Chapter 32

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Turners pov:

'That was a close one! I can't believe I wet the bed, maybe it's just a once off? But what if it's not? Oh maybe it's the warm milk. Yeee that's why! Ok no more of that!' I think to myself as I get fresh sheets out to go on my bed.

"Turner dinner!" I heard Ben shout from down stairs. "Em coming!" I said just pulling on a top and some shorts. I get to the gate and I'm stuck, I tried exactly what jacob done the last time but it won't work. "Fuckkk sake! How are these safe in a fire!" I mumbled to myself when I hear Ryan at the bottom of the stairs. "Turner come on it's getting cold".. "Ryan? I'm stuck" I said softly embarrassed. He started to climb the stairs and opened it at the top. How did he do that so easily? I though. "Er thanks" I said with a blush on my face heading down in front of him the bottom gate left open.

At the kitchen table I avoided looking at Jacob. Troy asked "movie tonight?" Which was met with all yeahs. "Sure" I said hoping a horror wasn't on the cards but Luke looked to be deep in little space. Helping tidy up the kitchen we all moved to the living room Luke snuggled on jacobs lap having a bottle. He seems so comfy, I quickly shook my head looking away. Halfway through the movie Luke was out like a light so Jacob was putting him up to his crib. I felt a ping of jealousy before trying to shake it off, 'why would you want that?' Troy was sitting beside me, tapped my shoulder drawing my attention to him, "everything ok? You keep shaking your head" He said softly, ye "I'm fine sorry". When the movie finished I was struggling to keep my eyes open, "I think I going to go bed" I said getting up, "let me get the gates for you!" Jacob said. "Oh em even if you could just show me how it works again?" I said feeling embarrassed that I can't get past a baby gate.

After multiple attempts I still couldn't get it open despite his showing me twice. " don't worry it's hard to get use to" Jacob said as we climbed the stairs openings tho top gate. "Thanks, night" I said going to walk away. "Want any milk tonight ? I'm going to make up a bottle for Luke for during the night!" "NO!" I shouted "em sorry no thank you!" I quickly corrected myself as Jacob gave me a raised eyebrow. "Well goodnight turner!"  He said walking back down.

I got ready for bed making sure I peed right before I was ready to go sleep. I awoke to crying from across the hall it was Luke and Jacob slowly soothing him then silence as I presume he was getting fed a bottle. I turned to go back asleep when I released my bed felt cold, I put on my bedside light pulling back the sheets. "No no no no! How could this happen!" I said staring down at the puddle surrounding my crotch. I start to cry lightly as I get up to strip my sheets again standing in the wet bottoms, a soft knock at the door before it pushed open, leaving me no time to react. "Hey I seen your light on, are..." Jacob said before catching me standing there in my we bottoms crying! " no!! go away please!" I said crying harder.

"Hey it's ok our secret, let me help!" Jacob said as he stripped the bed sheets. "No I can do it I'm an adult!" I said through my tears. "I know turner, 2 people will make this work quicker. Now why don't you go get washed up" he said while we made the bed. "Ok I sorry" I said as I walked into the bathroom.

Coming out I see a pack of good nights on the made bed beside the fresh pjs. "The fuck are those!" I said pointing to the pack. "Goodnights! They were never used by Luke he's to little!" He said as I shook my head no. "Nuh I ain't wearing them im a neutral!" I said throwing the pack on the floor. "Turner! I'm only trying to help!" Jacob said. "We'll don't! Get out and not breath a word of this to anyone!" I said while shutting him out!

I lay in bed thinking and kept looking at the pack sitting on the floor beside the bin, "Ugh fuck!" I said getting up and ripping it open pulling one out and stroking it. I pull down the pants. And slowly drag these up my legs getting a comfortable snug fit. I looked at myself in the mirror turning to survey how they look. "You look stupid!" I said to myself going to take it off, but I sighed pulling my pj pants back up looking to see if they were noticeable underneath which it wasn't thank god. Lying down I was aware of the increase in thickness between my legs but it wasn't uncomfortable, slowly me drift back to sleep.

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