Chapeter 27

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Luke's pov:

I'm shook awake vigorously, opening my eyes the mean man is standing over the play pen, "time to wake up, dinner soon" I just stare at him terrified to do anything, my diaper is really sore on me and I tugged at it  whining. "Ah ah don't touch your diaper" I start to cry as he squeezes it  and shouts "Tracy the baby needs changed". I'm somewhat thankful that it's not him that's going to change me. She comes in sighs and lays out a towel, he picks me up and lays me down on the towel. She quickly opens my diaper and the cool air feels nice. But she roughly wipes me down, she sprinkled baby powder on me and closed a thick diaper around my waist. She then picked out a blue snapper onsie with little ducks over it and puts it on. My ankle really hurts from all the moving around "sore" I whine pointing at my ankle afraid to speak to much but that still earned a smack on my leg. I don't know what i did to deserve that one.

The man roughly picks me up and puts me into a high chair, strapping me in tight. The women sat down beside me as the man tided a bib around me. She pulled open a jar of baby food purée pouring it into a jar and popped it in the microwave. Oh god I'm really not going to enjoy this! Is all I though.

I tried to turn my head away but the women held my nose making me open my mouth shoving the spoon in my mouth. I'm given a strict warning to "swallow or else" by the women. I painfully swallow every single spoon that lands in my mouth but some is smeared across my face.

I then had to sit there and watch them eat a full normal stir fry dinner, 'how long do I have to stay with these people? I took for granted how nice the guys were to me' is all I could think off, these are the results of my own actions.

My face is wiped and I'm picked up and placed in a bouncer. It keeps making me tap my ankle off the floor, I tried to hold it up but i got tired, I felt mush pile into the back of my diaper, 'god how can this get any worse' the women passes me pushing the bouncer down making me bouncy up and down. I just break down crying.

"God this child cry's so much, I though they said he thinks he's big! Shut him up!" The man screams, I cry more "wan dada" I sob. "Your dada is an idiot who doesn't want you" the women said picking me up and bringing me into a room that's sparsely decorated nursery. "Iv just changed you! How are you so messy already" she said angrily. I just keep crying. 

She quickly changed me and put me in the crib with just a blanket. "Your probably over tired! Bedtime!" She said raising the side and closing the door. The room is so dark, I'm so scared, I want to be with my daddy. Daddy would help my soreness. I suck my thumb as they didn't give me another paci, I want my sky, everything was filing through my head as I softly sob into my thumb.

I wake up to shouting. "What the fuck why are you giving him back to them children" the man is shouting. His voice is getting closer making me back up in the crib. "I won't let you take him, he needs good discipline!" The door slammed open making me start to cry. The women with the clipboard is standing with a strange man in a suit and the mean couple. The woman with the clipboard comes up to the crib. "Awh baby are you ok" she said leaning in stroking my wet cheeks. I suck my thumb as I look at the couple afraid to speak. "Gary can you come pick him up?" She turns to the man in the suit. I start to panic, where am I going now. I start to cry louder as I'm picked up onto this strange man's hip, my wet diaper squelch under his grip.

"See your upsetting him!" The mean woman said as they walked behind me and the suited man. "Mrs grant you knew this is just a temporary situation" the social worker said back. I'm still not sure where I'm going but I'm getting away from the meanies. I'm placed into a car seat by the suites man who wiped my cheeks dry. He pulled my thumb out of my mouth making my muffled sobs grow loud before he placed a paci in which I thankfully accepted before the door closed . I couldn't see out the window, I start to panic, what if where they putting me is worse, I continue to cry hard.

The car stops, the suited man opened my door unstrapping me I start to really sob keeping my eyes closed holding them into the crook of his neck. I don't want to see where I'm going next as I hear a door opens I scream Loud blocking out talking before I feel a hand on my back and a soft "lukie?" I lift my head, my wet eyes make it difficult to see who I'm looking at. "Hi baby boy" they said. Wait that sounds like. "Dada?". I sob reaching my arms out to him. "Shhh baby your safe daddy has you!" He said swaying rubbing my back. These are happy tears but it feels to good to be true. I don't want to let go of him, I feel his chest vibrating as he spoke. I'm so content as my sobs slow down. "We'll that's all mr brown take care of Luke." the social worker says, "I will you don't need to worry" I can hear dada say.  Suddenly it's silence I lift my head to look up double checking it is actually dada. He smiles down at me with tears in his own eyes " it's ok lukie your home" I look around, all the boys are there. I lean into dadas chest starting to cry again. I'm home, I can't do anything to mess this up again.

Jacobs pov:

I watch as a wailing little boy is brough through the front door. "What have yous done to him" I sat through tears as I walk up to him as he hols his head into the stranger. I softly stroke his back saying "lukie?" He looked at me confused, I speak again as he finally clicks who I am, he practically launches into my arms snuggling tightly into my arms. I block out everything that is said around me trying to sooth my baby boy. After the social worker left he lifted his head, he looks so broken making me cry. He looks about at the others before slamming back. Into my chest "shhh baby daddy has you, I'll never let you go again" I say kissing his head.

We all stood in silence before I really noticed the diaper on him how soiled it felt and the ridiculous duck onsie. "Let's get you changed baby and get your own clothes on" I just feel a soft nod.

Placing him on the changing table I notice the faint bruises on his thighs. I quickly opened his onsie and diaper lifting his legs noticing the purple bruises on his soft bum, and the red raw rash around his groins. "Oh baby what did they do to you!" I say picking him back up again nude bringing him into the bathroom running a small bath with oatmeal soothing bath soak carefully placing him down. I slowly cleanse his body with a wash cloth as he just looked up at me sucking his paci with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry baby, this should have never happened!" I said as I lift him out wrapping him in a towel rocking him as a patt him dry.
I softly massage lotion into his delicate skin applying rash cream into his diaper area. I dress him in a warm footed onsie and hand him sky who he rubs again his cheek and leans into me again. "Let's get you a warm bottle baby and have cuddles" I say carrying him down the stairs.

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