Reunions to be Thankful For ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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It's three days before Thanksgiving and you're at the airport in the arrivals hall waiting for Mark. You're so excited to see him again you're pacing with energy. Then you see him. He comes running to you lets go of his suitcase and spins you around kissing you. He pulls away and kisses all over your face. You giggle.
"God I missed you princess." He says still holding you in his arms.
"I missed you too baby." You say giggling. He gives you another kiss grabs his suitcase and you start walking to your car holding hands.
"How was your flight?" You ask him.
"Not too bad all worth it to be with you again." He says grinning. You blush.
"I'll drive if you want you're probably tired." You say.
"No I'm fine." He says. You're not surprised he wants to drive. You get to your car and he opens the trunk and puts his bag in then opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then gets in on the drivers side and shuts the door. Once you're both buckled you start the drive back to your apartment. You talk about random things and then you decide to put on some music. Your favorite song comes on and you sing along to it happily belting it out while looking out the window. All of a sudden it's being turned down but you still sing at the same volume.
"Holy crap babe you can sing!" Mark says chuckling.
You blush.
"Thanks babe." You say.
"No seriously you're really good!" He says looking at the road but grinning.
"Thanks I can play guitar too." You say shyly.
At this Marks jaw drops open.
"Ok when we get back to your place you're going to play for me." He says. You giggle.
"Sure I'd love to." You say.
You go the rest of the drive singing along to music with Mark looking at you at red lights shaking his head in awe. Once you get back to your apartment he gets out and opens your door for you then shuts it. He unlocks the trunk grabs his bag then shuts it and locks the car and you go up to your apartment. You unlock the door and you head inside. Once you're inside you shut and lock the door. You put your stuff down then go and grab your guitar.
"Do you have any specific requests? Also do you want a drink?" You ask.
"I'm good thanks and any Ed Sheeran song." He says. You grin.
"He's my favorite singer." You say.
"He's awesome." Mark says.
You start playing Y/F/E/S/S and Mark is staring at you in awe as you play and sing. After a while he snaps out of it and starts singing along. His voice is amazing but you already knew that. You get to the end and you realize you and Mark scooted closer to each other and you're only a breath away from each other. You put your guitar down and put your hand on his cheek and lean in kissing him. Mark pulls you to him so you're on his lap. You deepen the kiss running your fingers through his hair. You both moan and Marks tongue is fighting yours for dominance. Mark trails his kisses down to your neck and sucks your sweet spot causing you to moan out.
"Ooohh Mark!" You moan.
Mark takes your shirt off and plants kisses on the top of your breasts. You gasp at the feeling and don't even notice him pulling your pants down. He pulls back and admires you and his eyes darken when he sees the matching lingerie set you bought for him. It's all red and lace.
"Naughty girl you knew I wouldn't be able to resist you." He growls.
"That and I knew after 2 months I wouldn't be able to resist you." You say. Mark quickly takes his shirt and pants off growls and kisses you deeply unclipping your bra while he does. He pulls back and trails kisses down your neck then picks you up and carries you to your bedroom while kissing you. Once you're there he puts you on the bed and starts pinching and sucking your breasts.
"Ooohh." You moan out.
He trails his kisses down to your stomach and all the way to your v-line. You gasp as he hovers over your center. He pulls your panties off and throws them to the side then buries his face in your pussy.
"Oh god Mark I've missed you." You moan out as he licks and sucks your clit and folds.
Mark moans his agreement the vibration making the pleasure more intense. You arch your back and buck your hips into his face. It doesn't take long for you to reach your orgasm because it's been too damn long. When you do you pull his hair and moan loudly.
"Oh god yes Mark!" You moan out as you squirt all over his face. He growls and laps up your juices then pulls you up to him and he must have pulled his boxers down because he immediately thrusts into your pussy.
"Ooohh." You moan as he drills into you hard and fast.
"Jesus Y/N I've missed you." He says as he pounds hard and fast into you.
"Oh god Mark I've missed you too!" You moan.
He turns you over so you're in doggy style still pounding you and your breath hitches from the intensity of the pleasure. Then he hits a spot that makes you scream.
"OH MARK OH GOD YES RIGHT THERE!" You moan out. He drills hard and fast repeatedly into that spot and you go limp as your orgasm hits you like a bomb. Your vision goes black as he pounds into you.
"Ooooohhhhhh!" You moan out as your pussy pulses around his cock.
"Oh god I'm cumming." You hear Mark grunt.
You push back into him as he thrusts and not long after you feel him release into you.
"Oh fuck Y/N!" Mark grunts out as his semen spurts into you. Once he's done he picks you up and carries you to the shower. You have sex one more time before you wash each other and he helps you step out. You dry off and go get dressed.
"We can not go that long without seeing each other again." Mark says as he pulls his shirt on.
"I agree." You say smiling because you know for a fact you won't.
You go out to the couch and notice all your clothes on the floor. You giggle and go put them in the laundry basket. You sit down on the couch and Mark joins you.
"You're really talented babe." Mark says.
"Awww thanks do you want me to play more or do you want to do something else?" You ask.
"Play more please I love listening to you." Mark says smiling.
You play guitar and sing for Mark for a while Mark singing along occasionally. Once it's dinner time you order pizza and watch a movie while you eat. You start a show on Netflix and watch a few episodes of it until you get tired. You both get ready for bed then get under the covers you give Mark a kiss and you snuggle him tightly.
"Goodnight my love I'm so glad I'm here I love you so much." Mark says.
"Goodnight baby I'm so glad you're here too and I love you so much too." You say. You fall asleep in Marks arms with a huge smile on your face feeling complete.

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