Chapeter 26

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Jacobs pov:

I hear crying getting close to the door then a man carrying a screaming little, in his arms and a women beside him. I recognise the crying. "Omg that's Luke!" I say to Ben, all I can hear is his screams of "daddy help" I go to chase after them when the social worker approached me "I wouldn't advise you go after them Jacob, I though you would be at home preparing for your inspection."
"Where are they taking him?" I say starting to tear up, I can't believe Iv messed up this much, I couldn't keep his screams out of my head. "Please where are they taking my Luke?" I ask again. "Sir this is all just formality, he will stay with the Grants until I clear you as a suitable candidate to care for him. Now Mr. Brown, I suggest you make your way home and I'll be with you just shortly" and she turns walking away.

I get into the car numb and sit in silence as Ben drives us home. Walking into the house it looks immaculate. "Hey guys how's Luke?" Ryan asked running toward us from the kitchen the others quickly come out aswell. "I, I lost him" I say starting to cry. I could hear Ben explaining to them what had went down in the hospital. Earning gasps and cursing, I just walk into the living room continuing to cry holding my head in my hands. I feel arms wrap around me, it was turner, "we'll get him back Jacob" I give him a hug, as he wipes his own tears. The door bell rings. Troy whispers to us all, " ok no talking back guys! we need to get her on our side and get our Luke back."

Opening the door with bloodshot eyes, the women is standing there with another younger woman standing behind her. "Hello boys, may I come in I have my colleague here also miss Jenkins" she said and I stepped to the side. "Would either of you ladies like a cup of tea?" Ryan asked being polite. "No thank you, we appreciate the offer, but the sooner we get this inspection done the better, now! Let's see, ok, show me Luke's nursery please?" She said while looking down at her checklist.
" right this way ma'am" I said directing her towards the baby gates on the stairs as she makes a note on her clipboard.

She walked slowly around the nursery continuously making notes, the only noise heard was her pen scratching on the paper. "All seems to be in order here mr brown, now can you show me the living room and kitchen please" I walk them back towards the stairs opening the gates for them. I guided them to the living room , she again makes note about the play rug and the toys sprawled over it, "what's his favourite tv show?" The social worker asked.  "I I don't really let him watch to much tv, it's not good for his age but if I had to pick it would be paw patrol"  I noticed for a fraction of a second that she had a slight up turned lip like an attempted smile. "Ok and now the kitchen"  I guide her in and all the guys are sitting around the table. "Ok high chair, bottle sanitizer, good good. Why is there sippy cups? He's much to young for them!" She turned to me frowning after seeing them drying on the side from being washed " em em" I couldn't get my words out when turner spoke up " there mine!" He said coming forward. The women comes towards him "and why sir would you be using a sippy cup?". " I em, I'm super messy and end up spilling drinks on myself if I don't watch what I'm doing" he said confidently. I look at the women to make sure she bough the lie. She just makes another not on her pad " and your name is sir?" "Em turner" he said confused. "Yes what is your surname?" He quizzed. "Oh em Clark" "right Mr Clark, may I suggest a reclassification? No adult should be needing to use a sippy cup" she continued making turners eyes go wide. 

"Right Mr brown, everything seems to be in order here, may I suggest you get a secured medication cabinet out of reach for future." She said marking notes "omg yes ma'am we will get it today, can I get Luke back now please?" I begged. "You will receive him back tomorrow morning, I have to file the paperwork and speak with the grants and my manager to arrange him back to your care" she said looking up at me.

"But he's going to be with complete strangers for all of today and tonight!, he doesn't even have his teddy!" I said trying to reason with them. "Mr and Mrs grant are good Foster parents especially dealing with littles that try and act big, now I will have him back to you at 10am, please ensure you are in. Good day Mr brown."She said leaving with her colleague in tow.

I start panicking, I'm happy to get him back but I'm so scared for Luke, he's probably terrified with the two strangers. Ryan put his hand on my shoulder. "One night and he will be back with us" I nodded "I failed him" I whisper to myself but Ryan obviously picked up on it. "Your not a bad daddy, accidents happen, I'm sure he didn't mean it, he's got a lot of big emotions going on in his head right now" I just nod walking up to turner " thank you for your quick thinking turner" I said rubbing his back. He was stood still, looking over at the sippy cups. "I I don't want to be reclassified" he said glancing up at me. " don't worry turner you don't need to decide on anything now" I said giving him a hug as he nodded into my shoulder. Troy spoke up, "right it's been a long night for everyone, how about a late brunch? French toast then off to bed for some naps" everyone was agreeing when Ryan spoke up "ok daddy Troy" earning laughs from all of us.

Luke's pov:

I'm being strapped into a backward facing car seat as I continue to sob, "I want my daddy". I received another hard slap on my bare thigh and a paci shoved into my mouth. My eyes are glossy with tears but I can easily make out the red handprint on my leg. "There will be more of that If you don't behave" he said sternly pulling the strap tight around my body so I can barely move. I suck on the paci although it's doing little to sooth me and I continue to hitch my breath.

The car stopped but I can't really see out the window to see where I am. The door opened and the mean man forcefully unstrapped me and pulled me out of the car. I go to remove the paci from my mouth to ask where we are but my hand it's swatted away. "That paci stays in unless and adult removes it got it?" I just nod not wanting to get on his bad side.

I'm placed in a empty playpen in the middle of the living room floor still in just my diaper that was feeling really itchy. Looking around there's no toys to even play with. I want to go home, I don't want to stay here. A whole new fresh set of tears spring up. I feel little and big at the same time, little me wants to curl up and cry, big me wants to curse and fight back and demand to see my daddy again.

The women comes in and starts talking to me all mushy, "does the little baby want his baba? Ohhh you do, yes you do" I just look at her in disgust. I feel little me can't even deal with that baby talk. "I no want milk" I say behind the paci. She picks me up and slaps my legs. "Naughty baby, no big people talk or you'll get a spanking". I what ? "How am I ment to speak?" I say somewhat to myself. "Right you've been warned no adult talk! Spanks then your baba and nap!" She spun me over before I had time to protest and started slapping on the back side of my diaper which softened the blow but still hurt making me cry hard. When she flipped me over again she shoved the bottle in my mouth as I continued to cry, squeezing it to get it dribbling into my mouth. I suck on the milk, it wasn't as tasty as the milk daddy makes me. My eyes flutter closed towards the end dreaming of being at home.

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