Chapter 38

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Ryan's pov:

Pulling up outside the house I open turners door. Ben had already unclipped his belt at the other side. "Come on, let's see what Luke's getting up to" I said taking his hand walking up to the front door. He quickly pulled his hand free from my grip. I guided him into the house and toward the living room where you can her Luke giggling. "Hey you guys were home! How are you lukie?" I asked as I guided turner into the room in front of me with a hand on his back. Luke just smiled a gurgling as he continued to play with his toy infront of him.

"So do you both have your test results?" Jacob asked as he stood up from being beside Luke. "We sure do, turner do you want to tell Jacob what you got?" I asked even tho it was fairly obvious with sully gripped tightly in his arms. "It doesn't matter. I want to go my room" turner said turning and walking away flinging sully on a nearby couch.

Sighing hard I said to Jacob "you can probably tell he got a little, just slightly older then Luke" I said look down at Luke play. "We knew it was going to be hard news for him, he'll hopefully come around, what did you get" he said smiling. "Em caregiver" I said smiling and blushing. "Excellent news!, you hear that lukie! Ryan is a daddy aswell!" Jacob said to Luke stroking his hair. " nooo jayup dada!" Lukie said with puppy dog eyes. "Yes baby I'm still your daddy, always ok sweetie? But Ryan is also a daddy now, he'll be turners daddy" Jacob continues crouching down infront of him. "Tuwnew need dada?" Luke asked confused. "Yes baby turner is little also, he needs a daddy now also, Ryan will be turner daddy" Jacob explained. Luke holds his arms out to Jacob to be held "you only my dada!" Luke said starting to cry. Poor Luke he thinks that Jacob needs to be turner daddy also, he doesn't want to share. "Shhh bubba yes pumpkin lukie is my top baby boy, how about a bottle and a snuggle? I think someone is a little tired hmm?" Jacob said rocking Luke who just whined out.

"I'm going to get him off for a nap, maybe you should check on T?" Jacob suggested,and I just nodded following them into the hallway. Turner is sitting on the floor at the bottom of the stairs as the baby gate is shut, he looks so sad there sniffing wiping his eyes. I can hear murmurs from Troy and Ben in the kitchen. "Hey T, you should have come grab me I would have brought you to your room" I said putting my arms under his lifting him to stand. " embarrassing" he whispered looking down. I look at Jacob who opens the gate giving me a nod to follow. "Come on turner let's go upstairs buddy" I said guiding him with hand on his back.

Jacob carry's Luke into his nursery, after quitly whispering to come in and make a bottle if I wanted. I just nod I think turner would reject a bottle definitely right now. I follow turner into his room. "Can I check your diaper T? See if you need change" I said walking up to wear he was perched on the side of the bed. "I'm not a baby" he said looking away. "I know bud but I need to check to make sure your not wet, I don't want you getting a rash." He just nodded back. " I wet, but I need another pee" he said quietly avoiding eye contact. "That's ok, would you like to do your pee in your diaper and then I change you or do you want to try do it in the toilet?" I said crouched infront of him. I don't want to force anything on him. He slowly looks up at me, "can I try toilet?" He asked. "Of course you can!let's try" I said standing taking his hand bringing him into the bathroom. He stars to try get his pants down struggling so I step in to help. "Hurry pease it coming" he said starting to panic. I quickly got them pulled Down just about to open his diaper when he shouts out "nooooo" looking at his diaper. I noticed the front swell a bit. Waiting for him to finish he starts crying softly, I'm sorry T, do you need to try potty anymore?" He just shook his head. I picked him up carrying him back into his room just holding him in a cuddle stroking his back. "I'm sorry you didn't make it buddy, we can try make it the next time, Can I change you turner?" He just nodded into the crook of my neck.

I go to stand up before I hear "Nother minute pease" in a small voice. "Oh course bubba" I said softly as I settle back down snuggling him in tight. His head resting in the crook of my neck as i continues to stroke up and down his back with my finger tips. I hear his breathing settle down I glance down at him to see him fast asleep. I slowly get up turning around as I place him softly on the bed. I see a figure out of the corner of my eye catching my attention, it's Jacob "can I get you anything?" He whispers mouths. "Some pjs please" I do the same back earning me a thumbs up.

