Chapter 10

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Jacobs pov:

Carrying him down and into the kitchen they boys all coo when he see him. Luke shoved his head into the cruck of my neck as I spoke up "hey don't be shy it's only the boys" as I stroke his back. "Do you want to sit down baby and I'll make you something to eat?". "Noooooo jay-up stay!" He whined out. "Ok baby, could one of you make him some fruit cut up please and also warm a bottle?". "Yep sure" ryan and troy replied smiling. Both setting up to have different tasks.

I sat with Luke sideways on my lap. I think it would be a massive tantrum if I put him in his high chair. Pulling his paci out of his mouth with a pop he lifted his head and I pointed to the cut up fruit on the table. He leaned in and picked up one piece at a time. Droppings a couple of times and smearing juice s down his chin he wasn't soon finishing up.  Wiping his face with a wet wipe I pick him up again with his bottle in hand and walk into the living room, the others follow suit. Settling down on the sofa I lay him down and cuddle him into me. He gazed up at me with a glazed eyes and a smile. Popping the bottle between his lips, he gave a couple of sucks before he settled into a rhythm. I was chatting to the others and popped the tv on to watch a movie.

As we got further down the bottle and it was almost finished. Luke's eyes began to drop. Giving him a little shake and he opened his eyes as the glazed look faded. His eyes went wide as he was still sucking, then suddenly stopped and pushed the bottle away in an attempt to get up. "Stop that!" He shouted scooting further away on the couch his cheeks going pink after he lightly burped. "You don't have much left baby do you not want to finish it you seemed to be enjoying it". "Ew no of course I don't want it, and don't call me baby" he said loudly looking at the others around the room.

I could tell he really wanted it because he kept glancing at it and licking his lips. "Luke they boys are not going to make fun of you for having your bottle that you asked for if that's what your worried about?" I stated as I hold out the bottle, maybe he would prefer to drink it himself.  I placed the bottle on the couch beside him and turned my attention back to the tv hoping the others followed suit. I think he didn't like all the attention on himself. We settled on watching how to train a dragon, I could see in my peripheral vision Luke pick up the bottle glancing around before bringing it up to him lips and continued to drink.

Luke's pov:

I was really hating the fact I was enjoying the warm milk. I kept glancing around the room to make sure they weren't watching me drink it. I never really noticed it finishing as I kept mindlessly sucking it, until Jacobs pulled it from my hands. "Sorry Luke I didn't want to getting a gassy tummy sucking on all that air" he offered which didn't help me feel any less embarrassed. Turning back to focus on the movie, I found myself giggling at parts before quickly coughing and holding a straight face.

As the credits rolled up turner got up saying "everyone cool with pasta for dinner?" Everyone agreeing with him. The conversation changing to talk about a girl we use to go to school with falling pregnant. I felt involved in the 1st actual adult conversation since I got my classification. Forgetting about the assignment for all off 5 mins felt bliss but reality soon swung back around when he all got up to go to the kitchen, looking up at the others it was really evident that Iv already shrunk a good bit? 'Surly it's to soon to have shrunk almost a foot already? I use to be only 3 inches shorter then Jacob but now I'm barely the height of his shoulder. This really pissed me off I felt myself hold a angry frown sitting down in my usual spot. Jacob came up behind me and soon was wrapping something around me neck. Looking down my eyes go wide "the fuck is this?" I shouted knowing well what it is most asking why was it on me as I tried to reach behind my head to untie it.

My hands were slapping lightly as Jacob spoke up. "Language lukey! It's your bib to keep your clothes clean" "I'm not eating anything if I have to wear this monstrosity, I'm not even in 'little space' so treat me like an adult!" I say slightly  raising my voice. Jacob just sighs and walks away to sit down  as well . I use this opportunity to pull the bib off after a brief moment of struggling to open it.

