First Day Motivation ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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It's January 15th and it's your first day of your new job. You wake up feeling excited and smell pancakes.
You use the bathroom then head into the kitchen to see Mark in just an apron saying kiss the chef. No boxers or anything. Your jaw drops. He turns to you and smirks.
"I made bacon, sausage, and eggs but I assume this isn't the sausage you're wanting." He says and winks.
"Mark Edward Fischbach put some clothes on or so help me god you will regret it." You say your eyes darkening.
"You can't threaten me with a good time baby." He says and winks.
"God damn it Mark I have work I don't have time." You whine.
"Time for what?" Mark says and smirks.
"Fischbach I mean it don't play with me." You say.
"Oh I want to do more than just play with you I want to give you motivation to do well on your first day." Mark says.
"Babyyyy." You whimper.
Mark chuckles and turns the stove off. He then comes over to you. You can clearly see his erection through the apron.
"I hope you're washing that after you're done with it." You say.
"That's all you have to say?" Mark says laughing.
"Oh fuck it I'll eat on the road." You mutter to yourself and drop to your knees.
"What are you doing I thought you had work?" Mark says.
"I'm having my breakfast sausage." You say looking up at him your eyes dark with lust. Mark gasps.
You lift the apron up spit on his cock and start sucking while twisting at the base with your hand.
You moan as you suck and play with his balls.
"Oh fuck Y/N." Mark moans.
You start sliding your tongue along the underside of his shaft while you suck slowly going deeper until you get him into your throat.
"Holy shit baby." Mark moans.
You moan and continue to suck and play with his balls.
"Oh god princess I'm gonna cum." Mark moans.
You speed up and start massaging his abs along with playing with his balls. He groans and you feel his cum shoot down your throat. You swallow rhythmically and keep sucking and playing with his balls and massaging his abs until he stops cumming.
You suck up slowly swallow then lick up the rest of the cum on his cock then swallow that and lick your lips then kiss the tip of his cock.
"Jesus Christ." Mark says panting.
You giggle.
Mark catches his breath for a second then picks you up and puts you on the counter. He pulls your pants and underwear down and tosses them to the side. He then lifts your legs over his shoulder and puts his mouth on your pussy. He starts licking and sucking your clit and licking up and down your folds. He then flicks his tongue in and out of your entrance.
"Oh god Mark yes!" You moan.
He then goes back to your clit and pushes two fingers in your entrance quickly finding your g-spot.
"Oh fuck Mark yes just like that!" You moan.
Mark speeds up and you become a moaning mess under him.
"Ooohhh daddy I'm gonna cum!" You moan.
Mark responds by sucking your clit into his mouth and biting lightly which causes you to explode around his fingers and on his mouth.
"Ohmygodmarkyesyesyes!" You cry out as your pussy pulses and your eyes roll into the back of your head from pleasure. Then you feel Marks head move and are about to complain when you feel his cock enter you and start thrusting hard and fast.
"Oooooohhhh dadddddyyyy!" You moan as your orgasm intensifies. He keeps thrusting hard and fast until you cum one more time then with a groan he cums. Once his cock stops pulsing he pulls out and cleans you up with paper towels.
You sit there shaking from the force of your orgasms.
He chuckles at how wrecked you are.
"Babe it's not funny I don't think I can walk let alone drive I came so hard." You say.
"I'll drive you babe no worries." Mark says.
You nod.
"You're going to have to and now I need a shower." You giggle.
"You shower and I'll finish up breakfast." Mark says and puts you down from the counter. You nod give Mark a kiss pick up your clothes from the floor then go for a shower your legs still wobbly. You hear Mark chuckle and flip him off over your shoulder which makes him laugh. You get your clothes for work out and your shower stuff then take a shower. Once you're done your shower you get dressed and do your hair. You don't have time for makeup and to be honest you can't be bothered. You head to the dining room where Mark is placing the plates on the table with two glasses of orange juice. Mark pulls a chair out for you and you sit. You quickly eat and drink your orange juice talking to Mark in between then go and brush your teeth. You then grab your purse and keys and all your documents you need for work then head out to the car. Mark shuts and locks the door and then opens the passenger door for you then shuts it when you're in. He then gets in on his side and when you're both buckled you give him the address and he starts driving.
"Jesus I'm still shaking." You say. Mark chuckles.
"I can see that it was so cute how you were walking to the bathroom it was like a baby fawn walking for the first time." Mark laughs. You slap his arm but laugh with him.
"You're not wrong." He laughs.
"What time are you done work? I'll come pick you up." Mark says.
"Well normally I'd finish at 5 but since it's just paperwork and showing me around and training it may be earlier I'll text you and let you know." You say. Mark nods.
"Sounds good babe." He says.
You get to the office and Mark gives you a kiss.
"Good luck babe you'll do great." He says smiling.
"Thanks babe I love you see you later." You say and give him a big hug then get out of the car and head to the door of the office. You take a deep breath. This is the start of a new chapter in your life. You head inside with a nervous smile on your face.

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