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It's finally December 22nd the big day. Moving day. Mark had left after Thanksgiving but came back a couple days ago to help you finish moving. B/F/N is also with you and she and Mark helped you pack your boxes and they're both helping you put the boxes into the moving truck. You only needed one truck since you're not bringing any of your furniture since it came with the place. You take one last look around to see if you're missing anything and to reminisce on memories and smile. You've had some good memories of this place and you'll miss being close to your parents but you'll come back and visit and they'll come and visit you. It's time to start the next chapter of your life with the love of your life. You and Mark thank the driver then you rest your head on Marks shoulder as you both watch as the moving truck drives away on its way to Marks house. You have your essentials in a suitcase of course because it's going to take several days for everything to be delivered. When you can't see the moving truck anymore you take your head off of Marks shoulder and give him a kiss.
"I love you and I can't wait to live with you." You say smiling looking into his eyes.
"I love you too and I can't wait either." Mark says grinning. B/F/N clears her throat.
"I'm going to miss you though girl." You say going over and giving her a huge hug.
"Mmm hmm you've got your sexy hunk of man meat what else do you need?" She says and you both start laughing.
"That's true but I still need you girl I'll be texting you and calling you all the time and I'll visit and you better visit me." You say.
B/F/N goes up to Mark and gets right in his face.
"Take care of her Fischbach. I may be chill but if you mess with my bestie there will be hell to pay." She says. Mark gulps.
"I understand I will take care of her." He says.
"Good and when you're going to propose text me I know her dream ring, proposal, and ring size." She says. You laugh.
"Thanks but I don't have your number?" Mark says.
"Y/N text him my number pretty please." B/F/N says and you do and Marks phone pings.
"Problem solved." She says smiling.
"Ok but I'm not telling you when it is because you'll tell her." He says.
"That's fair." B/F/N says nodding and you all laugh.
You give B/F/N another hug.
"You take care of yourself and let me know if I need to kill a bitch because I will fly my ass out to L.A. if I have to." She says looking straight at Mark who gulps. You laugh.
"You take care of yourself too I'll text you at the airport and I'll let you know when we're boarding when we land and when we're back at Marks."
"Good I love you girl." She says tearing up.
"Aww bitch stop or I'm gonna cry." You say tearing up. You both hug each other and start crying.
Once you both get ahold of yourselves you pull apart.
"I love you B/F/N for real you're like the sister I've always wanted." You say.
"I love you too and ditto girl." She says.
You give her one last hug and she does the throat cutting gesture to Mark as she walks away causing you to crack up and Mark to gulp.
"She's not serious is she?" Mark asks.
"I wouldn't put it past her Mark so don't fuck up."
You say laughing.
"I wasn't planning on it." Mark says smiling at you.
"Good." You say and boop his nose.
You had shipped your car to L.A. that day so your parents are coming to take you to the airport. They pull up and you smile and run to the car. Your dad rolls the window down and says.
"Taxi for Y/N." You all laugh and Mark opens the door for you and you both get in then he shuts the door and you buckle up. You and Mark talk with your parents the whole way to the airport. Once you get there Mark opens your door for you and he grabs the luggage from the trunk. Your parents get out and you give them both huge hugs. They hug Mark also.
"Text us when you land and when you get to Marks." Your mom says.
"I will I love you guys." You say tearing up.
"Awww baby we love you too." Your mom says giving you another hug tearing up too.
Your dad gives you another hug too.
"Remember we're always a call away." Your dad says.
"I know dad thank you." You say.
"Take care of her Mark." Your dad says.
"I will sir I promise." Mark says.
"We love you." Your mom says.
"Yes we love you pumpkin." Your dad says.
"Love you guys too." You say.
"Safe travels." Your dad says.
"Thank you!" You say and you wave to them then head into the airport. You check in your bags then go through security. You then head to your gate. You and Mark grab lunch at a restaurant near your gate then head back to your gate to wait for your flight. When it's almost time for boarding you both use the bathroom. (because let's be real plane bathrooms suck ass. 🤣) You then text B/F/N and your parents real quick once they start boarding. You and Mark get called first because you're first class. You bought a regular ticket but Mark refused to let you travel economy because this event was so monumental so he upgraded your ticket much to your displeasure. Once you're on the plane and in first class you can't be mad anymore because first class is sooo much better than economy. I mean you wouldn't pay that much every time but once in a while it's worth it. You talk to Mark, watch movies, listen to music, and play on your phone for the plane ride. Then before you know it you're landing.

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