Chapter 53

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Luke's pov:

I wake and see the stars on the ceiling swirling around being pretty. I glance over to see Jacob in bed asleep, sitting up I wiggle in the sleep sack as the confinement annoyed me, I seen his alarm clock but even though my mind felt big i couldn't make out what the time was, it just looked like hieroglyphics. Spitting out the paci. "Jacob" I said in a whisper, unsure why as my purpose was to wake him up. "Jacob?" I said in normal tone voice still not liking my higher pitched baby like voice. "Lukie you ok?" He said sitting up rubbing his eyes getting out and walking over to my crib. "What's wrong baby?" He asked after a yawn. It was then that I can't remember why I woke him. "Oh em, what time is it?" I asked quietly, "it's 3am buddy? Is that all you woke for? You big or little?" Jacob said lowering the sides. "I'm big Jacob, can this come off?" I said pulling on the sleep suit. "No baby that's to keep you warm you'll get cold without it, do you need a change? Want a bottle?" He said unsure what to do and I just shrugged.

He lifted me out and over to his bed placing me down on it and pulling out a changing supply basket, I'm guessing he made it so he doesn't need to bring me into his room. He opened the sack and the bottom and I wiggled my legs wide enjoying the freedoms. He unsnapped the sleeper and then changed my diaper I guess I was wet. Soon I'm wrapped confined again as I huff. "Come on baby let's get a bottle and back to sleep, we can't have you and daddy tired today" he said, I always feel weird about calling him daddy in big space. Soon I'm laying in his lap in his bed as he feeds me a bottle, something I didn't really want to accept when big but I was thirsty and wasn't up to argue.

I wake up to Jacob lowering my crib bars, I guess I fell asleep with my milk, "hey pumpkin! Me and Ryan have an exciting day planned for you and turner!!" He said opening my sack completely and lifting me out, "what is it?" I said skeptically after spitting out my paci.

He carried me downstairs to where turners getting fed some oatmeal as I grimaced. "I don't wan that!" I said as I'm sat in my highchair pointing at turner bowl as he eagerly eats every spoon that Ryan gives. "Just try a little bit! It's yummy!" I said encouragingly bringing over a bowl and putting his bib on. "No!" I said folding my arms looking away, I don't want dam baby food! "They're never little at the same time are they!" I heard Ryan say as I glance over at him. "No but we're going to be little and enjoying our fun day together arnt we lukie?" Jacob said tickling my food gently, he then places a spoon in my mouth pulling it out against my lip. I immediately pushed the mush out of my mouth letting it drip down my chin, "yuck!" I said turning my head away as Jacob sighs wiping my chin using the bib, "maybe we're slipping to little for food? Let's get some milk" Jacob said as he lifts me out onto his lap and placed a bottle in my mouth before I relise what's happening. With a heavy sigh I know I'm not going to win this battle and drink down the bottle until I'm burped with a little spit up.

During breakfast I seen Troy and Ben come and go and head to class. Sometimes I still think it's surreal that that could have been my life but yet here I am. Maybe I should drop into little space, I just feel depressed and moody when I'm big.

We're both carried up stairs and into our rooms, I'm strapped to the changing table and soon I'm re diapered to a thicker one making me look down. "It's just higher capacity so will last longer as I'm not sure of the changing facilities in this place" Jacob said making me really think about where we are going? I'm soon placed in a long sleeve onsie with loads of colourful wild animals on it, long cotton snap crotch shortalls that were green, white socks and then I was picked up, he grabbed zipper hoodie that was fluffy and cream with a small elephant crest to bring in the bag. Im placed to stand on the floor as I see he placed a change of clothes and diapers into the bag and I'm sat down to get soft brown velcro shoes on. "We're going out ?" I asked curiously. "It's a surprise pumpkin!" Jacob said booping my nose as he picks me up and the bag walking out. In the front hall we meet turner and Ryan, we're walked to the car and placed in car seats, my paci is placed into my lips and attached to the shoulder strap. When they close the doors a whisper over to turner " where we go?" To which he just shrugges. A couple of things are placed into the back of the car and off we set. Feeling like forever we pull up to a large sign with animal all over it and letters. "What da say?" I asked pointing out the window. My reading capabilities were pretty limited even when big which made me sad. "It says "Z- o- o, which is? The zoo!" Turner jumps up and down clapping, I smile a little aswell feeling a bit excited about being here but embarrassed cause I'm big.

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