Birthday Pampering

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A/N: (I'm making the readers birthday in June because that's when my birthday is)

Marks POV:

It's Y/N's 30th birthday tomorrow and I want to make sure it's amazing since it's the first birthday we've spent together. So last month while she was in the shower I borrowed her phone and got the contacts of her parents and her friends and put them in my phone. Luckily she takes forever in the shower. Once I got all the contacts I texted them asking them if they would be able to come to a surprise party for Y/N. Y/N was thinking we're going to her parents house and having a low key celebration but I have other plans. My house is way bigger and can easily fit everyone. So I am going to have her parents say at the last minute that they forgot they have plans and they can't celebrate with us. Then I'll say it's ok babe I'll get you a manicure, pedicure, a massage, get your hair done, and we'll pick you a new outfit out and we can just eat dinner out and celebrate by ourselves with Ethan. What she doesn't know is I'm going to invite everyone over to my house and Ethan will get whoever he can from the airport and the rest will Uber and they will set up the party while I'm distracting her. What she also doesn't know is that I'm going to be asking her parents for their blessing to marry her.  I already have a ring in the process of being made that I designed. It's around dinner time when phone rings and it's her mom.
I can't hear what her mom is saying but I can imagine she's telling her she's cancelling the plans.
My suspicions are confirmed when Y/N's face drops.
"That's ok no problem I understand." She says faking not caring.
"Really it's fine mom I haven't even packed yet. Yeah you can either mail the presents or give them to me at Thanksgiving I don't mind." She says.
"I love you too." She says.
She hangs up the phone and hangs her head down frowning.
"What's the matter babe?" I ask pulling her into my chest and wrapping my arms around her.
"My mom cancelled she said they have a wedding tomorrow that they completely forgot about." She says.
Damn M/N nice excuse I'm impressed.
"Aww babe I'm sorry I'll make sure it's still special. How about this, you'll get your nails done fingers and toes, get a massage, get your hair done, then we'll go to the mall and pick you out a nice outfit shoes and bag to match and then we'll go out to a nice restaurant for dinner. How does that sound princess?" I say.
She finally smiles and looks up at me.
"You always know how to make me feel better baby but you really don't need to do all that." She says.
"There's that smile and of course I do I'm your boyfriend it's my job to spoil you and make you feel special especially on your birthday. Plus we'd be spending at least that on airfare and I'll be able to get a refund." I say. But what she doesn't know is I never even booked the tickets.
"That's true that makes me feel a little better about you spending so much." She says.
I kiss her on the forehead.
"Good now what do you want for dinner?" I ask.
"Anything baby I don't mind." She says.
I go whip up some dinner and once it's done I plate it and call her over. We talk as we eat and once we're done she cleans up. We then watch a couple movies then get ready for bed. Once we're ready we get under the covers then she gives me a kiss and snuggles into me.
"Goodnight baby." I say.
"Goodnight Marky." She says.
"I love you so much." I say.
"I love you so much too." She says.
Then we fall asleep in each others arms.

*The next morning
Still Marks POV

I wake up and smile when I see my princess asleep with her head on my chest. I can't resist to place a kiss on her forehead. God I love this woman so much. I gently move her head to the pillow and quietly sneak to the bathroom. I do my business then quietly head to the kitchen to make my birthday girl breakfast. I start making some pancakes and bacon since those are her favorite. As soon as I'm done plating everything I see her walking downstairs into the kitchen.
"Oh my god it smells so good." She moans as she follows the smell to the kitchen. I chuckle.
"Good morning birthday girl did the smell wake you up?" I ask with a smirk. She nods enthusiastically and I laugh.
"Good morning baby thank you for making breakfast." She says.
"Of course my love it's your birthday you won't lift a finger today." I say.
She blushed and I pull a chair out for her and lotion her to sit down. Once she does I push it back in. I grab her a glass of orange juice and one for me and set them on the table then sit down myself.
"I'm going to give you your presents after dinner." I say.
She nods.
"That's fine babe you didn't even have to get me anything or do anything for me just having you is enough." She says. My heart melts and I know I made the right decision when I decided to propose.
"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to." I say.
We chat while we eat and once we're done true to my word I clean up. Not without protest from Y/N of course but I don't budge. After breakfast we get ready for the day. I get ready faster obviously so I'm sitting on the couch confirming the plans with everyone. I just finish sending off the last text and put my phone down when Y/N comes downstairs.
"You ready to go baby?" I ask getting up off the couch and going up to her.
"Yeah I didn't wear anything fancy since we're getting an outfit at the mall." She says.
"You still look gorgeous." I say.
She blushes.
"Thank you." She says.

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