very kind of you would you like to join me drinking some while the ladies cook?" Your dad asks.
"I'll join you but I can't drink due to being allergic sir so it'll just be water or soda for me." Mark says smiling.
"Ok sounds good." Your dad says.
He heads out to the back of the house with Mark so they can chat and you and your mom start on prepping the food.
Once the food is prepped and the first thing is in the oven you and your mom sit down on the couch.
"Phew that's hard work." She says chuckling.
"Sure is." You say.
"I think your father is still talking to Mark." Your mom says chuckling.
"I hope he's not scaring him." You say. You get up and look out the window to see your dad and Mark laughing like they're old buddies. You smile that they're getting along and head back to the couch with your mom.
"They seem to be getting along great they're laughing." You say smiling.
"I'm glad to hear that sweetie Mark seems like a wonderful guy." She says.
"Thanks mom he is." You say.
"I can tell he loves you a lot just from the way he looks at you." She says smiling.
"I love him a lot too." You say grinning like an idiot.
"Well that goes without saying." Your mom says and you both laugh. You and your mom talk in between the food cooking and once the food is finished you head outside to Mark and your dad.
"Dinner is ready boys." You say.
"Ok sweetie." Your dad says.
"Wow is that the time already." Mark says looking at his watch.
"Yeah we were talking for a while weren't we?" Your dad says chuckling. Mark chuckles too. They both get up and follow you into the dining room where the food is laid out.
"Wow look at this." Your dad says.
"It looks amazing thank you M/N and thank you babe." Mark says giving you a kiss on the cheek. You blush and Mark pulls your chair out and pushes you in then he sits down. So far so good. Now to tell Mark about his surprise.

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