A plate of pasta was placed in front of me and my mouth started to salivate. Picking up my fork and dig in, I lift my head to see a sippy cup of juice placed in front of me, god there so determined to have me as a little I think as a roll my eyes while saying to myself 'it doesn't matter if your thirsty your not drinking from that'. 
As I had this internal battle with myself I didn't realise I completely missed my mouth smearing sauce on my cheeks/ chin as it fell off the fork onto my top. I glance up to notice Jacob looking at me then shaking his head and going back to his food. I could feel that lump in my throat form as my lower lip trembled. I was going to cry again, I'm so pathetic. I try to shake my head to clear it as I went to pick up some more pasta focusing on it as a bring it to my mouth again briefly hitting the sides of my mouth smearing more sauce. 'Naw fuck this' I say as I get up quickly and practically run to my room, slamming the door as a tear runs down my cheek. I go into my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, god your a mess. Looking at the sauce on my face and down my clothes. Suddenly I felt my crotch get warm, looking down as my eyes went into saucers as more tears fell, I was just standing there wetting myself. No warning, no indication that I needed to go. I strip off all the clothes and pull the diaper tabs open letting it flop to the floor and throw it in the pail that appeared in the corner. Turning on the shower I step In over the bath and pull the curtain. I let the warm water just drip over my body for a couple of minutes before I start scrubbing myself, paying particular attention to my crotch/ bum which felt a bit itchy. I went back to just standing there enjoying the water and peace & quite, that was soon ruined by the door opening and jacobs voice asking "do you need a hand Luke?". Why cant I just be left alone for like an hour "of course I don't need help I'm not an idiot I know how to shower" I snapped back. "Ok we'll meet me in your bedroom to get you dressed" and then the door closed before I could answer.. I could dress myself, why would I need help.... Oh god he's going to try and diaper me again, I'm in big space that's way to embarrassing. Although I deep down knew I needed protection, I hadn't made it to the toilet at all today..

Swallowing my pride I walk out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist to find jacob sitting in the rocking chairs. "Hey bud all ready?" He says approaching me. "Erm no, no this is to weird, I'll wear it but I can do it myself it won't be that hard, thanks for the offer though" I say. Jacob just comes over and smoothly lifts me up making me squeak in surprise "ah what are you doing, I said I'll do it myself!" I quickly shout out. "Luke sweetie you don't know how to put a diaper on, and it will be loose and end up leaking, just be good and lay back and we'll be done quickly" he says as he pushes me into a lying down position on the changing Matt. He quickly opens the towel as I reach my hands down to cover my crotch. "Ah ah lukie don't cover, your hands are in the way". I look up to the ceiling "don't call me that". I feel my butt getting lifted and a thick layer is placed  under me. I felt and smelled the baby powder being sprinkled over me before a layer got pulled up between my spread legs. Then I felt another think later being pulled up spreading my legs wider. "hey why are these so thick! Why did you put two layers on!" I say as I try to sit up. I feel a hand on my chest lying me back down. "Shhh your ok, it's just a stuffer inside your diaper since it's bedtime soon, it's just so you don't leak over night baby that's all". I cross my arms knowing that this was a loosing battle. Jacob walks away coming back from the closet with a blue clothing item, he sat me up and fed my arms into it and lay the rest under me as he lay me back down lifting my bum and pulling the rest through under me. My legs were fed into this aswell and he began to close buttons the whole way up the inside of the legs and chest. I glance down looking wide eye, it's a footed sleeper with a couple of ducks over it and a paci dangling down off the chest."nah no get this off me right now, I can't wear this! You can see the diaper bulge!  No please I can't go in front if the boys in this! I'm not leaving this room!!!"  "Don't be silly Luke, it's just your jammies. they'll keep you cosy for bedtime, come on, let's see if there something more to eat you didn't eat much dinner." He said as me picked me up and placed me in his hip as I squirmed and attempted to push him away. Why won't anyone listen to what I want! I feel my breath hitching as I'm forcefully carried out of the room.

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