Chapter 1

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Lukes pov:

All I could think of was the pounding headache from last night's celebration. One of the boys  Turner turned 20 yesterday Friday and got his classification test done, he was a neutral. I mean we all knew he would be, everyone in his whole family were and his height of 5ft 11 gave it away. Doms are always 6ft or taller. He seemed very happy with his results hence the party. The 3 other boys had received their results in the last couple of months.

They are all doms of course. Jacob was the oldest he was a daddy dom, he had sandy brown hair and he was massive, 6ft 4 with Hugh muscles,I suppose to carry around a little once he got one.
Troy was 6ft 2 he was just a standard dom, still well built but not near as close to Jacobs build.
Ryan was the last of the Dom's, he was standard also and matched Troy's height and build. You would think they were twins apart from Ryan's jet black hair and Troy's blond.
Ben was the same age as me we both turn 20 next week. He thinks he will be a neutral also, most people in his family are apart from his dad who was a dom. Ben is 6ft 1 with a similar build to turner slim but still toned so I suppose that's he could be either.
Me on the other hand I'm not sure what I'll be, I have a mixture in my family, my dad was a neutral my mum was a dom but all my grandparents were a mix of both Also. I'm 6ft on the dot so I think I'll likely be a dom but I'm probably the slimmest of us all.

I walk into the kitchen to find all the boys there preparing breakfast. The smell was turning my stomach. "Ughhhh" I groan as I put my hand to my face. Jacob gave a chuckle, "you really can't handle a hangover eh Luke", I just gave him a glare. "Here have some water and toast it will make you feel better" Jacob continued. "Ugh you daddies are all the same trying to care for everyone" I say giving a small smile while taking a sip of water.

Troy spoke up, " so Ben and Luke, yous are the last off us, are yous excited? We will have to have twice the size party to celebrate you both next Friday! We will all be officially adults! Whoooohoo" Troy finished and high fived Ryan.  I gave a smile and so did Ben,  "it won't be long coming around" Ben said quietly to me as he was sitting beside me. Jacob started to collect up all the plates loading the dishwasher and spoke up "why don't we have a chilled day today? Go to the living room and pick a movie, I'll bring some of the snacks in.

Ben sat on the single armchair, turner sat in the middle of the 3 seater sofa, Ryan and Troy on either side.  I sat on the 2 seater leaving a space beside me for Jacob. Turner picked Harry Potter go watch, he said it was easygoing since we all had seen it before and mostly because it was one of his favourites.  I didn't mind I was pretty tired anyway so it would be nice not having to focus.

Jacob came into the room, placing the snacks on the coffee table handing each of us out a bottle of flavoured water, pulling the curtains closed to make the room dark and cosy before settling beside me resting his feet on the edge of the coffee table. The movie started and we all started to settle in for the day. 45mins in I could feel my eyelids dropping as I strongly fought to keep them open.

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