Treat For the Birthday Boy ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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You head into the bathroom pretending to brush your teeth but you really put on the lingerie you bought especially for today. You walk out to see Mark in bed in just his boxers scrolling through his phone. He looks up when he hears you and his jaw drops and his eyes darken. He puts the phone down and focuses all his attention on you raking his gaze up and down your body hungrily.
"Fuck babe you look incredible." Mark groans.
You giggle and walk over to him. You get on the bed and straddle him then kiss him passionately. Marks hands slide down to your ass and squeeze it as you kiss him and grind on his erection. He's groaning into the kiss and it's not long before he's hard as steel under you.
"I need to be inside you." Mark pants out.
"Patience birthday boy there will be time for that." You say smirking. You bite his earlobe causing him to groan. You then kiss his neck and trail your kisses down his pecks sucking and flicking his nipples then kissing down to his abs licking them and kissing all the way down to his v-line. You pull his boxers down and Mark gasps when his erection is freed springing up to his stomach. You lick the tip teasing him making him groan. You then suck the tip into your mouth slowly bobbing up and down. You then gradually work deeper until he's in your throat and you hum and caress the back of his shaft with your tongue. You also massage his abs and his balls.
"Jesus Y/N that feels so fucking good you're gonna make me cum." Mark moans.
You respond by sucking faster and using your tongue more. You put two fingers to Marks mouth and have him suck them. You then slowly insert one into his asshole. He groans and once he's adjusted you push another one in and search for his prostate.
"Oh god babe right there." Mark moans and bucks his hips involuntarily. You thrust your fingers repeatedly into that spot and it's not long before you feel his balls tighten in your hand and you know he's close.
"Fuck babe I'm cumming." Mark grunts.
You keep going until he explodes in your mouth and keep sucking, thrusting your fingers, and massaging  his abs while he cums.
Once he's finally done you slowly suck up and show him the cum then swallow and kiss the tip. You then remove your fingers.
Mark groans.
"You're so damn perfect." He groans closing his eyes.
"Happy birthday baby." You say.
"I need to be inside you now princess." Mark says his eyes dark and still panting.
You get on top of him and kiss him passionately and he gropes your breasts through your bra. He unclasps your bra and takes it off tossing it to the floor without breaking the kiss. He then pulls at your panties and you lift yourself up while still kissing him so he can pull them off and throw them to the floor too.
Mark groans into the kiss and you can feel him starting to get hard again. You thread your fingers through his hair causing him to groan again. He pulls away and starts kissing your neck making you moan when he finds your sweet spot.
"Mark." You moan.
He chuckles into your neck and kisses down to your collarbone then pulls a nipple into his mouth. He starts sucking and flicking it then does the same with the other. All the while he's thrusting up against you rubbing his erection into your clit.
"Oh Mark." You moan.
He drops one hand down to line his cock up with your entrance then slowly pushes in.
You both groan as his cock enters you.
Once he's in he starts thrusting slowly while kissing your neck and lips.
"I love you." You moan.
"I love you too." Mark grunts.
After a while he speeds up and starts thrusting deeper hitting your g-spot.
"Ooooohhhh yes yes yes baby right there!" You cry out.
Mark thrusts hard and fast into that spot making you whine with pleasure. He then drops a hand down to your clit and rubs it fast while he pounds into you.
"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum." You moan.
"Cum for daddy." Mark growls as he pounds into you.
You moan and explode around his cock at his filthy words.
"Ooohhh daddy!" You cry.
"Yes little girl cum all over my cock." Mark growls.
He pounds hard and fast into you until your orgasm is over then he pulls out of you turns you around so you're on your knees and pounds into you relentlessly. You feel another orgasm approaching and Mark can tell so he speeds up his thrusts and thrusts into a spot that's making you scream your orgasm hits you so hard you can only let out a silent scream since you can't find the breath to scream out loud. Your vision goes black and you almost collapse. Mark holds you up grunting between thrusts and suddenly he thrusts deep and stills and you feel his cock pulse and his cum shoot deep in you.
"Fuuuccckk." Mark groans.
He stays like that for a while then picks you up and carries you to the shower. You wash each other's bodies and Mark kisses your neck and collarbone while he cuddles you to his chest. It's peaceful and loving. Once you're done you get out of the shower, dry off, then change back into your pajamas. You then give Mark a kiss and get under the covers.
"Goodnight baby. Happy birthday I hope you had a good birthday." You say.
"I had a great birthday thank you so much for everything you did goodnight princess." Mark says.
"I love you so much." You say.
"I love you so much too princess." Mark says.
You snuggle into him and fall asleep in each other's arms.

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