Chapter 29

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Jacobs pov:

I glance at Ryan who's watching Luke and turner colour, they both seem so content colouring the pages beside each other, Luke's page a lot messier as he struggles to keep inside the lines where As turners is a lot neater with only a couple of spots over the line.

"10 minutes guys then it's time to wind down for bed" I said earning a moaned from luke as they kept colouring. " ok that's it guys! Pop your names at the bottom of your page's" luke looked around puzzles and shy at the boys as he watches turner write his name. "What's wrong lukie?" I said getting down to his level. "I not know how to wit my name" he said with wet eyes. "Oh sorry baby, daddy will help you" I hold his hand that held the crayon and we write LUKE together and then I sound out each letter to him. He looks up at the boys shyly " em tanks daddy" I kiss the top of his head. "Right let's get this on the fridge!" I said pulling Luke's picture from the book. "Tuwew pic aswell daddy" he said pointing to turner page. "Oh em you don't need to!" Turner said looking away. " sorry turner! Let's get both pictures pinned up!" A small smile crept onto turner face as he looked at his lap.

We all were in staring at the fridge at the two pictures. "Right I think it's bedtime for you!" I said booping Luke's nose, earning a long dramatics whine from him, as I walk towards the stairs I pass turner who is yawning wide, Ryan spoke up "why don't you have an early night aswell turner? It'd been a long day, I'll probably head up shortly myself!" Turner just  nodded Walking up to the baby gate infront of me struggling to open it, shaking it getting frustrated. "Here! Just press this and push up" I said guiding him as I stood behind him. He quickly climbs the stairs and struggles with the top gate but manages himself. I call Down to the others at the bottom if one could heat up some warm milk.

Getting Luke diaper changed I switch out his sleeper for a fresh one. Picking u
Him up and placing him on my lap in the rocking chair rapping a fuzzy blanket around him and pick up a book. 2 pages in Ryan emerges through the door with the bottle of milk handing it to me and I quickly replace the paci for bottle.

Who's the sippy cup for? Noticing him holding it in his other hand. "Oh em I made turner some aswell in case he wanted some" I said inspecting the cup. "I don't think he'll be to happy about the cup" I offer. "Hmm ye we'll see, can always screw the lid off" he said as he walked up stroking Luke's cheek with the backside of his finger. "Ni ni buddy! See you in the morning!" Before leaving the room with the door slightly ajar I could faintly hear mumbling from across the hall then suddenly turner shouting " I don't need a sippy cup" the loud noises startled Luke who was almost asleep, shushing him I managed to calm him down as there was no further shouting.

I gently placed him into the wiggly on a sleep sack, and placing a paci in his mouth and sky in his arms. I put on the night light and the new crib monitor camera backing out of the room.

I pass turners room glancing In through the sight crack in the door he's sitting up sucking on the milk through the sippy cup, looking at his phone. I give a small smile then walk back down stairs to the others. " he went down easily" Ryan commented, as I sat down with a sigh. "Ye poor little guys been through a lot, I might head to bed shortly also, I heard turner not be to happy with the cup then" I asked giving a chuckle. Ryan shook his head, "no not at all but I told him he could unscrew the lid if he wants!". "Well he was drinking it as I came past, lid on" I explained. Troy interjects "do you think he's little?". "I don't think we'll know unless reclassified but I'd have my money on yeah,  maybe an older little"

We shortly all head up to bed, turner was out cold and Ryan moved the sippy cup from his ajar mouth and phone to the night stand as he clearly fell asleep with them. I checked on Luke. He was lying with his bum sticking up in the air sky under his face "what a cutie" I mumble to myself heading to bed.

I couldn't believe the time when I rolled over, getting up and going into Luke's room he's sitting up with his paci still in with his bear in arms. "Sorry pumpkin, I slept in! have you be awake long? You should have called for me I have the other side of the monitor!" I said pulling down the sides, he just spits the paci out, "it's okay daddy, Iv not been up long, I feel big, can I have a change I think I'm wet" he said not making eye contact with a small voice.

"That's ok Luke, let's get you dry!" I said smiling that he still called me daddy when big. picking him up kiss his cheek and placing on the table making him blush. "So anything you'd particularly like to do today Luke?" I asked making conversation. "Em there's nothing really to do when I'm big, is there?" he said dejected. "I'm sorry Luke, what about we go out for a walk or to the park maybe?" I asked "but I feel big? I can't be big in the park?" He asked. "What where did you get that from! Of course you can! What would you like to wear?" I said sitting him up in just his diaper to look at the closet as I held out options. "Ehmm can I wear the black toothless top and black shorts?" He asked unsure pointing to it. " yep let's get you sorted".

"Would you like to try stand Luke? See how your ankle feels?" I ask as I picked him up, "oh ye ok it's not feeling to bad, it would be nice to walk again when I feel big". Nodding I picked him up placing him to stand, 'wow Iv not seen him standing in a good few days, he's gone so little!' I say to myself cooing as I held his hands "how's it feeling?" "It's not sore, feels stiff," he said looking at his ankle then goes to look up at me and cranes his neck, "fucking hell! I'm im really small, I didn't release" he said as he looked up and me with sad eyes. He's no higher then my waist/hip when there use to be mere inches between us now there's feet. "Oi language mister, just cause your big I don't want you cursing! And I know it was hard to judge since you've not been standing, but there's nothing wrong with your size, all your goodness has just been compacted! Now how about we go out for brunch then park?" I asked and could immediately tell he was nervous about the idea. "Luke it would be good to get you out of the house baby" I said encouraging him, "I don't like been seen like this, it's been hard enough around you guys" he said truthfully I pick him up again giving him a cuddle as he leans into me walking down the stairs. "I can't imagine how it feels for your whole identity to change, you have nothing to be ashamed of though your perfectly normal, I think it would be good for you to meet other littles, you've not really had much interaction with any have you, it might show you all the amazing things that come with it?" I reassured. "Littles are annoying!" Luke said making me laugh hard poking him in the side saying "tell me about it" getting a laugh from him.

Getting to the front door I set him down to stand, and he wobbles quickly grabbing out for me to stabilise him. "Sorry, I feel wobbly" he said. "That's ok, Luke I know your big but since your not great on your feet could I maybe pop you in the stroller to walk to the park?" It's a big of a distance to carry you" I ask knowing I'm probably going to be met with protest, my face said it all when he said "yeah that's ok daddy" lowering himself to sit on the floor to wait. "Oh em I didn't expect you to agree! Thank you" I place his diaper bag beside him on the floor opening the door to grab the stroller from the back of the car setting it up before placing Luke in it strapping him in. "Em I know we're leaving for brunch but em, could I, please maybe have a bottle daddy?" He said fiddling with the straps stroking them. I was surprised by that aswell. Big but ok with stroller and wanting a bottle? maybe he's finally settling in. "Yes of course you can, thank you for speaking up and asking, would you like it warm or cold baby?" I asked, "em warm please?" He said quietly. "So polite! Warm baba coming right up!"

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