Catching Up

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It's Saturday and you just finished getting ready to go out for drinks with B/F/N when you hear your ringtone for Mark. You pick up the phone and answer.
"Hey babe!" You say.
"Hey you look great where are you going?" He asks.
"Going out for drinks with B/F/N to catch up." You say.
"Oh that'll be fun I want to meet her when I come over next." Mark says.
"Yeah you'll love her she's awesome!" You say grinning.
"So I was thinking I can come to yours for Thanksgiving and meet all your friends and family and then you can come to mine for Christmas and New Years to meet my friends." Mark says.
"I'd love that I wish your family wasn't all the way in Korea so I could meet them." You say.
"I'm planning on going again next year in October so you can come with me." Mark says with a smile.
"I'd like that babe." You say.
"Awesome it's a plan." He says grinning.
You hear a knock at your door.
"Hey bitch open up!" You hear B/F/N yell from outside and you laugh.
"You want to meet her?" You ask Mark.
"Sure!" Mark says. You open the door and give B/F/N a hug.
"I have someone who wants to meet you girly." You say and hand her the phone.
"Hi I'm Mark I've heard so much about you how are you?" Mark says.
"I've heard alot about you too mister." She says in a suggestive tone.
You gasp and shove her arm.
"Hey stop it!" You say laughing.
"I don't know whether to be curious or afraid." Mark says laughing.
"Ignore her Mark." You say laughing.
"Not to worry all good things some very good things." She says suggestively.
"Ok that's enough." You say laughing as you grab the phone. Mark is cracking up.
"I'm so sorry about her." You say.
"It's fine but out of curiosity what is she talking about." Mark asks.
"How you're a sex god in bed with a huge d-!" B/F/N yells out the end muffled by your hand over her mouth. You turn as red as a tomato and you look down at Mark and he is smirking.
"Well at least it looks like I've got a 5 star review on yelp." He says. You and B/F/N crack up.
"Hey I got to brag when it's that good." You say shrugging your shoulders. Mark laughs.
"Anyway I'll let you two ladies have a fun night I love you baby don't get too drunk and text me when you get home safe." Mark says.
"We will and don't worry I won't and I will I love you too!" You say and hang up.
"Damn he's hot, he's kind, he has a great sense of humor, and is a god in bed what's the catch?" B/F/N says.
"There is none and he can cook." You say.
"Marry that man!" She says and you both start laughing. You get an Uber to the bar and have a lot of fun. You tell her all about your dates with Mark and how sweet he is and how much you miss him. You probably have one too many drinks but you're not completely hammered which is good. You Uber back home and say bye to B/F/N and head in your apartment. You immediately text Mark after you shut and lock the door.
Y: Home baby I had fun going to sleep now love you so much!
M: I love you too yeah me too it's late but I was waiting for you to get home before I went to bed.
Y: Awww babe you're so sweet you didn't have to do that.
M: I know but I wanted to. Sleep well princess.
Y: You too Marky

You put your phone on charge and get ready for bed. You take 2 Tylenol so you don't have a headache in the morning and put two more on your bedside table just in case. You crawl under your covers and cuddle Marks shirt to your chest while sleeping on his pillow. Not long after you fall asleep.

You wake up in the morning feeling fine and realize you never told your mom or dad about Mark coming to visit you. You get ready and decide to drive over to her house to talk to her. Once you get there you get out of your car and lock it then go up to the door and ring the doorbell. Your mom answers and she gives you a hug.
"Hi sweetie what a nice surprise!" She says.
"Hi mom is dad home I want to talk to you both about something." You say smiling.
"Yes he is in the living room come on in." She says.
You come in and shut the door and head to the living room where your dad is on the couch watching tv.
"Sweetie Y/N is here she wants to talk to us about something." Your mom says.
"Oh hi sweetie what's going on?" Your dad says turning off the tv to give you his full attention then getting up and giving you a hug before sitting back down. You sit down and take a breath.
"Well you know how I went to see Markiplier at that convention a couple of months ago?" You say. Your mom grins.
"You're dating." She says.
Your mouth opens wide.
"H-how." You shake your head.
"Besides the point of how you know that yes we are." You say.
"Honey you're glowing and why else would you mention it." She chuckles.
"Dang you're good." You say.
She laughs.
"You look so happy honey is it serious?" Your dad asks.
"Yes it is we love each other. He came over for two weeks when I was on vacation and he's coming to meet you guys for Thanksgiving. I'm also surprising him by moving to L.A. at the end of the year all going well." You say smiling.
"I'm so happy for you honey you never shut up about this guy and now you're dating him. Not that I'm surprised he couldn't resist you with how beautiful you are." Your mom says stroking your cheek. You blush.
"Yes I'm so happy for you too honey. But he'd better be treating you right and if he doesn't you know what will happen." Your dad says. You giggle
"He is and I know that will never happen he's an amazing guy who would never hurt me." You say.
You talk and hang out with your parents for the rest of the day and eat dinner there. After dinner you say your goodbyes and head home. Once you get home you call Mark.
"Hey babe!" You say.
"Hey how was your day?" He says.
"It was good sorry I didn't call sooner I was at my parents house."
"Oh ok how was that?" He asks.
"Good I told them about us. Well sort of." You laugh.
"What do you mean sort of?" Mark asks raising an eyebrow.
"My mom kind of guessed I lead with how I had met you at the convention and my mom guessed that's what I was going to say next." You laugh.
"Wow mothers intuition is crazy." He laughs.
"Also my dad said if you ever hurt me he'll kill you." You say laughing.
"I would never hurt you I love you so much." He says.
"That's what I said." You say.
You and Mark talk about random things for a while until you get tired.
"I'm going to bed I love you baby." You say.
"I love you too talk to you tomorrow." He says.
You hang up and get ready for bed then crawl under the covers sleeping on Marks pillow with his shirt tucked close to your chest. You fall asleep and dream of the future with him.

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