New Years Eve pt 1.

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It's New Years Eve and you just woke up. You smile realizing you're going to meet all of Marks friends today. Bob and Wade and their wives are flying over so are Felix and Marzia and Tyler and the person you're most excited to meet is flying over too with his girlfriend. Good ole Jackaboy. You're so excited to meet the Irish green bean who is your second favorite YouTuber. You admit he's attractive and funny and you had a crush on him at one time but he's not as attractive or funny as your Markimoo. Nobody can compare to him. Damn you're smiling like an idiot now cuddling your man. You smile even more at the fact that he's your man. You giggle with happiness and Mark groans. "Come on babe we've got a lot to do we have to go to the store and get the stuff for the party then we have to set it up. Also, we need to pick everyone up from the airport." You say. Since there are so many people you and Mark are each taking one car and Ethan is going to drive his car as well. Luckily your car was delivered a couple days ago along with your other stuff and you are already mostly unpacked. Mark gets up and you both use the bathroom then head into the kitchen. You let Chica out then you make breakfast for you both. You have cereal since you need a quick breakfast then shower get dressed and brush your teeth. You then grab your keys and Mark grabs his wallet and you head out to the store. Mark shuts and locks the door then you head out to your car. Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it and gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled you head to the supermarket. You're going to order pizza later so you just get snacks and soda and other drinks. You also spot something and have to pick it up for Jack. Mark laughs and agrees he'll love it. Mark also helps you find things for all his other friends. You check out then head back to your car. Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it and gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled up you head to a convenience store to pick up all the decorations. Once you get there Mark gets out and opens your door for you then shuts the door and locks the car. You both head in and look for what you need. You grab balloons, banners, plastic cups, ping pong balls, party hats, glasses, necklaces, and party horns and poppers. You also get confetti cannons, sparklers, pop it's (the things you throw at the ground and they explode) and fireworks. You check out then get back in the car and head to the beer place. You get there pick up some beer, then head to the wine and spirits store and pick up some wine, champagne, whiskey, and vodka. Once you've finally gotten everything you head back home. Once you're home Mark gets out and opens the door for you then shuts and locks the car. You both then grab the stuff and carry it to the door. Mark unlocks and opens the door and you both bring the stuff inside. It takes three trips to bring everything in between the two of you. Mark then shuts and locks the door and he texts Ethan. He doesn't respond so Mark gives you his number and you try to text him.

Y: Ethan please come over and help i love Mark to death but I don't trust him with a balloon pump it's going to go bad I can feel it he needs supervision and I have too much other shit to do and I can't watch him.
E: 🤣🤣🤣 I'll be over in 15
Y: Thanks you're a lifesaver!
E: No problem 😊

You giggle at your text conversation with Ethan and Mark looks at you mid pump of the balloon and raises his eyebrow.
"What's so funny?" Mark asks.
"Oh nothing." You say and put your phone away still giggling.
Mark comes over and sneakily grabs your phone.
"Damnit what's your password." Mark says.
"I'm not telling." You say sticking your tongue out at him.
Mark comes over and starts tickling you until you tell him. He then unlocks your phones and sees your texts with Ethan.
"Hey I'm a big boy I don't need supervision with a balloon pump." Mark says putting the phone down. He then starts pumping while looking at you. You sneakily record him.
"See I'm f-" Before Mark finishes his sentence the balloon pops.
"Jesus!" Mark says jumping about two feet in the air.
You start cracking up and end the recording this is gold you're soooo posting that on your Instagram for your New Years post. You're still laughing and Mark is still just standing there with his mouth open which makes you laugh even harder. You then hear a knock on the door. It's Ethan. You let him in still cracking up.
"What's so funny?" Ethan says smiling.
"M-Mark." You manage to say in between giggles before you give up shake your head while giggling and just show Ethan the video. Now you're both cracking up and Mark is looking at the two of you with a very annoyed look. It takes you and Ethan a couple of minutes to calm yourselves down but you finally do.
"Oh my god you have to post that on Instagram Y/N that is gold!" Ethan says wiping tears from his eyes.
"I am on my New Years post." You say wiping tears from your eyes too.
"I have to warn you babe if you post that people will start to think we're together so I think we should post a video on my channel telling them first." Mark says.
"You really want to tell them?" You say.
Mark nods.
"Of course I do I love you and I want to share you with the world." Mark says coming over to you and hugging you.
"Awww babe." You say and give him a kiss.
"Let's finish decorating then we'll make a video and post it." Mark says.
"Ok sounds good." You say.
It doesn't take long between the three of you to get all the decorations up. Then it's time to make the video announcing your relationship.

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