Girls Night! ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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You head up to the guest room where all the girls are staying and shut the door. You all chat for a bit while you paint each others nails. Once your nails are dry you change into pjs. You pass each girl a cucumber. You had brought up some slices of cucumber in a container to put over your eyes with the face masks too.
"Ok so everyone's gag reflex is different so it'll be different for everyone but the main thing is to stimulate the whole thing." You say.
Everyone nods.
"So start off slow and work the base in a corkscrew motion while you suck. Whatever you can't fit in your mouth work with your hand." You say and demonstrate. Everyone tries.
"Good but the motion is like this." You demonstrate again.
Everyone tries that again.
"There you go then you try and go deeper if you can and massage the balls while you suck and stroke." You say.
Everyone tries it.
"Good if you can go down all the way that's great but if not no big deal." You say.
"The most important thing is to use your tongue at first you flick it on the head like this then while your sucking you slide it around the base and up to the tip." You demonstrate.
Everyone tries it.
"Then when you know they're about to cum suck faster and harder and start massaging their abs with your free hand that will make their orgasm more intense and if you do manage to get it in your throat swallow rhythmically while they cum." You say.
Everyone nods and practices and you help them adjust their techniques until they're perfect.
"Awesome I think you're all ready." You say and smile.
"I can't wait to try this out on Sean." Sean's girlfriend says giggling.
All the girls agree they can't wait to try it out on their men either.
"Let me know how it goes ladies." You say.
You all exchange numbers and start a group chat.
You are all getting hungry so you ask the girls what they want and they want Chinese food. So you write down what they want and you head downstairs and the boys are playing video games.
"Alright boys we're getting Chinese what does everyone want?" You ask.
Everyone tells you what they want and you write it down. Mark grabs his wallet and hands you his card.
"Here babe use my card." He says.
You take it from him making sure to lean over so he sees your cleavage hanging out of your pajama top.
You lean close to his ear.
"Thanks daddy." You whisper seductively and wink at him making sure to sway your hips a little more than usual as you walk away so your ass jiggles. You only turn back when you know he can't see you but you can see him and his jaw is dropped open and you can see a noticeable bulge in his pants even from this far away. You giggle. You know you're going to get punished for that when everyone leaves but it was worth it.
The funniest thing is the boys didn't notice anything. You head back up to the girls and order the food then head back down and give Mark his card back.
"Thanks baby." You say and give him a kiss.
Mark clears his throat.
"You're welcome." He says.
You sway your ass again as you leave and head back to the girls. You tell them about your antics and they're all giggling.
"It's so hot how he reacts that much to you." Molly says.
"He does the same to me trust me." You say and giggle. Everyone else giggles too.
You chat about how the men are in bed and laugh and giggle about it. You're happy to say Mark is the best. Sean is a close second then it's Felix, Wade, and poor Bob in last. You keep chatting until the food gets there and you hear the doorbell ring. You all head down and see Mark with the food putting it on the dining room table. You all plate your food and sit together at the dining room table. You chat and eat and have a good time. Once you're all done eating you clean up and head back upstairs after saying goodnight to the boys. You put face masks on and cucumbers on your eyes and chat while they sit. Once they're done you wash them off and watch movies until you all start to get tired. You then get ready for bed and you say goodnight to the girls and head into your and Marks room. He's not in there so you have a devilish plan. You strip naked then get under the covers and go to sleep. You wake up to the feeling of a mouth on your pussy and a hand over your mouth. You know it's Mark from his stubble.
You moan into his hand but it's muffled.
You run your hands through his hair and know for sure now that it's Mark from his floof. Mark licks and sucks and flicks your clit and licks up and down your folds. He also flicks his tongue in and out of your entrance. He then starts fingering you while licking your pussy making you moan. It doesn't take you long to cum and soon you're exploding over his face and moaning into his hand.
Mark keeps going until your orgasm is over then pulls his head up and licks his lips.
"Did you really think you could sleep naked and I wouldn't do anything about it?" Mark says lustfully removing his hand from your mouth.
"That was the plan." You giggle.
"Naughty girl. You need to be punished." Mark says. You bite your lip. Mark takes his pants off and flips you over so you're on your knees facing away from him. You hear a drawer opening and a bottle being squeezed.
"What are you doing?" You ask Mark curiously.
He doesn't answer in words he only puts a lubed finger up against your asshole. You gasp. He slowly pushes one finger in and thrusts it in and out. You moan. Once you adjust he adds another finger then another until he's thrusting 3 fingers deep into your asshole. You whine when he takes them out from the emptiness. Mark chuckles.
"Daddy is going to fuck your tight little asshole now as punishment." Mark says.
You nod.
"Yes daddy fuck my ass." You moan out.
"Good girl taking your punishment so well." Mark says seductively.
"Thank you daddy." You say.
You gasp as he slowly inserts the tip of his huge cock into your asshole while rubbing your clit. It doesn't feel bad per se it just feels like you're being stretched a lot. Once it's in and he starts thrusting it starts feeling good.
"Jesus so damn tight." Mark groans as he pounds you.
"Oh daddy." You moan quietly.
"Good girl moaning quietly." Mark says and starts thrusting harder and faster.
Your mouth drops into an an o as the pleasure overtakes you.
You whimper at the pleasure since you can't moan loudly.
"Daddy cover my mouth please so I can moan." You whimper. Mark chuckles and covers your mouth and keeps pounding your ass while rubbing your clit. He then surprises you by inserting 2 fingers into your pussy and starts thrusting them in and out.
"Mmmmm." You moan out.
Your climax is rapidly approaching and you find yourself unconsciously thrusting your hips back with each thrust to heighten the pleasure. Then your climax hits and it's the most intense and longest one that you've ever had because you can't fully clamp down. You cry out and moan into Marks hand as your vision goes black and you collapse onto the bed. Well you try to but Mark holds you up to keep you in position.
"Fuck babe I'm gonna cum." Mark groans as he thrusts into you.
You nod in response and moan into his hand as he thrusts harder and faster.
"I want to cum on this gorgeous ass." Mark groans out.
You nod and moan in response. Not long after you hear Mark groaning and feel him quickly pull out and you feel warm spurts on your ass.
"Fuck Y/N that was amazing." Mark says panting.
"It sure was." You say.
"Damn you look so hot with your sexy ass all covered in my cum." Mark growls. You giggle. Mark quickly cleans you up with tissues and he carries you to the shower and you wash each other then dry off and put your pajamas back on. You get under the covers give Mark a kiss and snuggle into him.
"I love you so much baby." Mark says.
"I love you so much too." You say.
"Goodnight princess." Mark says.
"Goodnight Marky." You say.
You sigh in contentment and you fall asleep in each other's arms.

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