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It's been 2 months and you and Mark have been FaceTiming and texting every day. You both have started flirting more and you are starting to fall for him and you hope he feels the same.

It's Saturday and you're laying on your bed scrolling through Instagram when you hear your phone go off with the ringtone you set for Mark which is his YouTube channel song. (Crazy La Paint)  you quickly answer.

"Hey how are you?" You say with a smile as his handsome face appears on your phone screen.
"Better now I'm seeing your face." He says with a grin and you blush.
"Same here." You say.
"Whatcha doin'?" Mark asks.
"Oh I was just scrolling through Instagram." You say.
"Oh cool." Mark says.
"I'm off today so I can relax it's so nice." You say with a giggle.
"I bet I have no days off so." He chuckles.
"True but you work from home." You say.
"Yes that's true and I love what I do." He says.
"Me too but it gets tiring after a while." You say.
"Do you have any vacation time?" Mark asks.
"Yeah I am planning to use 2 weeks of it in a couple weeks since I need to give 2 weeks notice. I'm going to put it in on Monday when I get to work." You say.
"Oh cool. Oh by the way I wanted to send you something can I have your address please?" Mark asks. You raise your eyebrow but send it to him anyway.
"What is it Mark? You know you don't have to buy me anything." You say.
"I know but I want to." He says.
You both keep on talking and soon it's dinner time.
"Hey I have an idea." You say.
"What's that?" Mark says.
"How about we both order pizza and watch the same movie together?" You say.
"That is such a good idea!" Mark says with a grin.
You both order your pizza and keep talking until it arrives.
You hear the doorbell ring and you go to answer it with your phone in your hand.
The pizza guy is clearly checking you out.
"There you go beautiful." He says with a wink.
"Ummm thanks." You say awkwardly and take the pizza give him his tip and shut the door.
You look down and Mark looks annoyed.
"What's wrong?" You say.
"Nothing it's stupid." Mark says still looking annoyed.
"No go ahead tell me." You say.
"I didn't like how he called you beautiful." He says.
"Awww you're jealous." You say.
"Very. If I were there I would have come up and wrapped my arms around you kissed you and asked if you were ok just to claim you as mine." Mark says his eyes darkening. You bite your lip.
"I hope I'm not acting too possessive I'm not normally like this but if it bothers you tell me." He says correcting himself.
"No it's...." You stop, taking a breath.
"It's what?" Mark says.
"It's hot as fuck. There's nothing sexier than a guy claiming a woman as his in front of another guy who's interested." You say as you bite your lip.
"Fuck." Mark says with a growl that makes your panties wet.
"It's a good thing I'm not there right now because if I was I don't think I'd be able to control my actions." He says his eyes nearly black with lust. You gasp at his words.
"I wouldn't want you to." You say biting your lip again. Mark groans.
"You're killing me woman." He says and you laugh easing the tension a bit. You both pick a movie and start it at the same time eating your pizza and enjoying the movie together. After the movie is over you talk about it for a bit then talk about other things for a little bit.
"I'd better go I have a bit of editing to do but I'll call you again tomorrow." Mark says with a grin.
"Ok talk to you tomorrow. Bye Mark." You say with a grin just as big.
"Bye beautiful." He says.
You end the call and fall back on your bed.
You're in big trouble. You're falling so hard and fast for this man and you know there's no way to stop it.
You can only hope he feels the same way.
You put the leftovers away then put the dish in the dishwasher. You then make yourself a bowl of your favorite ice cream with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. You sit on the couch and watch a movie while you eat your ice cream. You then rinse your bowl and put it in the dishwasher. You watch another movie then start to get tired. You get ready for bed then get your phone out and text Mark.

Y: I'm going to bed good night Markimoo.
M: Goodnight beautiful

You then put your phone on charge get under your covers and soon fall asleep dreaming about Mark and what the future will hold for the two of you.

On Monday you wake up eat breakfast then get ready for work. Once you're ready you grab your purse and work stuff and head outside. You shut and lock your door then get in your car. You then buckle up and head to work. Once you get to work you clock in then true to your word you put in your vacation time with your boss and tell Mark what days they are. You go through the day then clock out and head back to your apartment. You then heat up some leftover pizza from last night and watch a movie while you eat. You watch one more movie then get ready for bed. Once you're ready for bed you text Mark.

Y: Goodnight Marky
M: Goodnight gorgeous

You then put your phone on charge get under the covers and soon fall asleep.

Over the next two weeks Mark doesn't talk to you as much which makes you sad and you hope he still feels the same way about you since he used to talk to you a lot more. No he's probably busy you tell yourself. Then the first day of your vacation finally comes.

A Date With MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now