New Homes and Meeting Chica ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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Once you land Mark helps you get your carry on and grabs his while you grab yours. You then both go through security again and then grab your bags and go to customs. You then go out of the airport and get a taxi to Marks house. Once you're there Mark opens the taxi door for you and gets the bags from the trunk. You then walk up to his door and you can't believe how nice his house is. Mark unlocks the door and you hear the sound of a dog running. You both get inside and Mark shuts and locks the door and you see Chica running to Mark. She runs in circles around Mark and whines while Mark squats and pets her.
"Who's my good girl you are yes I missed you Chica bicca." Mark says in his baby voice. You giggle.
"I have someone very important for you to meet who's going to be living with us." He says in his baby voice and Chica seems to listen and sits and looks at you. You slowly go towards her and put your hand out. She smells it then licks it and comes up to you. You pet her and she sits there letting you pet her. "You're a good girl aren't you?" You say and you swear Chica smiles and winks at you. You giggle and get down on the floor and pet her. She kisses all over your face and won't let you stop petting her. You giggle.
"She likes you." Mark says smiling.
"I don't know what it is but all dogs love me." You say as you pet her.
"It's because they can sense you're a great person and a dog lover." Mark says smiling. All of a sudden you see a tuft of blue hair come around the corner.
"Hey Mark I thought that was you." Ethan says.
"Hey man thanks so much for watching the house and Chica while I was away." Mark says.
"Of course any time." Ethan says then looks to you.
"Hi Ethan." You say getting up.
"You must be Y/N it's nice to finally meet you Mark never shuts up about you." Ethan says grinning. You and Mark both blush.
"Yes I am and it's nice to meet you too it's great to meet the other half of Unus Annus." You say smiling.
"Wow babe you watched Unus Annus too?" Mark says in awe.
"Is that even a question? Of course I did I told you I watched all your videos." You say and giggle.
"Wow that's dedication." Ethan says.
"What can I say I really like Marks videos." You say blushing.
"She does she hasn't missed one even since we started dating and she talks to me everyday." Mark says laughing.
"You're hilarious!" You say.
"Is that the only reason you've watched them all?" Ethan asks raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Well no.... I'll admit I did it because I had a little crush on Mark." You say shyly.
"Little?" Mark smirks.
"Ok fine huge crush! You're hot ok you know that!" You say laughing and Mark and Ethan laugh too.
"Oh and don't even get me started on your voice." You say looking at Mark and biting your lip.
"On that note I'm out of here." Ethan says.
You give Ethan a hug which surprises him and you and Mark laugh.
"Bye Ethan!" You say.
"Bye Ethan!" Mark says.
"Bye guys use protection!" Ethan yells as he walks out the door.
"We won't!" Mark yells and you both laugh and can hear Ethan laughing as he walks away.
Mark shuts and locks the door.
"Now that we're all alone." Mark says in a deep sexy voice that makes you gasp as he starts walking towards you.
"What are you going to do?" You say smirking biting your lip and walking the rest of the way to him and put your arms around his neck.
Mark leans in and growls in your ear.
"I'm going to have my way with you in every room and surface in this house." You swear you had a mini orgasm just from his deep sexy voice saying those dirty words. You can't help but let out a little moan in anticipation.
"Oh that's what you meant by my voice." Mark chuckles.
You can only nod.
"Does it turn you on baby?" Mark says.
"God yes." You moan.
Mark chuckles and picks you up and carries you to the couch. He starts kissing you and takes your pants off as he does. You moan into the kiss and pull him closer to you by his shirt. He breaks apart kissing your neck while he takes your shirt off leaving you in your bra and panties. He looks over at the living room window and runs over and shuts the curtains.
"Don't want the neighbors having a show now do we?" Mark says and winks. You giggle. He takes off his shirt and pants leaving him in his underwear. Damn my boyfriend is hot! You giggle to yourself and he comes over to you.
"What's so funny missy?" He says with an eyebrow raised.
"Just how sexy you are I can't believe how lucky I am." You say and blush.
He looks at you and says something that makes you swoon.
"I'm the lucky one baby. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and will ever see."
"Awww baby." You say and give him a hug.
"I mean it and now I'm going to show you." He says his eyes darkening. You pull him to you running one hand down his pecs and abs and the other through his hair while you kiss him passionately. Mark trails a hand down to your panties and takes them off while you kiss. He then unclips your bra and tosses it aside with your panties. You impatiently reach for his boxers and pull them off desperate for him.
"Mark I need you now." You say breathily.
Mark tests you to see if you're wet enough and finds you soaked.
"Fuck babe my voice made you that wet?" He asks.
"Uh huh now please fuck me Mark!" You moan.
"Who am I to deny a lady?" He says and thrusts into you.
"Oooohhh yes!" You moan as he thrusts in and out of you hard and fast.
"Jesus baby you're so wet." Mark says.
"Talk dirty to me in my ear and watch how I can get even wetter." You say laughing and moaning.
Mark smirks and puts his face down to your ear while he pounds you.
"You like it when daddy pounds your pussy hard and fast baby?" He says in your ear. You feel your pussy gush around his cock with his words.
"Ooohh god yes daddy!" You moan out.
"Damn it really affects you that much?" Mark chuckles as he still pounds you hard and fast.
"Yes it does I can't help it that you have the sexiest voice on earth." You laugh and moan as he picks up his pace.
"Cum for daddy baby I want to feel your pussy cum on my cock." He says in your ear. This sets your orgasm off and you cum harder than you ever have before. Not long after you feel Marks cock pulsing inside of you and see a look of ecstasy on his face as he cums inside you groaning.
"Damn babe I came like a freight train." You say panting still.
Mark chuckles.
"You did and that set me off because your pussy was squeezing me so damn tight." Mark says with a groan. You giggle.
Mark pulls out of you and grabs a washcloth and cleans you both up. True to his word you have sex again on the kitchen table, the kitchen counter, the shower, and then in his bed before you go to sleep that night. This man has an insane amount of stamina. You order pizza and eat in between rounds. You get ready for bed then let Chica out before going to your room and getting under the covers together and as you lay in his arms with a huge smile on your face you can't help but think how damn lucky you are.
"Goodnight baby welcome home I love you so much." Mark says kissing you then pulling you closer to his chest.
"Goodnight Marky thank you and I love you so much too." You say and you both fall asleep in each others arms with Chica laying at the foot of the bed.

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