Thanksgiving Surprises ⚠️ Light Smut ⚠️

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You turn to Mark and say.
"Ok so our family tradition before we eat is to say what we're thankful for." You say.
"Ok I'll go first then I guess. I'm thankful for this amazing meal and my beautiful amazing girlfriend." Mark says smiling. You blush. You motion to your parents to go next.
"I'm grateful that Y/N has finally found a good man that will treat her right." Your dad says and you grin like a fool squeezing Marks hand and looking at him. He's smiling too.
"I'm grateful that we're all here together today and for this wonderful meal." Your mom says.
"I'm thankful for my amazing boyfriend and also for something else." You say. Mark and your dad look at you confused but your mom gives you a knowing look as you pull the papers out from under your placemat.
"Mark I love you so much and can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives together." You say and Mark looks even more confused. You hand him the papers and it takes a minute to sink in then his eyes widen and his mouth turns up into a huge grin.
"Babe are you serious?!" Mark says grinning.
You nod smiling. Mark gets up picks you up and twirls you around kissing your face. You giggle and finally he puts you down and plants a peck on your lips and holds you.
"I'm so happy babe how long have you been planning this?" Mark asks.
"Well to be honest with you I'd been planning to move to L.A. for a while now so I was saving up but when we started dating I knew I wanted to be near you so I decided to move that plan up." You say grinning. Mark hugs you again holding you close for a minute.
"Come on babe the foods going to get cold." You say giggling. Mark lets go of you pulls your chair out for you again and once you sit down he pushes it back in and sits down himself. Your parents are grinning too.
"Congratulations you two." Your mom says
"Yes congratulations take care of my little girl." Your dad says looking at Mark.
"I will sir everything I said to you still stands." He says nodding. Your dad nods. You wonder what he means but are too hungry to care so you dig in and so does everyone else. Once you're all done dinner you chat for a bit on the couch then eat dessert. You all chat some more until it's starting to get late.
"Well mom and dad it was great seeing you remember I won't be over for Christmas because I'm meeting Marks friends." You say smiling.
"That's fine honey it was great seeing you too." Your mom says giving you a hug.
Your dad gives you a hug too.
"You picked a good one sweetheart." Your dad whispers to you as he hugs you and your heart soars.
"I know." You say.
"It was lovely meeting you Mark." Your mom says pulling him into a hug
"Nice to meet you son." Your dad says pulling Mark into a hug too which surprised you.
"Oh I was wondering if you guys could take us to the airport on the 22nd of December because I'm shipping my car to L.A.. If you're busy that's fine we can just Uber I just wanted you guys to send me off." You say.
"Of course we can honey!" Your mom says.
"Of course we wouldn't miss sending our little girl off." Your dad says.
"Thank you so much love you guys!" You say waving as you head out the door.
"Love you too sweetie." Your mom says.
"Love you too pumpkin take care of yourself." Your dad says.
"I will dad you too." You say and you and Mark head out to your car.
Mark opens the passenger side door for you and shuts it then gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled Mark starts driving back to your apartment. He puts his hand on your thigh and you don't think much of it until you notice it's moving closer to your center. Your breathing quickens and you see Mark smirk at this.
"Mark what are you doing?" You ask at the next red light looking at Mark.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" Mark says meeting your gaze with a smoldering one that makes your panties grow wet. You gasp and are suddenly glad you're wearing a dress which you never do but you wanted to look nice. Mark puts his attention back on the road but his hand finds your panties and your breath hitches. He puts his fingers inside your panties and starts playing with your clit rubbing and pinching it.
"Ooohh Mark!" You moan out. He then pushes a finger in your entrance while still rubbing your clit with his thumb. You moan out again. After a while Mark pushes another finger in. The feeling of two fingers inside you while his thumb rubs your clit is amazing. Then he hits your g-spot and you arch your back and cry out.
"Oh god Mark yes right there!" You moan loudly.
He chuckles and starts fingering you harder and faster and rubbing your clit faster. Not long after your orgasm explodes your pussy clenching around his fingers with a shudder.
"Oh god Mark!" You moan out. He keeps fingering you and rubbing you until your climax is over. You're panting and look at Mark in awe but his gaze is still on the road. He pulls his fingers out of your panties and at the next red light looks at you and sucks them into his mouth. You moan at that.
"Mmm delicious I'm going to need to have another feast when we get home." Mark moans licking his lips his eyes dark with lust.
You whimper in anticipation making Mark chuckle.
"Patience now greedy girl." Mark says smirking. The rest of the drive home feels like forever even though it was only about 10 minutes. Once you get there Mark gets out and opens your door helps you out then shuts the door and locks the car. You head up to your apartment and unlock the door. You head inside shut and lock the door, put your purse down and put away the leftovers your parents had sent home with you. Once you're done you feel a pair of strong arms around you and a pair of lips on your neck.
"Maaarkk." You moan as he sucks your sweet spot.
He chuckles.
"Come with me baby." He says in his sexy voice. You moan and follow him to the bedroom. Once you get there he picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist as his kisses you. You moan into the kiss threading your fingers through his hair. He puts you down on the bed and starts kissing your neck again. You moan and he takes his shirt off.
"I want you in that dress while I have my way with you you look so hot in it and I want to celebrate the good news." Mark says his eyes dark with lust. You bite your lip. It's going to be a good night.

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