Birthday Sex ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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Your POV:

Once you're both ready for bed and Chica has been let out to do her business you go to get under the covers and Mark looks at you with an eyebrow raised and a smirk.
"What?" You ask.
Then Mark shuts and locks the bedroom door. He's looking at you like a lion looks at its prey. You feel a rush of arousal burst through you. Mark comes up to you and leans down by your ear.
"You really think you could go to sleep on your birthday without me making you cum so hard you forget your own name?" He says seductively into your ear and sucks on your earlobe.
You gasp and moan at his words.
He drags you to the edge of the bed and pulls your pajama pants and underwear off and tosses them to the floor.
"Mark my parents are right down the hall." You say panting with anticipation.
"Then you'll just have to be quiet baby." Mark says.
He then seems to get an idea. He rustles through a drawer and comes up with a blindfold and a ball gag.
You gasp.
"When did you get those?" You ask curiously.
"When I came up with this plan and knew your parents would be here. Can't risk them hearing your sexy little moans now can we? No matter how much I love them." Mark says his eyes dark with lust.
Mark puts the blindfold on you and puts the ball gag in your mouth. It has teeth holes so you can breathe through it. He then ties the ball gag around your head.
Mark gently makes you lay back on the bed so you're lying flat. Then he puts your legs over his shoulders and you try and gasp but can't because of the ball gag. You then feel his breath on your pussy and moan through the ball gag. He keeps his face right above where you need him for a minute torturing you. You whine wanting him to stop teasing you. Finally he dips his head to your folds and devours you. You let out a muffled moan. He then thrusts his tongue in and out of your entrance and you moan again. He then starts sucking your clit and pushes two fingers in and out of your entrance while he does. You let out a strangled cry through the ball gag. He doesn't let up sucking your clit while thrusting his fingers in and out hard and fast. He then starts licking your folds up and down and flicking your clit with his tongue while he finger fucks you. You moan in ecstasy as you feel your orgasm approaching. Mark must sense it too because he goes back to sucking your clit and uses his free hand to flick your nipples. This sends you over the edge and you let out a muffled cry as your orgasm barrels through you. He doesn't stop until your orgasm is over. He then withdraws his fingers and steps away. You whine at the loss of contact and you hear him chuckle.
You hear more rustling then after a minute you hear a vibrating. You moan in anticipation. You hear him walk up to the bed. All of a sudden you feel what you recognize as a vibrator on your nipple. You moan. After a while he trails it over to the other one giving it the same attention. He then trails it down your stomach until he reaches your clit. He uses one hand to hold you down against the bed and holds the vibrator against your clit. You gasp and moan and try to buck your hips but you can't since Mark is holding you down. It doesn't take long for another orgasm to approach since you're still sensitive from your last one. Mark senses this and surprises you by slowly inserting the vibrator into your entrance. You moan. He starts slowly thrusting the vibrator in and out of you gradually picking up speed. You moan and try and buck your hips to no avail. You then let out a strangled cry when while thrusting the vibrator in and out he dips his head and starts sucking your clit. He picks up the pace of the thrusting to a dizzying pace and you cry out. Not long after your orgasm hits you like a bomb and you cry out in ecstasy as the most powerful orgasm you've ever had rushes through you. You moan crazily through the ball gag and Mark doesn't stop until your orgasm finally ends. He then lifts his mouth and slowly pulls the vibrator out and you whine at the feeling of emptiness. But not long after Mark replaces the vibrator with his huge throbbing cock. You gasp as he drills into you hard and fast.
"Fuck you feel so damn good Y/N." Mark grunts out.
You moan in response and Mark dips a hand down to rub your clit as he pounds your pussy relentlessly. You buck your hips to meet his thrusts and moan. Mark then lifts one of your legs over his shoulder to deepen his thrusts and you cry out as he hits your g-spot. He drills into that spot over and over and you feel yourself gearing up for another orgasm. He starts pounding into you harder sensing your orgasm approaching.
"Cum for daddy." Mark says.
His words cause you to moan and explode all over his cock.
"That's it birthday girl cum all over daddy's cock." Mark growls and keeps pounding you.
Once your orgasm is over Mark flips you over with his cock still in you not breaking pace so you're in doggy style.
"You stopped cumming that just won't do let's fix that." Mark growls and pounds into you hard and fast.
You moan and thrust your hips back wildly desperate to meet his thrusts. You're so sensitive you already feel another orgasm coming.
"That's it baby one more I'm close but I need you to cum one more time for me." Mark grunts.
This sends you over the edge and you cry out as another orgasm hits you. When your orgasm is starting to fade you hear Mark groan and he thrusts deep inside you and you feel his cock pulsing inside you as he releases his cum deep in your pussy.
"Fuck Y/N so good." Mark moans.
You moan back in response.
He stays there for a minute then you feel him pull out. You then feel the bed move as he gets out of bed. After a minute you hear him come back and you feel him cleaning you up with a wet washcloth. You groan at the sensation of the cloth on your sensitive pussy. Mark chuckles and gently kisses your neck while he cleans you. Once he's done you hear the washcloth hit the floor.
"You look so fucking sexy like this all spread out for me." Mark growls. You moan in response. He then takes off the blindfold and removes the ball gag. You can't even move you're so wrecked from your orgasms. Mark notices and chuckles. You feel the bed dip as he gets in and he pulls you to his chest. You sigh in content and close your eyes.
"I love you so much." Mark says and kisses your forehead.
"I love you so much too." You say weakly.
And that's the last thing you remember right before you pass out on Marks chest both of you still naked.

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