Valentines Day Surprises

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* Time Skip to Valentines Day

You wake up and remember it's Valentine's Day. You had gotten Mark a card when you went out grocery shopping so you're all ready. You also got some new lingerie to surprise him with. You look over and see Mark isn't in bed. You use the bathroom then head out to the living room. You gasp and put your hand over your mouth when you see what Mark did. The dining room table is covered in rose petals and there's a vase with gorgeous roses on it a big box of chocolates being held by a teddy bear and a card.
"Oh baby you didn't have to do all this." You say walking over to him tearing up from his sweetness.
Mark steps away from the stove comes up to you and pulls you into his arms and kisses you passionately.
"Of course I did it's our first Valentine's Day together I wanted to make it special." Mark says.
"Well you did." You say. Mark wipes the tears from your eyes and gives you a big hug.
"I love you so much." Mark says.
"I love you so much too baby." You say.
Mark gives you one more kiss then goes back to the stove.
"Whatcha making handsome?" You ask.
"Pancakes and fruit." Mark says.
"Yummy." You say.
You sit at the table and talk to Mark while he finishes the food. Once it's done he plates it and puts in on the table.
"There you go princess." Mark says.
"Awww baby you're so sweet." You say.

A/N: This is what Mark made you

A/N: This is what Mark made you

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"Anything for you baby." Mark says.
Mark puts his plate with regular pancakes and fruit down and sits down and you take a picture of your plate then you both talk while you eat.
Once you're done eating Mark insists on cleaning up while you sit on the couch. You begrudgingly allow him to. Once everything is cleaned up Mark comes over to you.
"Let's get ready then open our cards baby I have a special day planned." Mark says.
You get up and get ready in a cute but casual outfit with your lingerie underneath.
Once you're ready you head downstairs to see Mark is already ready. He's wearing a button down shirt and nice pants.
"Well look at you Mr. Fancy pants." You say and go up to Mark wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him.
"You look beautiful." Mark says.
"Thank you and you look handsome." You say.
You give Mark his card and he gives you yours.
Mark opens his first.

Dear Markimoo,
Happy first Valentines Day of hopefully many!
I am so lucky to be your girlfriend and can't wait for our future together. I love you so much!
Your princess,
"Aww baby thank you." Mark says pulling you into a hug and kissing you.
"Of course." You say.
You then open Marks card.

Dear Princess,
Happy first Valentines Day!
I am going to spoil you today and show you how much you really mean to me! I love you so much and I can't wait for our future together. I hope you like your surprises.
Love Always,
Your Markimoo

"Aww baby you're so sweet!" You say kissing Mark.
"It's nothing baby now let's go." Mark says smiling.
You grab your purse, phone, and keys and you head outside. Mark locks the door and you head to your car. He opens the passenger door for you then shuts it and gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled he starts driving. You drive for about 20 minutes before Mark pulls over on the side of the road and fishes in a bag he brought for something.
"What are you doing?" You ask him giggling.
Mark finally pulls out a blindfold.
"Seriously babe?" You ask laughing.
"Yes I'm serious." Mark says. You roll your eyes but put it on.
"Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?" Mark asks.
"No I can't see anything." You say.
"Good." Mark says. You then feel the car start to move again. After about another 10 minutes you feel the car come to a stop again.
You hear Mark get out and open your door. You feel his hand and he helps you out of the car.
"Ok I'm going to lead you to where I want you just trust me ok." Mark says.
"I trust you." You say.
"Good just keep hold of my hand." Mark says.
You walk with Mark for a little while then you go through a door and he stops you.
"Ok you can open your eyes now." Mark says.
You gasp at the sight in front of you.

You gasp at the sight in front of you

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"Babe it's gorgeous." You say in awe.
"Not as gorgeous as you." Mark says. You blush.
"What is this place?" You ask.
"It's called Descanso Gardens." Mark says.
"Wow it's incredible." You say.
"It is." Mark says and suddenly he looks nervous.
You put your hand on his cheek.
"What's wrong baby?" You ask.
Mark takes a deep breath.
"Nothings wrong baby. But there is a reason I brought you here today." Mark says.
"Oh and what's that?" You ask.
"I brought you here today on the day of love to make a promise to you. This is not a proposal yet but it is a promise that I will marry you one day and that I will love you, cherish you, and take care of you for the rest of our lives." Mark pulls out a velvet box and opens it and you gasp.
"Y/N, princess do you accept my promise?" Mark asks nervously.
"Yes of course Mark!" You say tears coming down and hug him tight not even looking at the ring. You hug him for a while then give him a passionate kiss. Once you calm down Mark puts the ring on your finger. It's a perfect fit.

"Oh Mark it's gorgeous

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"Oh Mark it's gorgeous. Thank you so much. But how did you know my size?" You ask.
"I had a little help from B/F/N I picked the ring she told me your size." Mark says smirking.
"The angel wings are because you're my angel and it has an engraving too." Mark says and shows you.
"Oh baby I love it." You say tearing up again.
"I'm glad. Happy Valentine's Day my love." Mark says.
"Happy Valentine's Day I love you so much." You say.
"I love you so much too." Mark says.
You walk around and look at the garden for a while then head back to the car. Mark opens the door for you and shuts it then gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled he starts the ride back home. You can't help but stare at your ring the entire ride home with a stupid grin on your face. You're so happy.

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