I gently peel off his clothes revealing an absolutely sodding diaper, I make a mental note to make sure I check him more frequently as I open the diaper showing the start of a diaper rash. Jacob returns with the pjs placing them on the bed "let me get some cream for that" he said leaving before I could say anything. "1st day as a daddy and you already let him get a rash" I scolded myself as I wiped down his diaper area placing a fresh one under him by the time Jacob returns. I lathered the cream on and seal him tightly into the night diaper. I pull on the pj bottom which where long and tight navy background with colourful aliens over it. I struggle getting the top on but even get the long sleeve top down to sit flush against the bottom letting the top of the diaper peak out, something he would likely protest about when awake.

I turn him and place him in the bed placing a paci between his lips that was eagerly accepted. I stroke his soft hair back smiling down at him. "Come on let's let them both nap" Jacob said getting my attention back, following him out the door.

Jacobs pov:

He's such a daddy, I wonder why we never though that before. Sitting down at the table in the kitchen watching Troy an Ben bickering. "What are you both going on about now?" Ryan said leaning his head on his hand smiling. "Troy's just being a jerk as usual!" Ben said harshly pouty. "Now now kids play nicely!" I said chuckling. It feels weird being with the other 'adults' without the two littles, I think, how things have drastically changed in like 2 weeks. My attention is drawn back to Ben saying "I'm not dressing as a baby!!".

"Wooooow I zoned out, Ben why you dressing like a baby, don't tell me your little aswell? I mean not that I'd hate that but 3 littles In the 1 house is a handful" I said somewhat seriously when all the boys erupted into a fit of laughter. "What" I stare at them all confused. "See what you've started!" Ben said shoving Troy laughing. I'm so confused right now I think to myself. Ryan leans over and says " Troy said Ben should dress up as a little for Halloween"  ahhh I get it now, but I don't find it very funny. "What's wrong?" Ryan asked earning the other's attention. " I eh I just don't find it funny, I mean Luke and turner might think your mocking them dressing up as a little when they have no choice in what they wear" I said "sorry to bring a downer on" I continued. "Omg your so right I'm so sorry, I'm glad I didn't say it in front of them that be terrible!" Troy apologies. "That ok I'm just glad they didn't hear" I said softly smiling.

The brief silence was quickly filled with new topics of conversation and about they boys shopping trip, turners nursery furniture should come tomorrow. I groan at the though of the meltdown tomorrow about it. My thoughts and the conversation is quickly stopped when a large bank followed by screaming crying is heard upstairs. All 4 of us race upstairs panting trying to get the baby gates. I glance into the nursery to see Luke asleep closing the door to try and subdue the screams. I look into turners room to see him curled into Ryan's lap on the floor continuing to bawl cry as Ryan looked like a deer in headlights at me. I totally forgot he's completely new to the daddy thing where as I knew I was going to be one all along. "Oh no what happened to poor turner!" I said animatedly kneeling down at him. "A fell offff he bed" turner managed to get out between the sobs. Poor thing the pain must have shocked him little. "Oh no! Well we'll just need to mend all them hurt bones with some yummy milk to get them super strong again hmm?" I said excitedly to him as he slows down to a hiccup placing his fingers in his mouth. "Ah ah yucky fingers" I said and Ryan acts pulling them out and quickly filled him up with his paci again, "how about daddy carry's you downstairs and I'll make you a yummy milkies?" Turner looked confused between me and Ryan. "Daddy?" He said continually checking between us both. "Yes baby your daddy!" I said pointing to Ryan who awkwardly smiled. Turner turned to face Ryan looking up at him "papa?" Making Ryan's smile softened, "you can call me papa if you'd prefer my little turtle!" Ryan kissing his forehead standing up. We all file to go down stairs.

I peak one more time into Luke to find him sitting up rubbing his eyes. "Hey baby boy you want to get up?" I said smiling walking over to him. "Yes pease! noises!" He said holding his arms out to me. "I'm sorry baby, turner fell out of bed, but his ok, he's going to have some warm milkies would you like some also baby?" Earning me a nod as he curls into my chest as I carry him down

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