The Confession

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You take a deep breath and text the number Mark gave you.

Y - You
M - Mark

Y - Hi this is Y/N this is Mark right?
You get a reply back almost instantly.
M - Yeah it is um this may seem weird but I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me? My lunch break is at 1:00.
You squeal and take a deep breath to compose yourself.
Y - Sure I'd like that 😊
M - Ok awesome meet me at the diner by the convention center at 1:10 that should give me enough time to escape the mob of fan girls 😝
Y - Hey I'm one of those 😜
M - No, you're not.... Anyway, I've got to go I'll see you at 1 😉

You can't help but feel a flutter in your chest at his words. What does he mean by saying you're not one of the fangirls? Did he feel the chemistry between you both too?

You sit there with your thoughts for a while when you look at your phone and see it's almost 1:00.

'Shoot I need to get to the diner! I don't want to be late!' You think to yourself.

You quickly get up and make your way out to your car. You sit in the car for a couple more minutes composing yourself since the diner is only across the street then drive over to it. You go in and ask for a table for two and tell them you're waiting on someone and they seat you.
At exactly 1:10 you see a tuft of red hair bounce through the doorway. Your breath catches as you see Marks short but buff figure come to where you're sitting. Mark sees you and smiles and sits down in the booth across from you. You can't help to admire how handsome he is and you get lost in his eyes. You're brought out of your trance by Mark's deep chuckle. You shake your head quickly and clear your throat.

"Hi." You say awkwardly.
"Hi." Mark says with a chuckle.
"Shit I was staring wasn't I?" You say with a blush.
Mark nods making you blush even more.
"It's ok I was too." He says with a slight blush.
Your cheeks turn even more red with his words.
"Really?" You say shyly and put your head down.
"Yes." Mark says and puts his middle and pointer fingers under your chin so you are looking him in the eyes. You gasp at the touch and the look in his eyes. You can't quite put your finger on it but it might be desire?
No there's no way.
Mark starts stroking your cheek with his fingers causing sparks to form where he touches you.
"So fucking beautiful." He says in a whisper almost to himself but just barely loud enough for you to hear making you blush. You can't help but lean into his touch. A waitress comes to your table snapping you both out of your trance and asks what you want to drink. You both pull away and clear your throats.
"I'll have a coke please." Mark says.
"I'll have a F/D please." You say.
When the waitress leaves Mark clears his throat again.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so forward and touch you without your permission I don't know what came over me." Mark says apologetically.
"You don't have to be sorry. I um.... I liked it." You say with a blush and put your head down.
"You felt it too then." He said not as a question but as a statement. Your heart skips a beat at the confirmation that he also felt the spark when you hugged and when your hands brushed. You lift your head to look at him.
"I-I did but I didn't think you did." You say saying the last part softly.
"Oh I did it was like electricity flowing through me from where we touched." He says almost in awe.
Your breath hitches at his confession.
"So is that why you invited me to lunch?" You ask.
Mark nods
"I've never felt that before ever even with Amy." He says speaking about his ex.
"Me neither." You say.
"So I had to take my shot because I knew I'd regret it if I didn't take the chance to get to know you." He says.
"Well I'm glad you did." You say blushing making Mark grin.
The waitress comes with your drinks you both thank her and she asks what you would like to eat.
"I'll have a burger please." Mark says.
"I'll have a F/F please." You say.
The waitress writes down your orders and walks away.
"So um I don't want to move things too fast. I want to start as friends and get to know each other first. Then we'll see where we go from there. Although I have a sneaky feeling we're going to end up being more than friends because the chemistry we have is obviously off the charts." Mark says with a chuckle. You blush at his words.
"No yeah I totally agree I don't want to rush into anything because we just met." You say nodding your head.
"Good I'm glad we're both on the same page." Mark says with a smile.
You both start talking about your lives and getting to know each other. Mark is even funnier in person which you can't believe is even possible. He has you cracking up so hard your sides start to hurt.
"M-Mark I'm going to pee myself if you keep making me laugh this hard." You say through gasps of air recovering from your laughing fit.
Mark grins.
"Well then I guess you're going to need to wear diapers when you're around me." He says with a wink. You giggle.
"I guess so." You say still giggling.
The waitress comes with your food and you both thank her and start eating. Talking to each other while you eat. Once you're both done eating the waitress comes to clear your plates and she asks if you'd like the check or if you'd like a dessert and Mark asks for the check. Not long after the waitress comes back with the check and you go to get your wallet.
"Excuse me what do you think you're doing?" Mark says raising his eyebrow in a way that's incredibly sexy.
"Umm paying for my half." You say shyly.
"No you're not, I invited you on this date so I'll pay. I wouldn't be a gentleman if I let you pay. Thank you for the offer though." Mark says giving his card to the waitress. She nods in thanks and walks away to process the payment.
You pout.
"Hey no pouting you're too pretty to pout." Mark says making you smile.
"There's that smile." Mark says making you blush.
Soon the waitress comes back with Marks card and he hands her a generous tip in cash. The waitress thanks him profusely and you both head out and Mark holds the door open for you.
"That was a lot of fun thank you for coming to lunch with me." Mark says with his signature goofy smile.
"Of course I had a lot of fun too thank you for paying." You say shyly.
Mark gives you a hug and there are those damn sparks again that leave you breathless.
"I'll see you at the Q & A bye beautiful." Mark says with a wink.
"Bye Mark see you then." You say with a blush at his complement.

Mark walks away and you go to your car. You get in shut the door and put your head in your hands.
Fuck. You're in big trouble now. You had a crush on Mark before sure, but now it's turning into more now that you know he feels the same. You sigh and start the car and make your way back to the convention center. The Q & A is starting in 10 minutes so you don't want to be late since you want to get a good spot.

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