Downpayments and Propositions ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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"How was work baby?" Mark asks as you get in and buckle up.
"It was great thanks babe." You say.
"Was everyone nice?" Mark asks.
"Yeah everyone was great I got a lot of work done on this project that's due next week." You say.
"Oh awesome you'll have to show me when we get home I'd love to see it." Mark says.
"Sure you just can't post it since technically the design is company property." You say.
"Of course not." Mark says.
You tell him all about your day while you drive back to the house. Once you're there Mark gets out and opens your door for you. He then shuts the door and locks the car. You head to the door and Mark unlocks it and you head inside. You take your shoes off put your purse down and flop down on the couch with your laptop. You open up the program and show Mark the drawings you're working on.
Marks jaw drops.
"Holy crap babe you're amazing!" Mark says.
"Awww thanks babe." You say blushing.
"No seriously you're super talented!" Mark says.
"This is just a rough sketch so far." You say.
"I can't wait to see the finished product." Mark says.
"I'll show you for sure." You say.
"Hey I have a proposition for you." Mark says.
"What's that?" You ask him.
"I've been looking for someone to design me a new logo for my channel would you be interested? I'd pay you." Mark says.
"Babe of course I will and you don't need to pay me." You say.
"Really you will? I want to pay you though." Mark says.
"I have a better idea and I want a down payment in advance." You say biting your lip and looking down at his crotch.
"Ooohhh that can be arranged sweetheart." Mark says his eyes darkening.
You put your laptop away and put it on the desk in your office space Mark set up for you the other day. Mark comes in to your office.
"What do you think you're doing? You can't just say that and walk away." Mark growls. You giggle.
"I was putting my laptop away now you have my full attention." You say and walk up to him swaying your hips and put your arms around his neck. You lean in and kiss him gently the kiss quickly turning passionate. You run your fingers through his hair and he groans. You deepen the kiss and your tongues fight for dominance and you both moan into the kiss. Mark surprises you by picking you up while still kissing you and you yelp into the kiss then giggle as he carries you to the bedroom. When you get to the bedroom Mark sets you down on the edge of the bed and breaks the kiss. He then takes your clothes off so you're in your bra and panties. He then starts kissing you again then trails his kisses to your neck. He then takes your bra off tosses it to the side and starts licking, sucking, and flicking your nipples and groping your breasts.
"Ooohhh Mark." You moan.
He chuckles then trails his kisses down to your panties. He teases you by licking over your panties for a while.
"Ooohh baby stop teasing me." You groan.
He chuckles and pulls your panties down and tosses them to the side with your bra. He pulls you close and puts your legs over his shoulders and hovers over your center and you gasp when his tongue finally makes gentle contact. He gently licks up and down your folds teasing you then starts to lick and suck your clit.
"Ooohhh Mark yes!" You moan.
He then thrusts his tongue in and out of your entrance while rubbing your clit with his fingers. You moan. Then he goes back to licking and sucking your clit then surprises you by thrusting two fingers into your entrance.
"Oh fuck babe!" You moan.
He chuckles and speeds up the thrusts and licks driving you wild.
"Oh fuck I'm going to cum!" You moan.
"Cum for daddy." Mark says while still licking you then starts to twist his fingers inside of you while moving them in a come here motion.
This sends you over the edge.
"Oh my fucking god daddy yes yes yes!" You cry as you cum all over his mouth and fingers. He keeps going until your orgasm is almost over then surprises you by replacing his fingers with his cock.
"Ooohhh daddy yes fuck me fuck me hard!" You moan as he pounds into you fast and hard.
"Oh I intend to princess." Mark groans as he continues to thrust into you.
He lifts you up and places a pillow under you changing the angle. This causes him to repeatedly hit a spot that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head in pleasure.
"Ooooohhhh daddy right there fuck!" You moan out and Mark starts drilling that spot even harder and faster.
"That's it baby cum all over my cock." Mark growls pounding in between words.
This sets you off and you explode all over him your vision turning black as your orgasm barrels through you.
"Oooohhhhhhh!" You cry out.
"Oh shit babe." Mark grunts and thrusts deep inside you and you feel his cock pulse and spurts of cum coat your walls as your pussy contracts around his cock. Once your orgasms are both over Mark picks you up and carries you to the bathroom. Mark goes down on you and you have sex once more in the shower bringing your orgasm total to 4. Mark washes you off and washes your hair and you wash him off and wash his hair. He helps you out and you dry off and he carries you to the bed. You both get changed into pjs then head out to the living room.
"I made you dinner by the way I meant to tell you that but we kinda got distracted." Mark says and grins. You giggle.
"Aww thanks babe I'm starving." You say.
"Perfect let me heat it up for you." Mark says and goes into the kitchen. You get up and wait in the dining room. Mark heats everything up then puts the plates down on the table.
"Awww babe this looks great thank you." You say.
"Well I knew you'd be tired from your first day at work so I wanted to make sure dinner was ready for you." Mark says blushing. You hug him and give him a kiss.
"I really appreciate that babe you're so sweet." You say stroking his cheek.
"Aw it's nothing babe I just want to show you how much you mean to me by making sure you always feel loved and appreciated." Mark says.
"Well you're doing an amazing job of that." You say smiling.
"I'm glad. Now let's eat." Mark says.
You dig in and talk as you eat. Once you're done eating you get your iPad and talk with Mark about what he wants for his logo. You do a couple rough sketches of different ideas and Mark picks the one he likes best.
"I really like that one!" Mark says grinning.
"I like that one too it'll be awesome." You say grinning back.
"No rush though baby." Mark says.
"Yeah I'm kinda tired but I'll start on it tomorrow after work. Since we have the rough idea of what it will look like it shouldn't take too long." You say.
"Awesome." Mark says.
You both get ready for bed and you let Chica out to do her business then you give Mark a kiss and you both get under the covers.
"Goodnight baby I'm so glad you had a good first day. I love you." Mark says.
"Goodnight handsome thank you and I love you too." You say and you both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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