Meeting Day Praise

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You wake up the next day and groan. Mark turns over and cuddles you close.
"Morning baby." Mark says.
"Good morning my love." You say.
You cuddle for a bit then you both go to the bathroom. You decide to make breakfast together so you head out to the kitchen and you get started while Mark lets Chica out to do her business. You talk as you eat and when you're done you clean up then go and get ready for work. Once you're ready you head downstairs. Mark is waiting for you on the couch. He gets up when he sees you.
"Have a good day baby good luck you'll crush it and I'm sure the client will love your designs." Mark says and gives you a hug and kiss.
"Thanks baby I love you so much." You say.
"I love you so much too I'm going to go record now I'll see you later anything special you want for dinner?" Mark asks.
"Nope anything works babe thank you." You say smiling. Mark gives you another kiss still holding onto you.
"I have to go babe." You say giggling.
"Fine bye baby." Mark says pouting. You giggle.
"Bye handsome." You kiss his cheek grab your stuff then head out to your car. You get to the office and get out and lock your car. You head inside and go straight to the meeting room.
Rachel is there already.
"Y/N perfect the client will be here any minute don't worry you'll do great." She says and puts her hand on your shoulder with a smile.
"Thank you I really appreciate that." You say blushing.
"Of course." She says.
You and Rachel chat for a bit then the other bosses and the client come in. You take a deep breath and start your pitch. The meeting goes flawlessly and the client is very impressed with your drawings and pitch. They end up picking the one that's your favorite.
"I have to say coming in here I wasn't sure if I was going to go with this company but seeing these drawings was like having my ideas come to life." The client says.
"Thank you I appreciate that." You say.
"You're very welcome now shall we talk next steps?" The client asks.
"Yes absolutely my colleague here will take over as the implementation part is his specialty I'm just the designer." You say.
"Ok sounds good and you're not just the designer don't forget that you have the power to bring ideas to life. You're a very talented young lady and you will go far in this profession." The man says and smiles at you.
"Thank you so much I really appreciate that sir I'm glad you like the drawings." You say smiling.
"I love them. Keep up the great work." The man says.
"Thank you have a great day sir." You say.
"You too." He says and he follows your colleague out to discuss next steps.
You breathe a sigh of relief that the meeting is over and that it went well.
You look over at Rachel and she is grinning.
"I told you you'd do great they loved your drawings and your pitch. Phenomenal job Ms. Y/L/N." Rachel says and you blush again.
"Thank you." You say.
"Of course now that the meeting is done you can go home tomorrow I have planned for you and everyone else on the team for the new project to have a zoom meeting the project is due in 2 weeks from tomorrow so I would suggest starting tomorrow." Rachel says.
"Ok thank you." You say.
Rachel nods.
"Have a good day Y/N." She says.
"Thanks you too." You say. You head to the time clock and clock out.
You head home with a huge smile on your face. Everything is going amazing with work, and you have an amazing boyfriend. What more could you want? You get home and get out of your car and lock it. You head inside and put your stuff down before looking for Mark. You smell food in the kitchen so you head in there. Mark is in there and he's made steak, roasted potatoes, and roasted asparagus. Your mouth waters at the smell.
"Hey baby I figured you'd be home around now so I just finished up dinner." He says. He brings the plates to the table and you both sit down. You dig in and your eyes roll to the back of your head and you moan.
"Oh my god Mark this is the best steak I've ever had." You moan.
Mark chuckles.
"Thanks baby but I think you'll like dessert even more." He says.
"Ooohh I love dessert." You say giddily and Mark chuckles.
"So how did the meeting go babe?" Mark asks in between bites.
"It went awesome the client was really impressed and was saying how talented I am and he ended up agreeing to go with our company on the spot." You say.
"Wow that's awesome babe." Mark says.
"Yeah I'm really happy about it." You say.
"You should be I'm so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself." Mark says smiling.
"Thank you baby I am proud of myself." You say.
You and Mark talk until you're done eating then Mark gets out the dessert. He serves it and brings it to the table and your mouth waters when you see it.
"Oh my gosh babe you made my favorite dessert?" You say.
"Of course I did." Mark says chuckling. You take your first bite and you swear you orgasm from how good it is.
"It can't be that good babe." Mark says laughing.
"It is babe if you weren't so damn good in the bedroom I'd say it's better than sex." You say. Mark laughs.
"I was going to say if you said that I'd have to prove you wrong." He says smirking.
"Oh I know but if I said that I'd be lying." You say.
Mark laughs and shakes his head. You chat as you eat your desserts then when you're done you clean up and flop on the couch. You watch a couple movies then get ready for bed. You let Chica out then go back to your bedroom. Once you're ready you give Mark a kiss and get under the covers snuggling into his chest. You sigh in content at how comfortable he is and how good he smells. He smells like man and it makes you feel so safe.
"Goodnight baby." You say.
"Goodnight my love." Mark says.
"I love you so much." You say.
"I love you so much too princess." Mark says.
You close your eyes and soon fall asleep happy and warm in each other's arms.

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