Impressing the Bosses

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You wake up the next morning excited to show off your designs. You're really proud of how they turned out and you think your bosses are going to like them. You snuggle into Mark and lay there for a little while until he wakes up.
"Morning baby." He says in his tired voice.
"Good morning sexy." You say.
"What do you want for breakfast?" Mark asks.
"Can you make pancakes pretty pwease?" You say and do the puppy lip. Mark chuckles.
"Of course anything for my princess." Mark says and kisses your forehead before stretching and getting up to use the bathroom. You follow suit then head out into the kitchen and let Chica out and give her a treat before you sit at the dining room table and chat with Mark while he makes the pancakes.
Once the pancakes are done Mark plates them and puts butter and syrup on them. He then puts your plate in front of you and you feel yourself salivating from how good they look. Mark chuckles.
"I'm used to seeing that look on your face when you look at me shirtless." Mark says smirking.
"Not quite I don't want to fuck pancakes." You say rolling your eyes.
"You think about that every time I'm shirtless?" Mark says his eyes widening. You raise an eyebrow.
"You're hot are you really that surprised? Also I think it when you're not shirtless sometimes too." You say.
Mark blushes.
"Same here." He says.
You chat while you eat your breakfast then clean up when you're done. You then get ready for work. You head downstairs and hear Mark in his recording room. You knock.
"Come in." Mark says.
You open the door and see him with a game up but paused.
"Oh sorry babe did I interrupt you?" You ask sheepishly.
"No you're fine what's up?" He says.
"Just wanted to let you know I'm headed off to work and I love you and I'll see you at 5 ish." You say.
"Ok good luck you've got this I love you too." Mark says.
"Thanks babe." You say and give him a hug and kiss grab your laptop, purse, and keys then head out. You drive to the office nervous and excited.
Once you get there you park and get out and lock the car. You head inside and head to the time clock and clock in. You then head to Rachel's office. You knock.
"Come in." You hear from behind the door.
You step inside and Rachel smiles when she sees you.
"Ah Y/N I was just about to head to the meeting room come with me everyone else should be there soon." Rachel says. You and Rachel head to the meeting room. You talk for a couple minutes then people start coming in. There are about 5 people there. You take a deep breath.
"Ok everyone is here. Y/N whenever you're ready you can pitch your designs to us like we're the client." Rachel says. You nod and take another deep breath.
You then start your pitch that you've been practicing with Mark. You think you nail it but you can't tell because everyone has their poker faces on not giving anything away. Once you're finished you take another deep breath and smile. There's a pause and everyone claps.
"Wow Ms. Y/L/N I'm impressed these drawings are amazing." One of the bosses says.
"Thank you sir." You say smiling.
"Yes they are and your pitch was really impressive too." Another boss says.
Everyone else murmurs their agreement.
"We definitely made the right choice hiring you Y/N. From this alone I am confident we will land this client and many more with your help." Rachel says smiling at you.
"Thank you I really appreciate that." You say.
"I think this drawing is particularly outstanding." One of the bosses points to your favorite drawing you did.
"Thank you that one is my favorite too. Do you think these drawings will be enough or should I do more?" You ask.
"These should be plenty but if you have any other ideas you could show us and we'll let you know if we think you should add them." One of the bosses says.
You nod and get up your rough sketches of your other drawings.
"These are just rough sketches but I can flesh them out more." You say and show them your other designs.
"Wow you really put a lot of work into this. I think you chose the best drawings and they should be plenty. I can tell you've put a lot of work into this project and it doesn't make sense for you to do more work." One of the bosses says.
Everyone agrees.
"Ok sounds good is there anything you would suggest I change about the drawings or the pitch?" You ask.
"No everything is top notch I can't believe this is only your first project you're a natural." One of the bosses says.
Everyone voices their agreement.
You blush at the kind words.
"Thank you. Oh I was wondering if you all could look at this other project I did for my boyfriend on my personal laptop." You ask.
"Sure we could take a look." Rachel says.
You pull up the logo you made for Mark on your phone and cast it to the screen.
"Wow that's really good you did that?" One of the bosses asks in awe. You nod. You look around and see Rachel has a thoughtful expression on her face. You wait a moment for her to speak then she does.
"Y/N I'm very impressed. There is a very important project that we have due soon that I have been looking for someone to lead it and I think you would be the perfect person to do it." Rachel says.
"Wow really?" You say in shock. Rachel nods.
"If you do as well on this project as you did on this last one I can guarantee you a promotion. This is one of the biggest projects we have ever done and the client is the most high profile we've ever worked with." Rachel says.
"Wow thank you I am honored to have the opportunity to work on such a big project." You say.
"I trust that you will make sure the project is done right. I will email you the details later today. Keep up the great work Ms Y/L/N You may go now this meeting is dismissed we'll see you tomorrow when you meet with the client." Rachel says smiling at you. You clock out and drive home smiling the whole way. You can't wait to tell Mark the great news.

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