Birthday Pampering Part 2

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I grab my keys and wallet and she grabs her purse then we head outside and I lock the door and head to the car. I open her door for her then shut it once she's in then get in on my side.
Once she's buckled I start driving to the nail salon.
"So once we're done with everything you can switch everything over to your new purse." I say.
"Yay sounds good." She says smiling.
We get to the nail salon and I get out and open her door for her. She gets out and I shut it and lock the door.
"You're coming in?" She asks looking at me questioningly.
I nod.
"Yeah how else am I gonna pay." I say smirking.
"Oh I kinda thought you'd wait in the car until I was done then I'd text you. Most guys hate going in nail salons." She says.
"I don't mind plus I can talk to you while you get them done." I say.
"Sure oh babe do you mind if I get my eyebrows waxed too? I'm almost at unibrow level." She says looking sheepish. I laugh.
"Of course you can babe and they're not bad at all but if you want to you absolutely can." I say.
"Thank you." She says and gives me a kiss.
I wrap my arm around her and we go inside the nail salon.
Y/N goes up to the nail technician.
"Hi can I get the basic mani pedi and eyebrow wax please." She says.
I cut in.
"No no no give her the best package with the skin scrubs and arm and leg massages." I say.
Y/N flushed in embarrassment and hisses to me.
"Mark that package is so expensive."
"I don't care." I whisper and kiss her nose.
"Ok so we'll give you the premium package then and eyebrow waxing." The technician says.
I nod and Y/N sighs in defeat knowing she won't change my mind. She goes to pick out her colors.
"I'm between these four I want to get matching for my toes and hands which one do you think?" She asks me holding out 4 colors of polish.
"I think this one babe." I say pointing to a seafoam green color.

" I say pointing to a seafoam green color

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She grins.
"I like that one too." She says.
The technician leads her to a salon chair with a little tub filled with water and I sit down next to her and chat with her and the technician while she gets her nails painted and eyebrows waxed. Once she's done she shows me her nails.
"I love them." I say.
"Me too." She says.
I go and pay for the mani pedi and eyebrow wax give the nail technician a generous tip then we head out to the car.
I open the car door for her and shut it once she gets in then get in on my side. Once we're both buckled I start off to the massage place.
"I figured we'll do the massage first then get your hair done then get your outfit." I say.
"Ok babe." She says.
Once we get to the massage place I get out and open the door for her. I then shut it and lock the car.
She raises an eyebrow.
"Ok really?" She says. I laugh.
"I made us an appointment for a couples massage baby." I say.
I see her melt.
"Aww babe." She says and gives me a hug and kiss.
We head inside and go up to the reception desk.
"Hi I have an appointment for a couples massage under Fischbach it should be all paid." I say.
"Oh yes Mr. Fischbach right here the premium couples massage." She says and leads us to a room with two massage tables next to each other.
She goes into a closet and hands us towels.
"Go ahead and strip to your underwear and lay on your stomach with your head in the head hole and the towels over you your masseuses will be right in." She says.
We nod and she exits. We do as she says and wait.
Soon the masseuses come into the room. We say hello and they start massaging us. It's very relaxing. Once the massage is over they exit and allow us to dress in robes. They then lead us to a room with tea and fancy cookies which we eat and sip while chatting. Once we're done we thank everyone then head out to the car.
I open the door for Y/N then shut it once she's in and get in on my side.
"Well babe how was that?" I say as I'm buckling up.
"I loved it baby it was so relaxing thank you." She says.
"You're welcome." I say.
Once we're all buckled I drive to the hair salon. Once we're there I get out and open the door for her then shut and lock the car. We then head inside and up to the front desk.
"Hi I made an appointment under Fischbach for my girlfriend." I say.
"Oh yes what would you like today?" The hair stylist asks looking at Y/N.
"Ummm I was thinking a trim of the dead ends and a blowout if that's ok." She says.
The hair stylist nods.
"That's fine come with me." She says.
I wait in one of the empty chair and Y/N follows the hair stylist. I decide to text Ethan to make sure everything is going good.

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