Cookies and Surprise Lunches

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Your POV:
It's a week after you got engaged Mark had posted a video about it and the outpouring of love you both received was incredible. You wake up use the bathroom let Chica out to use the bathroom then start making breakfast for you and Mark. You talk while you eat and once you're done eating you clean up and he goes to record. It's been a couple hours and you're in the mood for cookies so you figure what the hell. You check the pantry and luckily you have everything you need to make chocolate chip cookies. So you go to work making them. You decide to surprise Mark and make lunch for him too since he's always forgetting to eat when he records. You do this sometimes and he's always super appreciative. You decide to make fried chicken sandwiches. You get the chicken and bread it then throw it in a pan with some oil. Once the chicken is almost done you put the cookies in the oven. After the chicken is done you throw a couple buns in a pan with butter to toast them. You also take the cookies out of the oven. While they are toasting you make a homemade sauce with barbecue sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, and honey. You then spread some of the sauce on the buns and put the chicken on them. You put two sandwiches on one plate for Mark and two for you. You also put a couple cookies on a plate for him.
You then put both plates on a tray and pour him a glass of lemonade. You put some napkins on the tray too. You then go to his recording room and knock. You hear Mark say come in.
"Sorry babe am I interrupting?" You ask like you always do when you go into his recording room.
Mark pauses his game and turns to you.
"No of course not aww you brought food." He says.
"Yep I know you forget to eat when you're recording so I made chicken sandwiches and also I made chocolate chip cookies." You say grinning.
"Aww thank you." He says.
"Of course." You say and place the tray down in front of him.
"That's my fiancée Y/N if you didn't know guys she's amazing." Mark says grinning like a fool.
You blush.
"Alright I'll let you get back to recording I love you." You say giving him a quick kiss.
"I love you so much thank you!" Mark says.
You smile and head out of his recording room closing the door on your way.
You eat then think about what you want to make for dinner. You decide you want to make a stir fry. You go into the kitchen and see that you have everything you need. Perfect. You make a marinade for the meat and put the meat in it and put it in the fridge. Perfect the meat can marinate for about 4 hours.
You decide to play guitar for a bit since you're off today. After you play for about an hour you put the cookies in a container now that they're cooled. You then decide to clean the house. You vacuum, mop, dust, and clean the bathrooms. That takes you about 2 hours. You then play some Xbox for an hour. By now it's 5:00 so you decide to start on the dinner. You cut the onions and peppers and throw them in a pan with the meat you marinated. You then get a pot and put water in it and set it on the stove. Once that's boiled you put two bags of rice in the pot. You keep stirring the stir fry until it's done then turn it to low and keep stirring until the rice is done. You then put the rice in a bowl then put it on a plate then put the stir fry on top. You put both plates on the table and Mark then comes out of his recording room.
"Wow babe did you clean it looks great. It smells amazing in here too." Mark says.
"I did and I made beef stir fry." You say smiling.
"I'm so lucky to have you thank you baby." Mark says coming up to you and giving you a kiss.
"How was your lunch and the cookies by the way?" You ask.
"Oh my god so good that sauce tasted just like chick fil a and the chicken was so good and the cookies melted in my mouth." Mark rambles making you giggle.
You both sit down and Mark takes a bite and moans.
"Oh my god babe." Mark says.
You giggle.
"Good?" You ask.
"Yes very you need to make this more." Mark says.
"Ok I will it's super easy." You say.
You chat as you eat and when you're done you clean up. You then go to the couch and sit next to Mark.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Mark asks.
"Sure babe." You say.
Mark picks a movie and once he does before he turns it on he turns to look at you.
"Hey babe?" Mark says with puppy eyes.
You giggle because you know what he is going to ask.
"Yes Mark you can have more cookies." You say laughing.
Mark looks at you with his eyes wide and his mouth open slightly.
"H-how." Mark says in shock.
You laugh.
"Because I know you." You say giggling as you get up to get some cookies. You put some on a plate for both of you and get 2 glasses of milk. You bring them over and put the plate on the table. Mark starts the movie and you snuggle into him while you watch the movie eating your cookies and drinking your milk.
You watch one more movie before you get tired and decide to get ready for bed. You let Chica out to use the bathroom and once you're both ready for bed you get under the covers give Mark a kiss and snuggle into him.
"Goodnight baby." Mark says.
"Goodnight handsome." You say.
"I love you so much." He says.
"I love you so much too." You say.
And soon you're both falling asleep feeling safe and content in each other's arms.

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