Chapter 4

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Jacobs pov:

It was taking Luke an awful long time I was getting worried. Ben came out about 30 mins ago delighted with his standard dom results. I said for the others to go on ahead to the dinner that we will be there shortly. I start walking towards the building when a women approached me "Excuse me sir are you Jacob?" She asked. "Eh ye I am why what's wrong? I'm looking for my friend Luke, is he ok?"
"Please follow me sir". Now I was starting to panic. As I was lead down a corridor I could hear screams, it was coming from the other side of the door we were standing at. Walking in I find Luke trying to smash a chair at the wall while crying and a larger man trying to stop him.

"What's happening in here!" I yell out successively catching both of there attention. Luke ran towards me "Jacob their lying, the test results are wrong I need to retest please, I can't do it please, I can't be a little!" Luke said as he fell to the floor sobbing, shattering my heart.
I draw my attention to the two other people standing in the room as I spoke up "surely your wrong? Luke was ment to be a dom! His 6ft for crying out loud!" I say slightly raising my voice.
The man in front of me spoke up, "Luke scored the most compatible with little then all the other people today did with their classifications. He's 99.7% little he will start shrinking over the next week" the man said while handing over the form. Omg it's true, I look down at the boy at my feet, I really feel for him. The man spoke up again, your a daddy dom yes? If not he will need to go into foster care, we have his starter pack of diaper bag here" the man said holding out a large black rucksack. "Yes I'm a daddy, foster care won't be necessary." I quickly spoke up. "Very well then I wish you both the best of luck. A social worker will call in about 2 weeks time to ensure you have the proper living environment for a little with a nursery set up given his age range. You'll get an allowance every 2 weeks for furnishings, clothes and necessities. Any questions?" This is all so overwhelming, I can't imagine how Luke is feeling right now. "Yes we're all set, come on Luke" I flung the bag on my back, lifting the boy under his arms until he was in the standing position. "Let's go home bud" Luke just nodded he face red with tears still streaming.  Getting into the car I flung the bag in the back. I quickly shot a text to the others. 'Luke's not feeling to well we're going to head home. No party tonight I'm afraid'. And put my phone down.

Pulling up to the house, Luke was out of the car barely after we had stopped. Waiting at the door until I let him in, he bolted to the stairs before I could catch his arm. "Luke we need to talk about this!" I shout up after him as he slams the room door shouting "fuck off". I gave a heavy sight pinching the bridge off my nose, thinking this is not going to be easy.

About an hour later the others piled into the house, they filed into the living room to where I was sitting all simultaneously asking what's up/ what's wrong with Luke. "Turner shut the door please" I started. "Ok this is extremely difficult for Luke. I don't want anyone to make fun of him or make any jokes." They all look at me like I have two heads "Luke's classification has come back as little 99.7% match." All was heard was gasps! Turner spoke up "how can he be a little he's taller then me?" I answered "apparently it's rare but tall people can be littles, they expect him to shrink over the next week. they were going to put him into foster care but I have taken responsibility for him. I just want to check if you are all ok with us staying in the house if not I will look for something else" I asked truthfully, it's a big ask to have such a little to be in a house especially one that parties. "Oh dude don't be silly we love you both your staying here, Luke's going to need a big support network around him!" Ryan spoke up. Thank you guys, I'm going to go and check on him he's been in his room since we got home"

Walking up to the room I find Luke asleep on his bed with a tear stained face. I look down and notice he's wet himself, I shook him lightly knowing the battle I was just about to face.

I can't be a Little? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now