New Years Eve pt 2.

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You take a deep breath as you follow Mark into his recording room. You've been in there to bring him drinks and snacks and stuff while he's editing but this is the first time you're going to be behind the camera.
"I'm going to start off by myself then I'll gesture for you to come over." Mark says.
You nod and sit in a chair out of frame.
Mark sits down in his gaming chair and hits the record button.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and you probably already know what I'm about to say from the title of this video. Marki the moo moo is officially off the market." You can't help but giggle at that and Mark looks over at you and smiles. "I told the audience at the Q & A in Y/H/T in July that there was someone I was talking to and we were seeing where it would go but that we had feelings for each other. Well a couple of months ago I asked her to be my girlfriend. I wanted to wait for the relationship to be less fresh to tell you guys so I hope you're not angry at me for keeping it from you. Now I'm going to introduce you all to her. Please be nice in the comments I love her very much and I don't want her feelings hurt." Mark says and motions you over to him. You pull the chair over next to him.
"This is Y/N everybody." Mark says.
"Hi everyone!" You say waving.
"She may appear in future videos and on my social media and I may appear on hers so I wanted to introduce her to you so there would be no confusion. Thank you in advance for your kindness and thank you everybody so much for watching." Mark looks to you to see you mouthing his outro smiles and nods to you to finish it with him.
"And we will see you in the next video buh bye!" You and Mark both say. Mark stops the video and reviews it.
"Ewww is that my laugh you can hear my giggling." You say scrunching your nose up. Mark giggles.
"I'm keeping it it's cute." Mark says and kisses you.
"Ok fine." You say smiling. Mark uploads the video and you look at him.
"Now we wait." Mark says.
You nod.
You both head out to the living room where Ethan is scrolling on his phone. You and Mark sit down with him then you remember something.
"Oh I need to go grab something!" You say and run upstairs quickly and come down not long after with your wireless speaker then set it up in the living room.
"Can't have a party without music." You say and Mark and Ethan both nod in agreement. You all chat for a bit until it's time to go pick everyone up from the airport. You get in your car while Mark and Ethan each get in theirs and you head to the airport. The funny thing is they're all coming in at almost the same time even though Sean, Felix, and Marzia are coming from Brighton. (I know that's probably not true but for convenience sake just go with it) You all park and head into the arrivals hall. You find a spot where you can see when they are coming from either door. About twenty minutes later you see Bob and Mandi come out. Mark gives them a hug then Ethan does. Then they come up to you.
"Hi you must be Y/N I'm Bob nice to meet you." Bob says giving you a hug.
"It's nice to meet you too yeah I know who you are from Marks videos and the distractible podcast." You say.
"Oh cool so you're a fan?" Bob asks.
You nod.
"Big time I've watched all his videos and listened to all the podcast episodes." You say.
"Wow that's dedication." Bob says. You giggle.
"That's what Ethan said." You say.
Bob laughs and Mandi comes up to say hi.
"Hi I'm Mandy nice to meet you." She says giving you a hug.
"Hi I'm Y/N nice to meet you too." You say. You chat with Bob and Mandy for a bit and then they all turn to greet Wade and Molly. They all say hi then Wade comes up to you. "Hi I'm Wade nice to meet you."
Wade says giving you a hug. You sarcastically say.
"Shut up Wade nobody likes you!" Probably louder then you should have in an airport but everyone laughs.
"I'm just kidding nice to meet you too I'm Y/N." You say giggling making Wade laugh.
"I see why Mark doesn't shut up about you." Wade says laughing.
"Shut up Wade!" Mark yells causing everyone to laugh again. Molly then introduces herself and you give her a hug. You all chat for a bit then Tyler comes in and everyone greets him. Then he comes up to you.
"Well if it isn't stone faced Tyler!" You say making everyone laugh. Tyler gives you a hug.
"Hi you must be Y/N nice to meet you." He says.
"Nice to meet you too. I'm sorry about your mom by the way I know you don't know me but I can't imagine how tough that is." You say putting your hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you I appreciate that a lot." Tyler says. You give him another hug and talk for a bit before Felix and Marzia come up and they all greet them. Felix comes up to you and hugs you.
"Hi how are you I'm Felix you must be Y/N?" Felix says.
"I'm good thanks how are you? Yes that's me." You say and laugh.
"I'm good thanks glad to be off that plane." Felix says.
"I bet." You say.
Marzia then comes up and hugs you and you introduce yourself to her. You talk with her and Felix for a bit until not long after you hear a loud voice with an Irish accent screaming.
"OUTTA THE WAY I GOTTA PEE!" You all turn your head to see Sean running to the bathroom while his girlfriend shakes her head laughing holding all the luggage. You all burst out laughing. Soon Sean comes out of the bathroom and they both come up to you. Sean gives you a hug.
"Hiya you must be Y/N I've heard alot about you from Mark." He says.
"Hi yeah I am I'm a big fan of you I've watched all your videos. Happy Wheels and Undertale were my favorite. I also loved Little Inferno and Papers Please." Sean salutes and you do too then you both say at the same time.
"Glory to Arstotska greatest country." You both then giggle and everyone shakes their heads and laughs at you both. Everyone gathers their luggage and you head outside.
"I call driving with Y/N!" Sean says.
"Me too." Wade says.
So naturally Sean's girlfriend and Molly drove with you too. Everyone else decides who they're driving with then you head back to the house. You listen to music and talk with everyone on the ride home and before you know it you're back home.

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