Engagement Parties ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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Once you recover from your shock you step inside and hug everyone. Everyone wants to see your ring so you show them smiling radiantly. You all talk for a while then order food and talk as you eat. After a while everyone heads out. Mark had recorded bits and pieces of the day and is going to post a video after he edits it. Your parents are staying at a hotel this time to give you and Mark privacy but everyone is in town for another couple days to spend time with you and Mark. You appreciate that they got a hotel this time because you can't wait to get him alone. He's been giving you sexy looks all night so you know he feels the same way. Finally once everyone is gone you shut and lock the door. When you turn around Mark is right in front of you his eyes dark with lust. Your breath hitches. He pushes a strand of hair behind your ear and buries his face in your neck planting gentle kisses. You gasp.
"Mark." You breathe out.
"Now I'm going to take my beautiful fiancée into our room and make sweet tender love to her." Mark says into your ear. Biting your earlobe then sucking it.
You moan.
"Maybe I want to be fucked hard daddy." You say seductively.
Mark growls and picks you up and throws you over his shoulder causing you to yelp. He carries you all the way upstairs and into your bedroom. He then gently places you down on the bed looking at you hungrily. He then takes his shirt off and you bite your lip.
"Damn my fiancé is hot." You say.
"My fiancée is gorgeous." Mark says and kisses you.
You moan into the kiss and thread your fingers through his hair as you kiss him passionately. Mark groans into the kiss then trails his kisses down to your neck sucking on your sweet spot. You let out a whimper.
Mark chuckles into your neck then looks at you.
"Let's get you naked baby." Mark says lustfully. You nod and he takes off your shirt slowly kissing the revealed skin as he removes it. He then unclasps your bra and pulls it over your head. He groans then takes one of your nipples into his mouth sucking it before doing the same to the other.
"Mark." You moan.
"I have an idea baby something we haven't tried before. Do you trust me?" Mark asks.
You nod.
"Close your eyes." Mark says and you do. You hear rustling and after a while you feel him place a blindfold on your face. Mark positions you so you're on your knees. You suddenly hear vibrations and you moan in anticipation. Mark chuckles and you feel him place the vibrator on your clit. You arch your back from the intense pleasure.
"Ooohhh." You moan.
"Already so wet." Mark says lustfully.
"Always for you daddy." You moan out.
He circles the vibrator over your clit making you whine and moan. After a while he pushes the vibrator in your entrance causing you to let out a cry.
He chuckles and thrusts the vibrator in and out of you.
"Oh fuck daddy I'm gonna cum." You whine.
Mark chuckles and moves his hand to your clit rubbing it. You thrust your hips to meet his hand and he pinches your clit sending you over the edge.
"Ohhhh daddy!" You cry as your pussy pulses around the vibrator. You then feel Marks shaft rubbing against your clit soaking up your wetness with his shaft while he thrusts the vibrator. You moan at the added friction. You whine when he stops and pulls the vibrator out then gasp when you feel the head of his cock press up against your entrance. He then puts the vibrator at the entrance of your asshole. You arch your back in anticipation and moan. Mark chuckles.
"Eager for daddy to fill both holes are we sweetheart?" Mark says into your ear.
"Yes daddy please fill both my holes." You moan needily.
Mark then slowly pushes his cock into your entrance. Once he's in he gives you a moment to adjust then slowly pushes the vibrator into your asshole and starts thrusting in and out of your pussy while thrusting the vibrator in and out of your asshole. He times it so the vibrator thrusts in when he's thrusting out.
"Oh my god daddy I feel so full." You moan.
"You're so fucking tight like this I'm not going to last long." Mark grunts out.
"I'm not either it's too good." You moan.
"Play with your clit and we'll cum together baby." Mark groans.
You reach your hand down and start rubbing your clit in circles. You whimper at the feeling of being pleasured at three different points.
"Fuck daddy I can't hold it in." You whimper.
"Cum for me I want to feel my gorgeous fiancées pussy pulse around my cock." Mark growls into your ear as he picks up the pace fucking your pussy hard and fast.
He then turns up the speed to max on the vibrator.
This is enough to send your orgasm crashing through you like a nuclear bomb. You let out a strangled series of moans, whimpers, and cries as you writhe against his cock and the vibrator your vision going black and seeing stars. You've never cum so hard in your life. You cum so hard you only vaguely hear Mark let out a strangled cry as he thrusts into you to the hilt and succumbs to his own orgasm.
You stay like that for a moment then both collapse onto the bed breathing heavily. Mark pulls you into his chest and strokes your hair as you both come down from your intense releases.
"Fuck baby I've never cum so hard in my life we should do that more often." Mark says chuckling and panting.
"I was thinking the same thing." You say giggling.
Mark kisses your forehead and you lay there for a couple minutes then Mark picks you up and carries you to the shower where he makes tender love to you like he promised. You then both wash each other's hair and bodies then dry each other off. You both then get ready for bed and Mark lets Chica out to use the bathroom then you give Mark a kiss and get under the covers and snuggle into him.
"Goodnight my gorgeous fiancée." Mark says. You giggle.
"Goodnight my sexy fiancé." You say.
"I love you so much." Mark says.
"I love you so much too." You say.
Then you both soon fall asleep in each other's arms content and happy.

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