Flying to Korea

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It's the day you and Mark go to Korea and you're nervous. This will be your first vacation together and you'll be meeting his family. You wake up and rub your eyes yawning then stretch and get out of bed. You smell bacon so you assume Mark is in the kitchen cooking breakfast. You use the bathroom then head into the kitchen. You walk over to Mark and wrap your arms around him and snuggle him.
"Good morning baby." He says.
"Good morning Marky." You say.
You then feel something furry behind you and giggle when you turn around and see Chica.
"Good morning to you too did Mark take you outside?" You ask while petting her.
She barks as if in confirmation and you giggle.
"I did." Mark says.
"I know she told me." You say giggling. Mark chuckles.
You chat while Mark cooks breakfast then once he's done he puts the plates on the table. You talk while you eat and when he's done you clean up the kitchen. You both hang out until it's almost time to go to the airport. You both then take a shower and pack your last minute things. It's time for you to leave when you hear the doorbell. You answer it to see Ethan. Mark had asked him to drive you both to the airport and watch Chica and the house while you're both in Korea. You give him a hug and he comes in.
"Thank you again for doing this Ethan." Mark says when he sees him after giving him a hug.
"Of course that's what friends are for." Ethan says smiling. You and Mark say bye to Chica then grab your bags and bring them out to Ethan's car. You load them into his trunk then go back and lock the door. Ethan has a spare key so he can get in. You both then get in the car. You all talk as Ethan drives and soon you're at the airport. You get out and grab your bags from the trunk then you both give Ethan a hug.
"Safe travels guys let me know when you land." Ethan says.
"Thanks man we will." Mark says.
Ethan gets in his car and drives off and you and Mark head into the airport.
You check in your bags then go through security and customs. You then grab something to eat in your terminal. After that you wait at your gate for your flight to start boarding. Once it starts boarding you and Mark grab your carry ons and head to the boarding area. You wait in line until it's your turn and show your passports and boarding passes. You then walk onto the plane and find your seats. Everything goes smoothly and you sleep for most of the flight. Soon Mark is shaking you awake and telling you that you're almost there. You rub your eyes and stretch then look out the window. You gasp when you see the beautiful landscape of Korea. You and Mark grab your carry ons and head out of the plane. You go through security then customs then you grab your bags before heading to the arrivals hall. When you get to the arrivals hall you see Tom waiting for you both. You recognize him from picture on Marks Instagram. Mark goes up and hugs him and you stand nearby shyly. You go to shake Tom's hand and he pulls you into a hug making you relax.
"So you're the Y/N that Mark won't shut up about." Tom says grinning. You blush.
"That's me it's nice to meet you." You say.
"It's nice to meet you too." Tom says.
You head outside and Tom leads you to his car. You load your bags into the trunk and hop in. You let Mark take the front seat. You all talk on the way back to Marks parents house and soon you're pulling up to a small but nice little house. Tom parks and you and Mark get out and grab your bags. You all go to the front door and Tom unlocks it and opens it and you all step inside.
Tom shouts "Mom we're home." in Korean and you're so glad that you've been learning Korean since Mark told you you'd be coming here to see his family. It's been about a year and a half so you've learned quite a lot. Mark doesn't even know because you wanted to surprise him. Soon Marks mom comes over and she's even prettier in person. You've seen her in Marks videos but the camera doesn't do justice to her glowing skin. She looks so young.
She pulls you in for a hug and once you pull away you tell her as much.
"You're even prettier in person you look so young. It's so nice to meet you." You say in Korean. She looks at you surprised for a moment then quickly recovers.
"Thank you sweetheart and you're even prettier than Mark said you were. He never told me you speak Korean." She says in Korean.
"Thank you and that's because I didn't tell him I was learning. I started learning when he invited me to come meet you about a year and a half ago." You say in Korean.
"Your Korean is very good for that short amount of time." She says in Korean.
"Thank you." You say in Korean again and turn to Mark. He's staring at you with his jaw dropped open and his eyes wide. You laugh and so does Marks mom and Tom.
"Surprised my love?" You say in Korean smirking.
Mark can only nod his mouth still wide.
Mark shakes himself out of his trance and hugs his mom. You all chat for a while then you start to get hungry.
"I'm going to start making dinner." Marks mom says in Korean.
"Can I help? I'd love to learn how to make some Korean dishes so I can make them for Mark when we go back home." You say in Korean.
"Of course you can sweetheart." She says in Korean. You follow her into the kitchen leaving Mark to talk with Tom.

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