Chapter 34

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Ryan's pov:

I heard so much shouting and screams from upstairs after I had came down after pulling the covers back off turner. Why did I do that, I didn't even think, "I'm just going to check make sure Jacobs ok up there" I said to Ben and Troy who just nod.

I walk in to find Jacob standing with luke having his arms wrapped around his legs sobbing and turner sitting with the covers back softly sobbing into his arms, Luke looked completely overwhelmed. He picked up Luke and I went pulling turner onto my lap, he's still around the same size as he was just he just seems smaller. We both just sit there rocking the two of them stroking there backs, all that could be heard was the suckling of paci and sniffles. "How about some food guys. I'm sure Troy will make us a fresh batch of French toast!" Jacob earning a nod from Luke who clung onto him as he stood, still in his footed jammies, "hey turner what do you think bud" I get a sigh and a nod as he takes his paci out, "you can keep it, no judgment from us turner ok" I said trying to sooth him but he threw it to the ground. "Not nice to throw turner!" I said softly. "I can't go out like this you can see the diaper he wriggled down waddling into the toilet, leaving the door slightly open. I looked back at Jacob who was at the door standing bouncing Luke "there's wipes on the counter in there and grab a pull up from under the bed, although I don't think he will wear it" he said before walking out as I nod. Grabbing a goodnight I push into the bathroom. He has the pj pants thrown on the floor and was trying to find the edge off the tab to open the clearly wet diaper, "here let me help" I said reaching forward and tugging 2 open. "No stop I can do it!" I had hitting my hands. "Turner it's not nice to hit, I'm only trying to help bud" I said but not raising my voice. Turner starts crying harder again "what's 'appening to me!" I pull him in for a hug, "we won't know unless we get you retested buddy". I said rubbing his back. "But (hiccup) I'm (hiccup) scawed" he said dropping to the floor his padded bum softening the landing. "Please don't be scare buddy, look at Luke, how content he is when little, he's getting more and more comfortable each day, you see how much we all love him and care for him, we will fo the exact same for you pet" I said looking him in the eye, "how about we get you out of that yucky wet diaper and into a clean pull up for the day?" I said wiping his tears with my thumbs, "but I not wet in day" he said confused. " I know champ but let's wear it just incase" I said encouragingly. Earning a nod. I pull him to his feet grabbing the wipes and pull up brings him waddling back to bed laying a towel down. He hesitantly lay down with his legs spread. I pull open the other 2 tabs and quickly wiping him down before pulling the fresh goodnight up and standing him getting them into place, I grabbing his pj bottoms and put them back on him, I pick his discarded paci picking it up giving it a rinse. And hold it out for him he shook his head no "look silly" I take both his hands, "no you don't, no judgement in this house ok!" He just nodded and sighed as he took my hand walking down the stairs.

Coming into the kitchen he still held my hand but had shuffled slightly behind me, "hey Troy any chance of anymore of your French toast! Me and turner are starved! Right turner?" I said stepping aside getting a nod as I guiding him to sit in the chair at the table. I could hear Ben speak to him. "How about a lazy day turner! I'm so tired! How about monsters universe then a monster inc. marathon?" Making turner blush and nod. I smiled at Ben, he knew they were his favourite films. Troy popped some French toast and fruit onto turners plate making turner frown when he noticed that it was all cut up. I quickly cut mine all too causing him to look over "makes for easier eating no?" I said to turner who just nodded.

Luke's pov:

Why is everyone being so nice, I didn't get this! Are they forgetting that turner called me stupid! Stupid little!. Then they treat him all nice. This isn't fair! After I gave him one of my pacis, he's not even little, I feel all the emotions boil up, "hey hey lukie what's wrong?" Daddy said lifting me out. Bouncing again. I feel to little to get words out, I just frown at turner through the sobs as I trash in daddy's arms. "Wooow lukie calm down baby your going to hurt yourself!" He said as I continue to sob. I just want be left alone.
I'm placed down on my feet and I fall to my bum lying down on the floor I keep trashing about!

"What's happening?" I heard Troy ask, "I'm not sure he just started crying and wrestling in my arms, he'll tire himself out" I heard daddy say. I soon used up most of my energy and I turned to a soft cry. "Do you want to go watch movie with turner?" Daddy asked. "Nuhhhh" and the sobs started again, why would I watch a movie with the person who made fun of me. "Ok ok baby let's go up and play with some toys and have a bottle ok baby boy" I quite down a bit at this, me and daddy time sounds nice. We play with the shape box blocks for a while before I yawn again and daddy's picks me up to rock in the chair with a story waiting for the warmer to heat my baba, "I know your probably to little to tell me baby but what was happening this morning?" "I lil, I lil" I try to explain but I couldn't get out more then that sighing. "Don't worry pumpkin her let's have your baba and a story" I contently snuggle in as I drink down the yummy milk listening to daddy's soothing story voice not staying awake to hear the ending.

Jacobs pov:

My brain is fried and it's only 11am! I though coming out of Luke's nursery after placing him down for a much needed nap, I don't know why he had such a meltdown at watching a movie. I'll ask him when he feels bigger. I get to the living room to see turner leaning into Ryan's side the paci being twiddled between his fingers as the movie starts to finish up, I notice him fidgeting making ryan look at him. I wonder does he know what that means? I was about to interject when ryan whispered something to turner making him blush but they both stand up walking out. "Back in a minute guys you can get the next movie up and ready" before turning to me and mouthing "Potty" silently, Making me smile. I think we'll be booking them in for a re test together I think giving myself a chuckle. "What you smirking at over there" Ben said smiling. " haha nothing really just that we might need to book daddy ryan in for a re test also" I said quietly laughing. Troy spoke up, "see Ben I'm not the only one who thinks that!" He said smuggle.  "Hey maybe you two need to re test too? Although who will be the little?" I said chuckling. "Definitely Ben!" Troy said quickly. "Ye I would say Ben aswell" I said smiling along. "Hey not funny guys!" He said pouting. "See he even pouts like a little" Troy said continuously teasing him.

Turner walks in with ryan following behind him. "Ready for the next movie guys? Or do we need more snacks?" Before I have a chance to answer I hear a "daddy" over the monitor. That was a quick nap, I think we'll be needing another later on. "I'll be back!" I said heading for the nursery.

"Hi pumpkin your up early" i said walking up to him. "I'm messy" he said looking down. "Say no more let's get you a clean I said lifting him out and placing him on the Mat, on him bum making him squirm. I start cleaning him off as I chat to him. "Are you feeling bigger?" I asked softly. "A little bit" he said fiddling with his fingers. "Can we talk about what got you so upset earlier?" I asked.. definitely wrong think to ask he started to cry again. I kept sushing him as I finished putting a fresh diaper around his waist snapping him closed.  "Heyyy why all the tears daddy can't help If I don't know" I said. "I stupid littllllleee" he said crying. And my brain rushed back to this morning in turners room where turner said he didn't want to be a stupid little. "Oh petal he wasn't calling you a stupid little, he just has big emotions about becoming a little like you did remember?" I tried to explain. "But but your my da daddy!" He said sobbing out. "Baby boy I'll always be your daddy, always, but we're here for our friends, we all supported you and still do, but turner needs a little support too ok. You'll always be my baby boy though ok" I said kissing his head. I think we're all a bit tired today huh ?. Earning me a nod and snuggle. "I sowwy dada" he said quietly, " nothing to be sorry for baby. Come on let's go sit with the others, daddy will make you a baba"

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