Q & A

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You get back to the convention center and go inside. You make your way to the room where the Q & A will be held. They are allowing people to go in now so you make your way in and luckily get a spot in the front row. You sit down and take a deep breath. You don't know why but you're nervous.
Eventually Mark comes on stage and does his introduction and people start asking questions. He finds you in the crowd and smiles at you and you smile back. As more and more people keep asking him questions you notice his eyes keep meeting yours every so often. All the questions were pretty basic so far but the next question catches your attention.
"Mark do you have a girlfriend?" Some random girl asks blushing. Mark chuckles.
"No I don't. As most of you probably know Amy and I broke up last year. So I am currently single. However, there is someone I have feelings for and she feels the same way. We're just getting to know each other and don't want to move things too quickly. She's beautiful and amazing and I really want to see where it goes. So while I technically don't have a girlfriend at the moment I am not interested in pursuing anyone other than the woman I mentioned." Mark finishes with a smile and meets your eyes subtly as the audience awwws at Marks adorable declaration.
You blush and you feel your heart melt a little at his sweet words.

You can't believe he just said that in front of so many people. It was swoon worthy and boy were you swooning hard.

You decide not to ask Mark a question since you can just ask him when you see him next or text him. So for the rest of the Q & A you and Mark exchange sneaky glances and he even winks at you a couple times causing you to blush.

When the Q & A is over Mark goes backstage and you hear your phone go off with a text. You get your phone out and look to see who it is. You smile as you see it's from Mark.

M -Hey I'm done after this if you want to come back to my hotel and chill.
Y- I'd like that did you bring your car here?
M - No I drove with my editor.
Y- Ok I have my car so do you want to meet at the diner again so we don't attract attention? 🤣
M - Good idea 🤣 and I can tell you where to go
Y - Sounds good 😊

You can't believe Mark wants to spend more time with you so soon! You head out to the lobby and make your way to your car. You then drive to the diner and wait for Mark. About 10 minutes later you're scrolling through your phone and you look up and see Mark sneaking over to your car on tip toes with his arms out in front of him and looking behind himself and around the lot. You start cracking up at his antics. Mark comes up to the passenger side door of your car and knocks. You unlock the door for him and he gets in grinning.
"Did you see me?" Mark says giggling with his iconic giggle.
"Yes I did you looked like you were about to put your finger to your mouth and say 'Be vewy quiet we're hunting wabbits.'" You say in your best Elmer Fudd voice. You both start cracking up laughing.
"See this is why I like you." Mark says through fits of giggles. You giggle.
"So where too Markimoo? Hey that rhymed." You say giggling making Mark giggle too.
Mark directs you to his hotel and when you get there you park and head inside. Mark shows you to his room and when you get in there you can't believe it. You're in Markiplier's hotel room right now. Mark shuts the door and you let out a little squeal. Mark chuckles.
"I'm sorry I just can't believe I'm in my heroes hotel room right now." You say blushing. Mark chuckles and comes over to you putting his hands on your arms.
"It's just me you don't have to be nervous." Mark says. Kindness shining in his chocolate brown eyes and you melt.
You nod and Mark motions for you to sit on the bed. He sits next to you.
"So what do you want to do? We can watch Netflix if you want." He says.
"Sure." You say.
You and Mark get comfy on the bed and he pulls up Netflix on his Xbox.
"What do you want to watch?" He asks.
"I don't mind just pick a random movie." You say smiling.
Mark scrolls through Netflix and finally settles on Y/F/M making you squeal.
"You like this movie too? This is my favorite movie of all time!" You say excitedly.
Mark chuckles at your excitement.
"Yeah I like it it's no Terminator 2 (Marks actual favorite movie if you guys didn't know) but it's in my top 10." He says with a smile.
You giggle and start to watch the movie.
About 10 minutes in Mark puts his arm around your shoulder. Your breath hitches and you decide to snuggle into him. You put your head on his chest and he kisses your forehead. You spend the whole movie snuggled into his chest. You could get used to this. When the movie is over your stomach lets out a growl. Mark chuckles.
"Hungry?" He asks.
"Very." You say with a giggle.
"What do you want to eat?" He asks.
"I have an idea." You say with a grin.
"Ok now I'm excited." Mark says with a chuckle.
"But you need to keep your eyes closed until we get there it's a surprise." You say.
"Ok." He says
"Pinkie promise." You say looking at him seriously holding your pinkie out.
"Pinkie promise." He says with a chuckle as he shakes your pinkie with his.
Mark turns off the Xbox and you both head down to your car. You both get in and you start driving. True to his word Mark keeps his eyes closed the whole way there.
When you finally get there you park and look up at Mark.
"Ok you can open your eyes." You say.
Mark opens his eyes and you can't help but smile as his face lights up with glee and he looks at you with excitement in his eyes.
"You brought me to Cracker Barrel?" He says looking about ready to tear up from happiness.
"Yes I did oh my god are you about to cry?" You say laughing at his dramatic reaction.
He nods and leans over and hugs you. When he finally composes himself he looks up at you.
"No but seriously you're amazing I had no idea there was even a Cracker Barrel in this town. I haven't had Cracker Barrel in sooooo long." He says gratefully.
"So this was a good surprise?" You say grinning.
"Are you kidding me? It was an amazing surprise!" He says happily. Then getting out of the car and closing his door before running over to your side and opening your door. He then practically pulls you out of the car after you shut it off and then you lock it and he runs with your hand in his all the way to the door as you laugh at his excitement.

A Date With MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now