Evaluating the Sketches

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Your POV:

It's been 2 more days and today will be the day to evaluate the progress of your team.
You wake up use the bathroom let Chica out to use the bathroom then start to make breakfast and Mark comes down as you're cooking.
"Morning gorgeous." Mark says rubbing his eyes sleepily.
"Morning baby I have to go into the office today." You say.
"Oh ok." Mark says.
"I am evaluating the drawings being used for the project." You say.
"Sounds important." Mark says.
"It is I have to go through 27 drawings and tell them what could be improved." You say.
"Wow babe." Mark says.
"Yeah." You say.
You finish making breakfast and serve it and set the plates on the table. You and Mark chat as you eat then when you're done you clean up and get ready for work. Once you're ready you head downstairs and Mark is on the couch.
"I'm going to work now I love you baby see you later." You say giving Mark a hug and kiss.
"Ok I love you too I'm going to go record now." Mark says.
You grab your stuff and head out the door shut and lock it and get in your car. You head to the office and listen to music on the way. Once you get there you get out of the car lock it and head inside. You clock in and head to the meeting room where Rachel and the rest of your team are sitting there.
"Hi everyone is everyone ready to show me their rough sketches?" You say smiling.
Everyone says yes and pulls them out. You call everyone over one by one and spend some time one on one with everyone and give them feedback. All the while Rachel is sitting there watching you giving the feedback.
Once you're done with having one on ones with everyone you gather everyone together.
"Great job guys I'm really impressed with how your rough sketches turned out. Just keep in mind my feedback and I can't wait to see the final results. You can all go now have a great day everyone." You say and smile. Everyone says goodbye then leaves and clocks out leaving you with Rachel.
"Ok so here are my drawings." You say handing them to Rachel. Her jaw drops.
"Wow Y/N I'm very impressed these are even better than your last drawings and I'm also impressed with how you're handling leading the team you're a natural born leader. The way you gave feedback was perfect it was firm but not mean and you're encouraging them to do their best by acknowledging their work and praising them." Rachel says.
You blush.
"Thank you Rachel is there anything you would suggest to improve the drawings?" You ask. She shakes her head.
"No nothing at all they're perfect I think the client will be very impressed and I can't wait to see the final products." She says smiling.
"Thank you." You say.
"Of course have a good night Y/N." She says.
"You too Rachel." You say.
You clock out and head to your car.
You head home and once you get there you get out of your car lock it and head inside. You get inside and see Mark on the couch.
"Hey baby you're done early." You say.
Mark comes up to you and gives you a kiss and pulls you into a tight hug.
"Yep I am I missed you." Mark says. You giggle.
"I missed you too my love." You say looking into his eyes lovingly. He looks back at you just as lovingly.
"What do you want for dinner princess?" Mark asks.
"Pizza!" You say excitedly making Mark chuckle.
"Pizza it is then." He says kissing you on the nose and grabbing the menu.
"I just want the usual baby." You say.
"Oh ok." Mark says and puts the menu down and calls the pizza place and orders the food.
He then joins you on the couch and pulls you into his chest kissing you on your forehead. You lean your head against him and wrap your arms around him feeling safe and content. You sigh in happiness.
"I love you so much" You say.
"I love you so much too baby." Mark says.
"I'm so lucky to have you." You say.
"Not as lucky as I am to have you." Mark says. You blush.
"I just can't believe we've known each other less than a year and I love you this much. It feels like I've known you for years." You say.
"I feel the same I never knew it was possible to love someone this much." Mark says.
"Me neither baby." You say and kiss him resting your head on his shoulder so you can look in his eyes.
"So damn beautiful." Mark says quietly brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I'll never get tired of you saying that." You say grinning.
"Good because I'll be saying it for the rest of our lives." Mark says. Your breath hitches at his words.
"I'm looking forward to that." You say softly.
"Good because you're stuck with me." Mark says.
"You're stuck with me too." You say grinning.
"Well in that case there's nobody else I'd rather be stuck with." Mark says smiling stroking your cheek.
"Same here Markimoo." You say grinning and kiss him. After a while you pull back and rest your foreheads against each other. You then chat for a bit until the food comes. You watch a movie while you eat then when you're done you clean up. You watch another movie until you're tired then get ready for bed. Once you're both ready for bed you give Mark a kiss then get under the covers and snuggle into his chest.
"Goodnight baby." Mark says.
"Goodnight my love." You say.
"I love you so much." Mark says.
"I love you so much too." You say.
You close your eyes and it doesn't take long until you both fall asleep in each other's arms.

Marks POV:

Fuck. I'm in deep with this woman. I want to marry her. I want her to have my kids and I can't imagine doing either of those things with anyone else or living life without her.
We're on the couch talking and she lays her head on my shoulder and looks up at me with a look of such love in her eyes I swear it makes my heart stop and I melt.
"So damn beautiful." I say pushing a loose strand of hair behind her.
"I'll never get tired of hearing that." She says grinning a grin that makes my heart soar that I was the one who put it there. This is when I realize I want to be the one to put that smile there for the rest of my life. I want to be the one to call her beautiful for the rest of our lives. So I tell her.
"Good because I'll be saying it for the rest of our lives." Her breath hitches and for just a moment she has a look of shock and I worry for that moment that I said something wrong until she looks up at me with even more love in her eyes than before.
"I'm looking forward to that." She says softly and my heart soars that she feels the same.
"Good because you're stuck with me." I say.
"You're stuck with me too." She says grinning.
"Well in that case there's nobody else I'd rather be stuck with." I say smiling stroking her soft cheek.
"Same here Markimoo." She says grinning and she kisses me. After a while we pull back and rest our foreheads against each other. We then chat for a bit until the food comes. We watch a movie while we eat then when we're done we clean up. We watch another movie until we're tired then get ready for bed. I let Chica out quickly to do her business and once we're both ready for bed she gives me a kiss. We both then get under the covers and she snuggles into my chest and I feel complete as I always do with her in my arms.
"Goodnight baby." I say.
"Goodnight my love." She says.
"I love you so much." I say.
"I love you so much too." She says.
I close my eyes and it doesn't take long until we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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