Chapter 12

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Luke's pov:

I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. I look around the crib. 'What a weird dream that was'. My thoughts were interrupted by Jacob entering the room. "Morning lukie you been awake long?" He says walking over to the crib. I shake my head no as I go to talk I notice the paci still bobbing in my mouth and quickly spit it out embarrassed. "I'm hungry!" I whine out. "Let's get you something more in your tummy then, 1st let me check your diaper to make sure you've not left another surprise for daddy." I'm picked up under my arms. And placed on the changing table. 'What does he mean by surprises? I wondered. After undressing the sleeper my diaper was opened. "Just a peepee baby no more messy" Jacob announces cheerfully as he starts to change me. I can feel my breath hitching and going faster as I relised last night wasn't a dream 'I messed my diaper called Jacob daddy and had a midnight baba I mean bottle' I though as tears formed in my eyes.

"Hey hey shhh your ok your all dry" Jacob said soothingly picking me up in just the diaper swaying me. " I no want be a baby!" I sob out. "I bad dream messy and and baba and and call you dada and not dream!" I somewhat shouted as I was over whelmed with emotion and could feel my head going fuzzy again "pwease don tell othews" I say around the thumb that was in my mouth. "Don't worry baby your safe, they don't need to know about your first messy don't worry" Jacob said soothing. I could feel myself calming down but still fuzzy mind "let's get you dressed shall we?".

Jacobs pov:

I got him into a cutie snap onsie and soft shortall on top with a snap crotch, I put some socks on his feet noticing the minimal legs hairs left on his small legs. Snapping a pacifier to his shortall strap I pop it in his mouth. "Right lukie time to fill your tummy!" He just giggled back at me held his arms out, he must had slipped again. Picking him up and popping him on my him we wonder down to the kitchen where the others are finishing their breakfast. "Morning guys, Iv a hungry little boy right now" I say as I bounce him on my hip causing him to giggle. The others all smile. Ryan speaks up as he walks up to us crouching slightly "what would little lukie like hmm? Some scrambled eggs? Some pancakes? Porridge?" Luke squirmed in my arms burying he head in my neck as he shyly said around his paci, " don nooo, dada pick". I give a chuckle "how about just some porridge and a bottle" I say to Ryan who just smiles and walks back to make it.
I sit down at the table beside the high chair to transfer Luke into once his food is ready but I'm enjoying having a cuddle. "What's the plan today guys?" I ask looking about the table, "I need to go to the mall to get something for class tomorrow" Troy offered. "How about he all go to the mall? Turner said. "Sounds good to me as I rock Luke back and forward resting my head on top of his, 'he's getting a lot shorter, I'm so glad I sized down again in clothes' I though to Myself. "Breakfast is ready" Ryan says in a sing song voice causing Luke to giggle, "thanks Ryan if you Just pop it on the table I'll let it cool a bit while I get him strapped in" I say as I lift Luke up transfering him to the high chair cause a slight whine from the little. I pop the straps around him tightening them slightly. Placing the tray in front of him I turn back to the table to get the bib. Sighing i popped it on surprised when there was no tantrum like yesterday. Sitting down in front of him I decided to feed him myself. First spoon was held out in front of his lips as he was unsure what to do "open wide baby" he followed enthusiastically closing his mouth around the spoon an offers a mmmhhhhh. "That yummy pumpkin? Right here comes the aeroplane. Neeeewwhhh" causing a giggle as he opened his mouth. I could hear Ben speaking up behind me as I realised there all staring at us "I can't believe we though he'd be anything other then little. He's so perfect when he slips" the others nods in agreement.

Breakfast went without any disasters. I wipe off his mouth with a wet wipe. And hand Luke his warm bottle " you drink your baba baby daddy going to pack a bag for going out" he didn't offer me back anything other then starting to suck on it. " can one of you watch him I'll only be a min, I want to get a diaper bag sorted and make up some fresh bottles to take with me" "sure Jacob, I'll get his bottles sorted" Ben offers. I thank him and head upstairs, making sure to pack a couple of diapers and stuffers, a change of clothes spare pacis. "I think that's everything, I have the pram and car seat in the car already. Ok we're good to go!" I say all to myself as I think out loud. Heading back towards the stairs, I hear a screech, I run down all the steps to find Luke was screeching and then giggling as Troy played peekaboo from under the high chair table. "You scared me when I head the screech!" I say lightly smiling. "Sorry I tickled his feet" Troy smiled guilty. Walking over I take the tray off the high chair and unbuckle the harness as Luke practically launch's into my arms "woooww baby be careful" I offer as I pop his paci back in his mouth. "Right guys are we all ready ?" I say to the group as we all head towards the door.

Getting Luke into his car seat was a somewhat difficult task, "stop wiggling lukie daddy trying to make sure your buckled safely" Luke stops with a pout behind his paci. "Right that everyone else buckled in?" I ask as I get into the driving seat of my car with turner in the back and Troy up front. The others went in Ryan's car. "Yes daddy we're all buckled" turner says jokingly from the back with a smug smile. "Keep that up mister and you'll be in a car seat beside Luke" turners smile faded as he turned to look out the window.

Pulling up at the mall and getting out I open the back door to Luke asleep in his car seat, I set up the pram ready to transfer the sleeping boy into it. As I unbuckle him his eyes fick opened slowly as he rubbed them with his fists. "Where are we?" He asked groggily. "Just at the mall pumpkin you can go back asleep". Luke's eyes shot opens "we're out of the house!" He shouts out as he look down to see himself in the car seat dressed in printed top and soft shortall with a clear diaper bulge. "No no take me home!! I'm not going in there like this!". As I unsnap him from the seat I softly say " shhh your ok, your supposed to be dressed like this your little, and it's good to get out of the house" I place him in the stroller and try to strap him in. "Noooooo don't want be in this!!! Let me walk!" I look around and remember I didn't put any shoes on or bring them for that matter with us. "Im sorry baby you can't walk I forgot your shoes" he just started to cry as I buckled him in.

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