Celebrating Promotions ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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You get home and get out of your car quickly locking it and running to the front door. You unlock the front door and see Mark in the kitchen and run to him jumping in his arms. He catches you kisses you and spins you around. You giggle and he chuckles.
"I guess you got a promotion?" Mark says smirking.
"I did baby I got promoted to Junior Designer which is just below senior designer which is just below my boss." You say.
"Wow babe I can't believe you got promoted to two below the top position after only a month how much more will you be paid?" Mark asks.
"I was earning $20 an hour now I will be earning $30 an hour." You say.
"Holy crap that's amazing!" Mark says.
"I know and that's not all." You say.
"Go on." Mark says.
"Scott wants me to be the person to draw all the animatronics for all his future games." You say grinning.
"Wow that's awesome babe I'm so proud of you." Mark says.
"Thank you he said my drawings were the best out of everybody's like you said." You say blushing.
"I told you they were." Mark says.
"Yes I know you did oh he also said hi." You say.
Mark nods.
"Right princess let's go get ready for dinner." Mark says. You both go and get ready for dinner then you grab your purse and keys and you head out to your car after shutting and locking the door. Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it when you get in before getting in on his side. Once you're both buckled up he starts driving to the restaurant. It's the same restaurant you went to last time. You get there and Mark opens your door for you then locks the car and you both head inside. Mark tells the hostess his name and she leads you to your table. You order your drinks then decide what you want to eat. Once you've decided you order your food and chat while you wait. Soon your food gets there and you dig in and talk while you eat. Once you're done Mark pays and you head out to the car. He opens your door for you then gets in on his side.
"I'm taking you to the best ice cream place in L.A. the ice cream there is amazing." Mark says grinning.
"Awww thank you babe." You say. Mark drives to the ice cream place. When you get there you both get what you want and sit on a bench outside the place taking and laughing while you eat it. You agree it is the best ice cream you've ever had. Once you're both finished your ice cream Mark opens your door for you and you get back in the car and head home. Once you're home Mark opens the door for you and you get out and Mark locks the car then he unlocks the door and you both head inside. You shut and lock the door and put your stuff down then take your shoes off. Mark does the same then surprises you by picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you to the bedroom. You giggle.
"Marky what are you doing?" You ask still giggling as he throws you on the bed.
"Rewarding my princess for a job well done." Mark says his eyes dark with lust.
"I'm not going to argue with that." You say smirking.
"Good." Mark growls and pulls your pants and underwear off and tosses them on the floor.
He then quickly pulls your legs to him and puts your legs over his shoulders and crashes his mouth to your pussy. He sucks, licks, and flicks your clit and licks up and down your folds.
"Oh Jesus Mark that feels so good!" You moan fisting the sheets hard.
Mark then thrusts his tongue in and out of your entrance.
"Oh fuck I love when you do that!" You moan.
Mark chuckles into your pussy causing vibrations.
He then goes back to your clit and thrusts 2 fingers in and out of your entrance hard and fast while he sucks your clit.
"Oh fuck babe I'm gonna cum! Just like that!" You moan.
Mark speeds up his sucks and thrusts and you explode over his mouth and fingers.
"Oooohhhh yes yes yes!" You cry out.
Mark keeps going until your orgasm is over. He then pulls his fingers out and thrusts his cock into your pussy.
"Ooohhh!" You moan.
"You like daddy's cock in your pussy?" Mark growls and speeds up his thrusts and thrusts harder.
"Oh god yes daddy you feel so good!" You moan.
Mark then reaches under and starts rubbing your clit while he pounds you hard and fast. He shifts over and this position allows him to hit your g-spot with each thrust.
"Cum on daddy's cock princess." Mark growls.
This sets you off and you explode over his cock and your cum squirts all over the bed the intensity making your vision go black.
"Oooohhhh!" You moan.
"Jesus Christ babe your pussy is squeezing me so damn tight I'm gonna cum." Mark groans.
"Yes baby cum in me!" You moan.
Marks thrusts grow sloppy and he cums inside you with a grunt.
"Oh fuck!" Mark groans.
This causes you to cum again and your pussy milks his cum from his cock. Once your orgasms are over Mark pulls out and carries you to the shower. You wash each other then get out and dry off. You then get in your pjs and watch a movie. Once the movie is over Mark lets Chica out to use the bathroom and you both get ready for bed then you give Mark a kiss and get under the covers.
"Goodnight baby I'm so proud of you." Mark says.
"Goodnight my love thank you." You say.
"I love you princess." Mark says.
"I love you too Markimoo." You say then close your eyes and soon fall asleep in each other's arms.

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