Chapter 36

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Luke's pov:

I watch as turners crying, I do feel sorry for him, but I have a guilty feeling cause I'm happy to have someone else go through this with me.  I continue to cuddle into daddy looking up at him, it's hard to believe that he was one of my good friends, partied together, talked about girls together. Now I'm sitting here snuggling him.

He looks down at me whispering, "what you thinking about pumpkin?"  I was taken off guard but I answered truthfully, "how we use to be friends" I said quietly with a sad look on my face. "Baby we're still friends?" He said confused. "No we're not, your never going to chat about a girl your texting with me or who you've had em eh *whispers barely audible* sex with, or have parties with and drink together, your not my friend, non of you are anymore." I said looking down. "Oh baby that's not the only part of a friendship, ok I might not discuss adult things with you but there so much more to use then all that, we're there for each other no matter what" he said pulling me in tight, before I asked again "Will you talk about the adult things when I'm big?" "I'm not sure pumpkin, if I think it's appropriate". He said kissing the top of my head. Well that's a no then I sighed to myself.

I looked over at turner again, he had stopped his crying and was leaning into Ryan sucking on his paci. I look down at mine attached to me and plop it in. We all sit in silence as rubbish played on the TV before the door bell rang. Ben jumped up, "I got it!" He said running to the door returning a minutes later with 4 large boxes of pizza. We all get up and sit on the floor around the boxes, Jacob stands up and announces he's going to get drinks, coming back a moment later with tray with water. Handing it out to each of us mine being in a bottle. "I'm big Jacob" I said holding to bottle back up to him as he hands turner one of my sippy, "sorry pumpkin can you drink out of the bottle just this time please? He said clipping the bib behind my neck. "Nooo i a big boy want that" I said pointing to my sippy that turner held. "It's mine!" I continued feeling myself get upset. "Here" turner said trying to hand me it and I go to take it but Jacob intervened. "No turner you drink from that, Luke you need to learn to share, we will get more tomorrow ok but for now daddy wants you to drink from your bottle cause the other sippy cup is dirty ok" he said firmly. I pout and cross my arms, not liking being told off.

I could hear turner shouting and I glanced over, Ryan was trying to place a bib around his neck with no success. "No stop I'm big!" He said angrily. Making Ryan just stop and look to Jacob. "Turner enough, wear it and we can all start to eat." Jacob said taking the bib and successfully putting it around his neck, making turner pout.

Looking down at the box there was a couple of slices left collectively. We were all stuffed. I could feel my diaper warm with pee. And the back expands with mush. "Nooooo" I whined to myself looking to see if anyone noticed. I didn't want them to know I messed during dinner so I kept my face neutral expression. Sitting back on the sofa I drink my bottle, as turner drinks his, well MY sippy cup.  Troy speaks up, "another movie then bed" he asked the room who was met with agreement.  Jacob sat beside me as the movie started, I let off a yawn about 30 min into it and placed my paci in my mouth. I felt myself me pulled onto his lap snuggling into him as I was engrossed in the movie.  Daddy spoke up whispering to me, "baby did you make a messy?"  Oh shoot I kinda forgot about that. "Yes daddy" I said shyly. "Why didn't you say? I would have changed you!" He said to me. " but movie?" I questioned. "Oh, we can wait until the end if your wanting Lukie?" Jacob said surprised. "Noo I don't want to sit messy I'm just enjoying the movie" I answered back hushed. "Ok baby boy" he said kissing the top of my head. Snuggling back down.

I wake up being placed on the changing table. "Noo finish movie dada!" I whined. "Baby you fell asleep, the movie finished. Daddy needs to get you cleaned baby you've been messy to long" jacob said as he's begun opening my diaper cleaning me off. I hear daddy yelp as I look down I notice I'm peeing into ye air before he quickly folds the diaper back up. I started crying "I sowwy dads I no mean it" I said through sobs. "Shhh baby it's ok just surprised me that's all, I should have expected it at some point having a baby boy" daddy said as he re-wiped me down.

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