Chapter 21

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Luke's pov:

I woke up feeling uncomfortable my crotch feels all cold, my ankle is sore, everything is dark, I can't find my paci and it's eerily silent, I know deep down nothing is there but I still feel frightened and cold "daddy, pease daddy, JACOB DAAAADDDYY!!" I scream out starting to cry loudly. It feel's forever before he comes in, in just his boxers hair dishevelled, "what's wrong Luke eh what's got you all upset" he said as he lowered the bars picking me up. I felt it difficult to speak through my sobs, "sob scared, sob wet, sob sooorrre, lost paci" "ahhh ok, let's get you changed 1st" he placed me down on the Matt and placed a new paci in my lips helping to sooth me, he cleans me down making quick work of the change making me feel cosy again. "Now is it your ankle that's sore?" He asked. I just nods back tears still in my eyes, sitting me up he grabbed the bottle popping some of the liquid painkillers onto the spoon pulling out my paci and popping it in. "Would you like a bottle baby?" I just nod eagerly. They are just so yummy!

Settling down on the rocking chair we wait for the bottle maker to ding. Rocking and cuddling into Jacob warm chest just felt so cosy, my eyes were soon flicking closed before I finished the bottle.

I wake up again and everything I bright. I instantly feel big. Pulling the paci out of my mouth and putting it beside sky. I sqirm at the cold touch in my crotch again. I just feel so disgusted by it when I feel big. I just sit there board waiting for someone to get me out. I'm defeated by the height of the bars even if my ankle was ok.

What felt like an eternity later the door creaks open and jacobs head poped in. "Good morning pumpkin you sleep good?" He asked chirpy as he opened the curtains. "Ye slept fine, sorry about waking you. I'm fully big by the way" I say before he starts being on cuties baby talk. "Don't be silly you know you can call me in at anytime! Are you wet?" He asked picking me up, "eh ye I am, can't I change before breakfast?" I asked.

Placing me on the table he removes the footed sleeper, 'god this doesn't get any less embarrassing when I'm big' I think as I glance down. I notice that my 6 pack is completely gone, just soft flat stomach is left. Sighing I look at the ceiling, " sorry I know this is probably feeling wrong when your big, I'm trying to be quick!" Jacob says as he rushes. "Don't worry I know it's not your fault, thank you for helping!" I say back truthfully with my eyes scrunched closed. now I'm so small I relised I'm going to have to rely on 'an adult' for pretty much everything, which completely sucks. I try not to dwell on it to much ok I think I would fall into a pit of depression.

Picking me back up after he dressed me in a blue T-shirt and soft navy shorts. "Sorry I know you probably don't want to be carried when your big, what would you like for breakfast?" Jacob says as he walks with me on his hip down to kitchen. "It's fine another couple of days hopefully I'll be able to walk on it again, em cereal or toast is just fine please" getting to the kitchen I notice he isn't walking to high chair, i think he sensed my confusion as he pops me into a booster seat at the table and straps me in. "I got one of the guys to pick this us yesterday. It's only for when you feel fully big if I think your anyway little you'll go in the high chair ok Luke?" Jacob explained. I feel a lump in my throat feeling so happy, I know it's still childish but it lets me sit at the table like I'm one of the lads again. I swipe a tear away, "thank you I really appreciate this!" I offer a big smile. "Your welcome! How about weatabixs with strawberries and bananas?" He asked reaching up to the cabinet. "Yes please".

Placeibg the bowl in front of me on the table. "Luke? Can I put a bib on you? I just think your hand eye coordination isn't the best and it will likely go on your clothes" I just sigh and say "sure" I know he's right. Halfway through the bowl I'm really frustrated I keep hitting the spoon off my cheeks an nose. "Ugh I hate this!" I say slamming the spoon into the bowl and pushing it away. " can I help you Luke?" He asked picking up the spoon. "But I feel big, why can't I do it!" I whine out. "Your mind is have big time but your body is still little. It's no shame in getting a little help. Come on let me help you finish up then we can decide what we want to do with our day" I just sigh opening my mouth to be spoon fed.  It did take the stress away getting help. Jacob handed me a bottle of orange juice to drink after he cleaned up my face. "Can we buy a sippy cup even for when I feel big? It's a big humiliating to suck on a bottle?" I ask before putting it in my mouth to suckle the drink.  "Yes of course we can get one today if you would like" Jacob offers I just nod.

"Right shall we pop to the shop now that breakfast is over?" Jacob asks, "I suppose Iv nothing better to be doing" I answered as he picks me up and pick up the diaper bag from beside the front door. I wiggle as he tries to strap me on the car seat "Luke hold still so I can't strap you in" Jacob asks. " I don't want to sit in car seat!" I argue back. "Luke come on, it's regulation your to small to go in a car without one, if you won't go in then we can't go to the shops" I just whine and let him strap me holding a huff on my face.

Unstrapping me  lifting me out. Jacob asks " do you want to go in the stroller or the carrier?". Can't I just stay on your hip?" I ask not likening either option. " it's not good on my hips and back to carry you around long on my hip it's bad posture, so which would you like?". I just whine not wanting to make a decision. "Right stroller it is" Jacob says pulling it out of the car opening it and strapping me in before I can't protest. "Nooo this is for babies" I whine and Jacob crouches infront of me saying, "Now Luke, you sit nicely in your stroller like a good boy. I know you feel big and we're going to get items to make you feel bigger. But if you don't behave we will go straight home." My lower lip quivers,don't cry, don't cry, don't cry  "I'll be good". Jacob kisses my forehead and walks behind me pushing us  in.

Walking into the first shop we go straight to the sippy cups, "what one would you like Luke?" "Can I have a spiderman one and an Ironman one please?" I asked. "Sure thing buddy" heading to the check out after scouting around the store getting 2 plain T-shirts with no cartoon prints for when I feel big. "How about a drink stop? Are you wet?" Jacob asked. "Oh em I'm not sure?" I ask confused, I can't tell if I'm just warm or if I peed. " let's get drink and then we can get a change" Jacob says.

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